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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Yeah, seems like we, gamblers, are walking in rather mysterious ways.
  2. I know it's not a big consolation, but we've tried such contests with some other brands so far and it doesn't seem to work as successful as expected. And that's pretty weird if you ask me, cause just a glimpse at this thread here is suffice enough to find out that our members are not only hitting big but they are doing it all the time. Maybe we should just think of another concept for such contests in the future...
  3. Though so... However, there are lots of people without any sense of humor who could easily take your words for granted.
  4. 2000 euro bet on a football match?! That's totally insane in my humble opinion. Wish you luck though.
  5. What do you mean by this one "You could have easily shared the entire $300 prize pool with Luciana"?!
  6. Hello and welcome to the AskGamblers forum. So far I found out that you are katemak's friend, that you know a lot about new promos and games and that you are one of the lucky guys who won from a Betfair promo. Maybe you could tell us more about you here - Introduce yourself to the world Let me know if you need assistance with using our forum.
  7. Now it is perfectly clear how you managed to turn those 50 bucks into the staggering amount of over 36 000! Thanks, mate, appreciate that. By the way, if you click on "View" next to each transaction number you could see the spin itself. Would be really awesome if you pick some of these insane big hits and publish them here - Show time - let's see your winner screenshots! I guess it will make you a celebrity here.
  8. Yeah, I guess high rolling DOA when its hot could be a life changer, even at 9-18 bucks per spin.
  9. So you found enough time to join our forum, to upload an avatar which could be considered as pure attempt for advertising (forbidden by our Forum Rules though), but somehow you missed saying a simple Hello? Some people including me would consider this as a blatant example of bad manners.
  10. Nah, when it comes to sportsbook I'm not the best one to give advice, sorry mate. Maybe some of the fellow members here could help though.
  11. I think we have already had this conversation before, but in case you forgotten it, I would like to remind you one more time...There is NO way for this or any other casino audited on a monthly basis by third party, independent authorities to 'alter/change/edit/manipulate/rig' ANY of the games presented. And If you don't believe the games offered by online casinos are not fair and square then you'd better stop gambling asap.
  12. Of course, just follow these steps: 1. http://prntscr.com/5pup9u 2. http://prntscr.com/5pupg8 3. http://prntscr.com/5pupn9 4. http://prntscr.com/5puprs And that's all. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  13. Hello Sheriff and welcome to the AskGamblers forum. Perhaps you could clarify a bit and let us know what you're happy to look at? Maybe the live sessions started by Vedran, the Rodeo Poker rep here... By the way, feel free to present yourself and tell us more about you here - Introduce yourself to the world
  14. Yes, Microgaming software maintains a complete log of all bets made and you could check it yourself at any time. It's called playcheck and if you experience difficulties dealing with it, you could always ask the casino support to do it for you.
  15. Your time for big wins will come, I have absolutely no doubts about that. We all have been in your shoes, wondering what the heck is so wrong with this bloody game, cursing and bashing, etc and then all of a sudden when you least expect it it pays. And it pays big, insane big, even at low bets. And then we change our point of view...
  16. Not actually, the guy was trying to advertise his/her website, but forgot to check our Forum Rules first. And for that he/she was punished accordingly.
  17. Well, with or without the 'award' you just got from the fellow members here, I would love to know how did you actually manage to make this 'miracle' to happen? I mean how you made it from 50 bucks to 30000?! Did you played slots or table games, any preferred games, you know...
  18. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it by Gregorian calendar! These are all former Yugoslavian countries and Russia as far as I know. Bulgarian Church is using the Julian calendar when it comes to church matters and celebrations, so we already had our Christmas on December 25th.
  19. Hi Joe and welcome to the AskGamblers forum. Don't know about Sportsbook, we are mainly dealing with online casinos here, but for Casino product, I think there are two providers who are definitely top-notch right now. These are Microgaming and NetEnt. Microgaming could offer you their cross-platform product called Quickfire, which gives you the benefit to offer your customers games from several different providers and from the almighty Microgaming itself of course. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  20. Here's the final summary for December. ****************************************** Ahmo6 - 16 reviews ****************************************** blondie - 61 reviews ****************************************** bogdangy - 8 reviews ****************************************** katemak - 24 reviews ****************************************** LilianInThaHouse - 2 reviews ****************************************** mrohacek - 11 reviews ****************************************** Raptordinos - 1 review ****************************************** Thank you all for participating. For all matters concerning this contest, please send me a PM.
  21. Here's the final summary for December. ****************************************** bogdangy - 7 reviews ****************************************** katemak - 4 reviews ****************************************** Thank you for participating. For all matters concerning this contest, please send me a PM.
  22. Here's the final summary for December. ****************************************** Adebisi213 - 3 reviews ****************************************** Ahmo6 - 17 reviews ****************************************** bigdk88 - 11 reviews ****************************************** blondie - 4 reviews ****************************************** bogdangy - 6 reviews (Go Bananas was reviewed previosuly) ****************************************** irishchris - 10 reviews ****************************************** jumbosaver - 5 reviews ****************************************** katemak - 17 reviews ****************************************** paquito76 - 37 reviews (Jungle WIld was reviewed previously) ****************************************** Raptordinos - 15 reviews ****************************************** Th3 Runn3R - 14 reviews ****************************************** valentin68 - 40 reviews ****************************************** Thank you all for participating. For all matters concerning this contest, please send me a PM.
  23. I spent the whole night at the hospital with my father who had a heart attack....The good news is that my dad is still a tough guy and refused to give up. He's already in consciousness and seems like the worst is behind our back. I guess I'll not be so active around in the next week or so, hope you understand guys.
  24. Hello Rosaline and welcome to the AskGamblers forum. Glad you like what we are trying to do here. However, I don't get what you mean by "...I have some from UK too"? Do you work for a company producing casino games?
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