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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. I bet I could wager a LOT more than 19200 with a starting balance of 480 credits. Especially if there are MG and NetEnt games in the casino where the wagering should be done...
  2. Icy, you hear that mate? That was a stone in your garden...
  3. Hmm, I'm surprised you missed this term... I have only one word to describe it, but I'm not sure I can use it in the forum. Must ask the admins here!
  4. Bravo Awena! Fantastic job! Kudos for your efforts!
  5. 19200 in wagering is absolutely nothing for you, my dear Katerina! Show' em who's The Queen of ND bonuses.
  6. Dear Lu, what makes you think I don't start my sessions with a stop mark? The difficult part comes when you hit big right after the first 5-10 minutes, but the urge to play and win more and more and more is still inside you. Then it's way more complicated, I can assure you about that. Not even mentioning how hard is to stick to a stop mark of let's say 100 or 200 profit in case you hit last month 10000. As soon as you start playing on a regular basis, I'm pretty sure you will realize how different it all becomes with time...
  7. Now waiting for the third naughty AG guy and here we are, the three amigos! The naughtiest ones!
  8. Hehe, thanks for reminding me about this old MG game, Lilian. Have some good memories playing it ...
  9. It's kinda cool that Awena somehow managed to 'provoke' the King of Playtech himself /yeah Afi, I'm talking about you/ to wake up a bit and came with another awesome post! Bravo Awena! And thanks for the great info, Afi!
  10. Icy, that's a stunning winning streak mate! Really an amazing one! And a super classy way to return back here! Congratulations and keep them coming!
  11. Thanks biggy! I think you are now officially the fellow member here who won the first ticket to our race! Congratulations and keep them coming!
  12. Hello Danni and welcome to AskGamblers. The introduction thread is here - Introduce yourself to the world
  13. Personally, I think it all depends whether you would be strong enough to say "Go Away!" to Lady Greed as soon as she lands on your shoulder right after a big win on a game. Simple as that...
  14. Well, yeah, definitely not an impressive payment speed from Boyle... On the brighter side, your gambling weekend budget is ready.
  15. WOW! Now that's what I call a HUGE DOA win! Really fantastic luck! Congrats mate! One more outlaw on the 1st payline and you could start thinking about Guinness and biggest ever DOA hit!
  16. Absolutely! And this hit would have never happened without the gentle push of Lady Greed .
  17. Which means it is about time to start considering the idea of adding one more person to your dinners. Some good looking Macedonian girl with a gentle heart and dirty thoughts perhaps...
  18. Okay, I'll count 2 Avengers screenshots and not count 1 Twin Spin. Sure, search all available places you had such winner screenshots and put them into work.
  19. Hey, so glad another fellow member is jumping in the race! A couple of questions though... 1/ Your Twin Spin screenshot does not display a 100xbet win? 2/ You have actually 2 /not 1/ qualifying screenshots from The Avengers slot?
  20. As a matter of fact, yes, I am trying to improve my luck after a dreadful session... In fact, all I'm doing is to try remain calm and refrain from chasing after my losses. Whenever I had success is considered as a significant improvement of my luck! I think you are talking about Vanga. Unfortunately, this remarkable woman is no longer among us.
  21. Yes, what Awena suggested is correct, You must change the complaints title in order to submit a new one. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  22. Spot on, mate! Indeed, so many awesome video slots from IGT and yet, just a couple of decent winning screenshots here. Considering the fact that we probably have over 1000+ here, that's nothing!
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