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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Thank god you're not a father...because you've got more 'things' than me...
  2. ...... *pant*...*pant*... a n d h e j u s t c a m e b a c k ...*pant*...*pant*... ...... a h o i ...... a l o h a ...... h o l a ...... k o n i c h i w a ...... (this poor guy is almost out of breadth) ...*pant* ... *pant ... ...... need to recharge my soul ...... ...... where's my lady in red ... aaah ...there she is ... still showing off her gorgeous leg ... ...... where's my lady in white ... aah ... there she is ... still taking more selfies ... ...... my other ladies ... aah ... they're here too ... a brunette...redhaired...blackhaired? ... my eyes are still blurry ... ...... my mates ... aah ... they're here as well ... ahoi mates ... are all your eyes rolling? ... ... mine are ...
  3. And so my personal assistant says! I'll make a deal with you darling... An Apple watch for you, if I win it...for a Washington red apple for me to eat...deal?
  4. Yeah...I won't forget that mate. How can I forget anyway...I have my personal assistant reminding me all the time! I'll load up those screenshots in one batch soon enough.
  5. Wow! Our Space Wars Queen? Well done Rainie darling. I don't like the game at all...never paid me good...but glad you love it.
  6. Playtech Sensei? Hmmm...that won't be necessary mate...as you can see, I have added MrCashback on my own... hope you don't mind...because I am much better at Mr Cashback than I am at DOA...winning wise! But thank youuuuu all the same mate!
  7. Well, my basement is fully occupied with earth...hahaha...no basement mate... but I do have boxes of old things on the floor which I managed to salvage before more damage was done to them... still have some on the floor but on a higher level, so they are quite safe within 3 inches of water... any deeper than that and I have to move them as well. Don't want to move them now...have too many things to move back later on!
  8. Aaah...thank you for your concern mate! Well...the days and nights can be very unpredictable in this monsoon season... when it rains, it rains cats, dogs and elephants...I don't mind the cats and dogs...they only make a lot of noise... but the elephants...they are so huge they can flood any home! Hahahaha. just like the other day when I woke up to find my floor covered in flood water...that was shocking! OMG! No, no damage done though, thank god. It's not like my house was under 3 meters of water...only 3 inches. Just need lots of cleaning up...and keeping alert whenever those cats dogs and elephants come again.
  9. WOW! I must find this ATM Casino too...preferably one that hasn't got a withdrawal limit per day!
  10. Whoopie-doooo! That's a lightning fast withdrawal...within just a few seconds... Which casino is that Awena darling?...never heard of ATM Casino...
  11. You won something Awena darling? Ahhh...good...good...very good! As long as it is money!
  12. Thank you...thank you Raptor!
  13. No, no tv for me...dreamland is calling me...so good night my dear!
  14. All this while I was wondering how the heck you can come up with a nickname like ACrowLeftOfTheMurder... Sounded like it came from the poem The Raven...or something like that. DJ Spin...let the disc spin...and let the music din! Aheeeeem...so now we need to see more of your music din...in the form of screenshots...hahahaha.
  15. As for me, nothing is on fire anywhere...just red...as Helena said...hehehe. Today, from a $40 deposit + $60 bonus money from Fly Casino, played for 14 hours...and won $800...yappa-dappa-dooo! Screenshots already posted for you to see...enjoy!
  16. Helena darling...your butts are on fire...slap them quick! Blondie darling...your hair just got burnt...they are not blonde anymore! Well done ladies! Waaaaaay to go!
  17. These 2 days I've been real beeeesy...running up and down...up and down... I had to run to 3 different places in a day...but that was not a problem...that was the easy peasy part... The hard part...was making money from those 3 places...hahaha Yesterday, I deposited $40 at Fly Casino and got a $60 bonus. With this 'small' $100 bankroll, I played my favorite Playtech games... starting from Monday evening (my time)...right up to now 6:00am Tuesday morning... a blardy marathon of about 14 hours...all on a 'small' bankroll of $100! The screenshots below are rather mixed up, but those from Plazawin and Omni are from the day before, and those from Fly are from both the 2 days I played. Who says Playtech games don't ever pay well???
  18. Hey hey hey...great wins there Lilian! Never liked those MG games...but congrats to you all the same!
  19. Well...if I'm the one who said that...I certainly would be hinting on something! Muahahaha. Like LIVE ON LOVE...and SUFFER FROM HUNGER...
  20. YAAAAAAY!!! You certainly got those 'dirty rats' yet again after a short freezer treatment eh darling?! And keep bursting Bars too...like nobody else I know! FANTASTIC WINS darling! Congrats and kisses! (Errrr....congrats to you...kisses to your Lady Luck! )
  21. Woooooooboy!!! 918.96 euros at just 0.18 euro bet! For me...that would have been a $9189.60 win at $1.80 bet...hahahaha. Congrats and well done Zerooo! FANTASTIC WIN!!!
  22. If I don't act crazy...I might go crazy If I act not-okay...then I'll be okay!
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