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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. I wasn't a Street Fighter maniac back then...I was a Need For Speed psycho...even beating younger kids at it...and winning the final race a few times too, hehehe. Even now, I can be a speed monster on the road, hahaha.
  2. You can always get assistance from the casino's live chat host - they can verify your phone number easily, although on rare occasions, they may not get a call through to you, due to some unseen restrictions somewhere, in which case (as has happened to me some years back) they simply mark your number as verified.
  3. Hainan Ice https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/hainan-ice-playtech-game-review/#review-5ebcc1c57651967df9170514 Kanpai Banzai https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/kanpai-banzai-playtech-game-review/#review-5ebcd2dab54ba32e167c1aaf Lucky Emeralds https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/lucky-emeralds-playtech-game-review/#review-5ebff5d9efc3a647476ddf9c Sheriff Of Nottingham https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/sheriff-of-nottingham-isoftbet-game-review/#review-5ebe2d504e2a0a20277f9dda
  4. Casino Classic : 100% for 1st Deposit https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/casino-classic-usd500-free-signup-bonus/#review-5ebbb3c2777a7f2fa85fd639
  5. Casino Classic https://www.askgamblers.com/casino/casino-classic-review-r25#review-5ebbac26dda2e062672bcb90
  6. Honestly speaking, I too had received a number of cashback promotions from various different casinos...mostly on the eleventh hour, or had passed its validity period. So I would purely blame this on the marketing team of each casino...for late sending of their promotional emails, for one reason or another.
  7. Well mate, there are good Direx apples and there are bad Direx apples as we all know it. Joo is one of the good ones in my basket, or was one of the good ones, but not since last year. My last deposit there was more than a year ago, but I did make several decent withdrawals before. Whilst quite a number of these Direx NV casinos have gotten a thrashing from my Thor's Hammer, there's still about 10 or more of them remaining in my playing list, good enough to stay on and get occasional deposits from me, and these few remaining one are in fact my top favourite casinos. Just goes to prove the truth in 'one man's meat is another man's poison'.
  8. Hi there TheAverageGuy, long time no hear And your rant simply made me go "oh dear..." Cashback deals are always tricky...valid for cash deposits only, no bonuses allowed, valid for 1 day deposits only...but a few casinos would even state that cashbacks are to be claimed within the same 24 hours, like it or not. I've done that and been there, like you have, but nowadays, I just don't give a damn about any cashback offers.
  9. Eagerness to start playing must never override the task of checking things out first. But we all learn new things sooner or later...or simply forgot the ones that we have learnt.
  10. Well, looks like I'll have to miss out on this one...I can't play at Betsson.
  11. Well Guru-san...habits die hard as they say...and people in my country are also back to flocking the supermarkets and whatnots, but the traffic may not be as bad as on normal days I think (I still haven't driven out to any main roads or highways as yet, no reason to anyway, so I wouldn't really know the traffic conditions). Controlled lockdown is now extended to June 6th (or 9th), to cover the forthcoming festivities. Ah well, that's not too bad really.
  12. Just goes to show how people with money can gamble away $10,000 or more in a day without any hesitation at all! Yes agree, a perfect recipe for disaster...and addiction.
  13. It is bad enough that hatred and racism is prevalent outside in the real world, no matter which part of the world you are in, but this internet realm is one place I hope to find a nice sanctuary somewhere, but that isn't happening either. For as long as Askgamblers is a peaceful sanctuary, I'd be pleased to stay on.
  14. I'm a newbie and I'm not very experienced with online casinos, nor am I that experienced with slot games/table games/sports betting or whatnots. Whenever I get a nice promotional offer in my mailbox from a casino offering a huge deposit bonus plus free spins, my eyes would widened up, with jaws widely opened, and I would suddenly get a huge adrenaline rush to grab that offer before it expires! And before I knew it, I was already a new member at that casino, made a deposit, claimed that huge deposit bonus, and I simply couldn't wait to start playing. Little did I realise, or see, that I have just stepped into a QUICKSAND!!! Does that sound familiar? To most players out there, yes. To me, no, because I'm actually a blardy veteran when it comes to slotting...and still slotting! What's the morale of the story? To each his/her own! The point is, always watch where you are going, see where you are putting your feet onto, and be aware of what you are stepping on. Never think "oh, it is just some sand, or a mere puddle of water...it could be a quicksand, or a water-logged sinkhole! But of course, if you're walking with your eyes open, you'd avoid the sand or the puddle patch...but nowadays, almost everyone walks with their eyes on their smartphones!!!
  15. Can any casino ever be perfect? The answer is NO! For a multitude of reasons and variables. Can any casino ever be perfect for anybody and for everyone? The answer is yet again NO! For the same multitude of reasons and variables. Take your experience at King Billy Casino as an example. Whilst you are facing many kinds of issues, both games and platform wise, there are also many others who do not get those, and they are enjoying their time and play there instead. Strange and perplexing as it may be, but that's how things are in general. As the saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison, and is absolutely true! No matter how each casino has been painstakingly designed and laid out, it simply cannot satisfy everyone needs, desires and demands, because we humans are very individualistic, egoistic, and whatever '-istic' else there is! So, to find the best suited casino, each much do their own searching through firsthand experience, but even after finding one, there still would be one or two unforeseen things that could eventually make a player it the casino a one-finger salute! Yes, I have been there indeed! Hahaha.
  16. I guess you are one more player who is stuck on high variance games. Just be careful though mate.
  17. Quit playing Bonanza? Yes, me and a few others too. Quit Bonanza's addiction? Nothing is impossible...just learn to hate the game like I did...never got addicted, never will either, hehehe.
  18. This is the kind of EVIL-lose-tion that makes you and many others keep coming back, right?
  19. Oh...I thought you were talking about your wins on bore-nanza...hahaha.
  20. No problem there for me at all mate...right from day one I played the game, it was a BOREnanza!
  21. One of these days it'll go back into your blacklist...count on it!
  22. I thought you love Moon Princess and that it was pretty good to you at times? Not anymore huh?
  23. Which casino and which game provider...simply because each one of them tend to behave and perform differently! Certain brands are known to take their time in resolving issues.
  24. Even adults cannot keep their distances when outdoor, much less to expect children to do that? Absurd perception and understanding of children, if I may say so! In my country, on Monday (yesterday), businesses were allowed to open again, but at wet markets, reporters were already reporting how the crowd were rushing to buy goods and not keeping their distancing at all - they have totally forgotten the importance of social distancing, and grabbing food before it runs out became top priority instead! I won't be surprised if Covid-19 strikes yet again!!!
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