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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hi Erik and welcome to the AskGamblers forum! I'm following most of your complaints here at AskGamblers, so I know pretty well what you are actually talking about. That said, a quick glimpse at your accounts summary would probably reveal the real reason why these accounts were closed after all. To be honest, I expect that this glimpse would show you are ahead in both casino groups, right?! Winning regularly at any RTG powered casino is a 'concern', a 'concern' which would probably cost you at least bonus ban at the beginning and then if you still keep winning, well, you know... One of these brilliant statements like "You don't fit the player profile we're looking for."! The decision is simple, next time try to win less!
  2. Heey Marcin! Whenever I see your name in this thread, I know it's Friday again!
  3. Hello there and welcome to the AskGamblers forum! Your topic was moved to a proper place, I hope you don't mind. Regarding your request, I think we have many online gamblers here, residing or playing from within the UK. So, maybe some of them would be ready to become 'stars'! External links are forbidden, unless they have been approved by the forum admins. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  4. Wish you to hit the jackpot with all my heart! And don't forget about us when you become the next casino millionaire, right?!
  5. Scyan, where have you been girl?! We missed you so much...
  6. Cool screenshots, indeed! It seems that a player might actually feel the notorious ''WallStreet fever' even without going there. Welcome to the AskGamblers forum by the way.
  7. Get it now...
  8. Ok, just give me the name of the slots, you want me to put in that poll...
  9. Actually RTG slots are just as good as most of the other platform's slots if you ask me. Some of them are really awesome, with huge potential for a monster win, even at low rolling. Most of the biggest wins I have ever seen were hit on RTG slots, so don't underestimate them. Talking about the online operators, offering these slots is a totally different matter!
  10. What's that Lord?
  11. Hey, hey! I have a suggestion! Do you want me to make some new threads at "Best and worst " forum section with polls on the top ike "Best slot of 2013' for example?! Just give me suggestions and I will do it asap.
  12. Come on, stop wasting time with these free spins... make a serious depo, let's say 1K or even 2K, yeah, 2K is better... definitely! Then contact Marcin and negotiate a tasty match bonus and that's all!Simple as that!
  13. Actually there are some restrictions, although insignificant if you ask me. All new members are restricted to make max 10 posts per 24 hours for the first 10 days after the registration. Links and all other stuff is forbidden anyways...
  14. Hmm, I'm really quite surprised by the way online gamblers are used to underestimate the seriousness of such matters! And to provoke some real discussion (again ) would just point out a few questions and observations, which I find as an extremely important. And so... Let's take as an example a midium-scale online casino with 100 000 - 150 000 players and let's say at least 2/3 of them went through the verification process at certain point. Now try to imagine what is the feeling to posses the personal information (including but not limited to scans of identification cards, driver licenses, credit cards, debit cards, utility bills, personal photos, authorization forms, and so on, and so on) about 100 000 people and how would you manage to deal with it?! a) How do you store such an ocean of information, including e-mails, pictures and letters? What kind of a database would be able to handle all that staff? What if the casino keeps a printed copy of all that sensitive personal information? Can you imagine what would be the size of a room, capable to gather 100 000 sets of personal documents? c) What are the security measures to keep all that precious info safe? How are the databases and servers secured? Is there a physical security? Is there a proper Internet security? d) What is going on with the information when the casino is changing owners? e) What is going on with the information when the casino is closed? Who would guarantee that our database won't be sold to the first spammer in the row? Or to another casino with suspicious reputation? Or even to some criminal organization, dealing with credit/debit cards frauds? f) Who is dealing with our personal details after all? Are these men and women reliable and trustworthy? Are they certified in some way? What is their personal responsibility if something goes wrong and the information, or a part of it, is lost or stolen? Now, although your head is about to explode from so many questions, just imagine if the casino is not a middle-scale one but some of the monsters on the market, someone from those with millions of customers... Hope you now understand HOW CRUCIAL are all these questions above for our OWN security and and HOW LITTLE we know about them! Actually the word 'litlle' is not right at all, because I believe we know almost nothing...
  15. None of these two slots has even the slightest chance to become the best slot of the year IMO. But I have an idea what could be the next total slot hit. Just imagine if Microgaming decides to make a brabd new 243 slot, dedicated to ...the young prince of England?!
  16. ...Blood...
  17. Faaaaaaaaaantastic job Sharon! Kudos!!! Aaaand since I'm leading at this point, shall let the other players shoot first!
  18. Sorry, but this is just a temporary obstacle and you will forget about it soon.
  19. Hope you are in aware of all new members restrictions regarding posting in the forum.
  20. You naughty boy! Maybe you were reading 'the history of online gambling', weren't you?
  21. But where's the sceenshot, Lord?
  22. Hmm, Henkie could you send me this message to my e-mail ([email protected]) please?
  23. Ladies attack! Beware gentlemen, these two ladies could be extremely convincing! Sometimes they even don't play by the rules - just take a look and see how they are using their irresistible charm to manipulate us!
  24. Ahmm, I'm not quite sure what you are actually trying to say? We don't have any restrictions regarding the number of posts for a certain period of time?! Please, take a look at our forum rules. Let me know if you need further assistance.
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