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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Ooooh maaan...while you were busy hibernatin'...our darlin' packed her things and get goin'!!! But...she's still around here of course...and more fruitier than ever...woohooo! If you want all her fruits...go get her at Fruity Casa Casino!
  2. Huh?! It's my turn again is it? Okaaay...you asked for it...hahaha... My mind is still in a daze...my body is still shaking...the music is making me go crazy... Would you rather listen to SHAKE IT OFF...or...CAKE BY THE OCEAN? No need to say...you can guess my answer...rightly or wrongly!
  3. Move over TS darling...DNCE is in my mind for now... and making me move like you did before!
  4. Aaaah...so sorry Guru mate! Yet another innocent sign of 'materialistic decay' this world is facing everyday! You gave me a foot...now I want a THIGH... After a thigh...I want...errr...errr...go figure! Hehehehe. Aaaah...I can smell something nice cooking in your kitchen (not mine )... Could it be Bird's Soup? Or Chicken Curry? Or maybe Roast Turkey???!!!
  5. For me...it'll always be the Power of Fire! Its totally destructive if need be! Power of Ice is only temporary and non-destructive. No power no cool maaan! Be a dragon? Why the heck do I want to be a dragon? Can fly, can breathe fire, can scare girls...hahaha...but nothing beats HAVING A DRAGON!
  6. To name the Top 8 slot games with the best Bonus Features is no ordinary easy task. Each of us have differing tastes and game preferences I have my preferences too, no doubt, and I'm in disagreement with a few of the selected choices, no doubt too...hahaha...but what the heck...you like what you like, I'll do the same! Those who know me well enough doesn't need to ask the whys of my disagreement...I have talked about this many many times already in my posts...all with reasons of course...so I won't need to go repeating myself all over again, right? If it's my list, Dolphin Reef and Safari Heat would DEFINITELY be in the Top 5! Most players don't or cannot play Playtech games, for one reason or another, but take it from me, these 2 games can beat Gonzo anytime!!!
  7. Well...lets see now...Our Igor will be millions richer very soon... Askgamblers staff may get a pay rise soon too...I hope...if not...you all had better demand for it! So...what about us active members here...without us, what and where would Askgamblers be right? So...how about giving us a nice wager-free bonus or free spins in a casino somewhere... and all of us 'active members' can have a jolly good celebration as well! Woohooo! Hmmm...I would say...a conversion rate of 10 posts = $1 Bonus would be excellent, right guys and gals?!!! Whaaaat? Too much??? Oh geeees...make us an offer then!
  8. Goooood evening Emina darlingator! It's really good to see you active again and still keeping strong...like I know you can...and will! Like I've said before darling...when it comes to deep depression and starting all over again coming back from hhell... probably no one else knows better than Afi himself! I'm now in my don't-know-how-many-times-already situation where I have to start all over again from scratch, from zero. Yet another painful road ahead...but what the heck...I've still got A HECK OF A FIGHT LEFT IN ME!!! (Sorry Rachel, I think I've still got more fight left in me than you...hahaha) So, whatever lies ahead of you darling...whatever is blocking your way...kick them all away and move on ahead!
  9. Other members...please feel free to give your answers to Sharon's question...don't be shy shy now! For me...sorry...I cannot wait...so I'll go first...others, please RUMBA behind me like a choo-choo-train! "I believe I can fly...I believe I can touch the sky"... sorry mate...but no can do! But I just wanna fly like you too! Wish WonderWoman would swoop down, grab me by my...errr...body...and take me flying with her!
  10. Good question there Gabriel. Aaaah...mind reading...all the secrets that I can know from anyone's mind...the good, the bad and the ugly... Aaaargh...but the ugly ones...that would affect my sensibility deeply...might even be horribly terrifying! Invisibility...oooh boooy...the things I could do if I'm invisible! Always wanted to be like The Invisible Man...but in my honest naughty ways of course...nothing criminal... well...almost, I guess...if I can keep my hands to myself...and my other things too!!!
  11. Aaaargh! You get to rest in peace faster too! Time goes slowly for me pleeeeese! Hehehe. OMG! That's a blardy long 'would you rather' choice, mate...you just made time go slow! Somebody else better answer your choice...hehehe.
  12. Ah-hah! The Iceman who disappeared without any explanation Is suddenly back after a pretty long hibernation And straight away poses a strange and unique equation But I must agree...there is no need to ask any question! Welcome back Icy mate!
  13. OMG! OMG! Now Now I'm I'm seeing seeing twins twins of of everything everything...ooh ooh boy boy! Are Are you you seeing seeing twins twins too too??!! Well done and congrats Blondie darling!
  14. Let me translate that... VA VA VOOM!
  15. For me, I would love to explore the deepest oceans first, then explore the other planets... and maybe make lots of new alien friends! Back to the Future...or Back to the Future Past? I'll leave that for Michael Fox to answer! For me...it must be the PAST! I want to start all over again...and do all the crazy things I had missed!!! Would you rather make time go SLOW...or go FAST?
  16. Hmmmm...I can imagine the two of you together playing at Pornhub Casino... with PUH-lenty of surprises and deviations along the way, I would say!
  17. Okaaaay...a good night sleep...with bits of hot dreams...did the trick...I'm okay now! So, would you rather explore the deepest oceans, or explore the planets?
  18. And this is where a downloaded version of any Playtech, MG, Rival, RTG or TopGame casino beats everything else online! Even with a slow ISP, loading up the casino may take 1 or 2 minutes, but the games come on almost instantly when clicked on! But loading up the cashier may take a while though...sigh. Just like you too Sharon darling, most of my online time have been wasted on waiting, reloading, waiting, reloading...for hours and hours like there's no ending! On those days when the ISP are crawling, they can be murderous!
  19. Oh?! You prefer sky diving Helena Katerina darling? Me too! Geeees...this darling sure like to give odd odd choices! Well, if Selena Gomez is 85 years old now, I'd kiss her anytime! Kiss Beiber? Eeeeeeeeew! Ggay or not! Dang! I think somebody else better put up the question... My mind is still stuck with the thought of kissing Justin Beiber!!!
  20. WHAAAAT?! You mean you're not seeing that beeee-you-tiful half-dressed girl on your screen? Damn! I must withdraw my complaint then!
  21. WHAAAAAT?! OMG...you're getting THAT...and I'm NOT?! Oh geees...I must submit an official complaint to Askgamblers...for prejudicial adverts!!!
  22. WOW! Isn't that a beeeeee-you-tiful sight! Beats that girl in the red and black on the right there! Hahaha.
  23. OMG! Guns N Roses have not been good to you Princess? I'll send one of my 'boys' to give those boys a pep talk. They must give due respect to a Princess...any Princess...and give her good wins! Maybe someone else can also send one of their 'boys' too...pep talk them...that Afi needs a good win too!
  24. Yep...I do believe so too... but some things change...some things just cannot change...like Arsenal, hahaha. Used to be my home team back in those days...but I guess they are more like 'Status Quo' the Band, now, hehehe.
  25. Hmmm...Gonzo's Quest eh? Not bad. I guess your partner's favourite game would be QueenofGames???!!!
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