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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. And Happy New Year one more time for this thread! Wish you all posting mostly in this thread! Afi, congrats, mate! Seems like you are becoming a sort of a DOA Master recently.
  2. Haha, that's actually supporting my point of view that poker is just combination of pure luck and excellent math skills.
  3. Happy New Year to you too, my dear friend! Wish your and all the fellow members here all the best in 2015 and let Lady Luck be with all of us!
  4. Happy New Year to you too Icy and to all fellow members! Wish you all health and luck, the rest you could buy! Icy, glad to welcome you back though... This place is definitely different without you and your unique sense of humor.
  5. Yeah, seems like our Katy is upset from something today or maybe just pissed off from what BGO done to her in the last couple of days...
  6. Afiiii, where are you mate?! Come here to save me cause the ferocious Macedonian storm is gathering strength now!
  7. Afi, please stop teasing Katerina! .... Although you are sooo good at doing it!
  8. By the way we could continue this lovely convo in the chit chat thread and leave this one in peace...and biiiig withdrawals.
  9. Sides? What sides you are talking about, dear Kate? One could take a side in a conflict I assume, but in a friendly chit chat?...
  10. Well, since the 'official teaser' is now frozen for a couple of days more, someone have to take over his duties and is there a better one suitable for that responsible job than the one and only Afi?!
  11. Haha, yeah, it was quite a shock for me either back in 2008. But you know what they say "A blessing in disguise.".
  12. Unlike many other gambling related forums, you will see yourself very soon that we value the opinion and feedback of every member, no matter if he is a gambling expert or a total newbie.
  13. In my humble opinion, Ladbrokes Casino is just a mere shadow of what it was used to be just a couple of years ago. It is really sad when seeing such a great casino turning from top-notch to just a mediocre operator. Thanks for sharing though, Kate. I have already forwarded your post to the relevant department for an update.
  14. Man, don't know about the two forum, but for the two wives you are so damn right!
  15. Would be also great to participate in some other forum threads, not only in the paid ones.
  16. 20 bucks here, 30 there and there you go, a couple of grands at the end of the year!
  17. No need to break the guy's heart though... Obviously he/she invested a lot of efforts and creativity, so join this forum, might turn out to be a beneficial move after all! Hajnrih, you wanted to create a gambling forum? That's quite a news I would say. You could count on my help though.
  18. So, it is weekend for you, but not a weekend for me? Does not sound as a fair deal to me.
  19. It is really awesome when such words came out of the mouth of a casino representative. Makes me definitely more optimistic about the future of online gaming. The bad news is that I've heard casino reps talking almost the same over the last decade and yet, the number of online operators conducting such verification prior first deposit instead of first withdrawal remains the same. And probably that's the main reason why 1/2 of Las Vegas makes more than the whole online gambling industry combined....
  20. Aham, exactly. And speaking of it, Kate, are you sure your left hand is not itchy again? Or at least one of the magical fingers you have?
  21. Based on Slot Madness casino complaint's history with our website, I think you will have a hard time getting paid in full. Sorry for the bad news, but I just do not expect from a casino which is usually so slow on payments to process such an outstanding amount of money without the usual run around and all kind of stalling tactics... Wish you luck with your withdrawal anyways and do not forget that you could always take benefit from our free complaint service in case something goes wrong.
  22. Haha! Regrettably, I was on my way to sign up and become a 'founding member', but their link is not working! http://prntscr.com/5mizc7 Seriously, I think that's quite an innovate method to attract new and quality members for a new forum and we should all take is as a compliment. Thank for reporting hajnrih, appreciate that, mate! As for 'invi', I am afraid I have to say farewell to him/her.
  23. In addition to what Adebisi said above (which I totally agree though) I would like to remind that upon registering at ANY online casino, each and every player is asked if he/she accepts the casino's terms and conditions. Once player tick the "Yes" option, then it means a valid contract between both parties (casino and player) has been signed and that the parties involved into that contract must abide to its rules. Simple as that. And believe me, there isn't an authority nor a court out there which would rule in your favor providing the fact that you signed such contract with the aforementioned casino. Now, whether such max bet rule is fair or not is totally different question. Personally, I find it absolutely fair and justified, because it is natural to expect that each and every business is supposed to take some measures to protect from fraudsters and abusers. After all, none of these bonuses is given by force and player always has the opportunity to reject such bonus if he/she is not agree with any or some of its rules. So, a friendly advice from me, hope you don't mind. Save your energy and money, try to learn from your mistake and draw some conclusions for the future, forget about this case and enjoy your online gambling.
  24. Man, you must be the luckiest player in the world playing on that 'rigged' game called Dead Or Alive! Congratulations though, awesome hit!
  25. Yeah, me too. We all know for sure now that's your finger is magical indeed... no matter if you use it for pressing the Stop button or when it is just itchy!
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