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Be interested to see if the Oxford Data pans out about half the population already having been exposed to it. Would mean less than 1 in 1000 required hospital treatment with most having no symptoms at all. Data’s not been verified and tbh doesn’t square with the rest of the data but may add some perspective if true

10 hours ago, Frour1979 said:

I love how this forum is like counseling, makes sure I check in here to see the latest updates as oppose to wondering around :D


Exactly!! Stay in and stay safe with the AG forum 🤟🤟


what is up with some media / politicians in some countries taking this CV more seriously and wearing the masks including on TV yet in some countries such as the U.S., you do DO NOT see the media wearing the masks and same goes for their politicians.


Whatsup AG ..

Just arrived back from Holiday last night when the trip got cut short after 2 days of arriving at the sea.

South Africa under lock down from tonight at 23:59 for 21 days. So now more time for AG and working from home a breeze.

Hope all is good here and not too many deaths and cases in your countries. South Africa reported 702 cases up to date.

1 hour ago, Fiekie247 said:

Whatsup AG ..

Just arrived back from Holiday last night when the trip got cut short after 2 days of arriving at the sea.

South Africa under lock down from tonight at 23:59 for 21 days. So now more time for AG and working from home a breeze.

Hope all is good here and not too many deaths and cases in your countries. South Africa reported 702 cases up to date.

At least someone here managed to get a short holiday, woohoo!

I've been indoors for 9 days now and the lockdown has been extended to 14 April...so it's a long long way to creep out of this boredom hole! 

2 hours ago, Fiekie247 said:

Whatsup AG ..

Just arrived back from Holiday last night when the trip got cut short after 2 days of arriving at the sea.

South Africa under lock down from tonight at 23:59 for 21 days. So now more time for AG and working from home a breeze.

Hope all is good here and not too many deaths and cases in your countries. South Africa reported 702 cases up to date.

Welcome back :) 

Huh, a holiday you say?! Sounds as some sort of dream luxury right now, two weeks in the lockdown... 😷

Sincerely hope you had a great time for all of those who are staying at home.  :good:


Bulgaria update: police checkpoints on every major in/our traffic artery in cities, we need to show and leave a filled in declaration containing current and registered address, purpose of the  trip (to and from work, getting back home, going to a hospital or visiting relatives who need our help ) on each and every one of these checkpoints along the trip which means 4 of these declarations even for a basic visit to your parents in the near town.. Outrageous! 🤐

The good news is that 18 days after the first registered Covid-19 case in Bulgaria we are still far away from any peaks with 'only' 242 cases so far. Everyone here believes that's mostly due to the fact that the government applied all these draconian measures almost a week earlier than any other  European country. 

The bad news, our Covid -19 operational committee is expecting the real peak within the next 2-3 weeks which means lockdown will continue for unknown period of time... Sigh! 

Other than this, trying to limit as much as possible the overwhelming flood of coronavirus TV news, videos, articles, etc cause it's starting to mess around and affect my focus and mental stability. It's one thing to try and stay informed for the sake of your own and your family's safety, but what the medias (all of them!) are doing within these weeks is ludicrous with this 24/7 'irradiation' where repeating same known facts again and again and again and again has obviously replaced completely the citing any new, important and confirmed facts. :( 

Anyway, stay home, take care and don't lose your good vibes! 🙌


It's the running of headlines without any contextual information that is a big issue, the quoting of % figures without the neon sign caveat that the data is inherently skewed as well. All built up into a frenzy for the sharks to circle. 

Sky News running the same thing time and time again - one off pieces about the person under 30 who has died with no underlying conditions for example - yes, true, but the way it's presented is almost as if to incite fear. 

Still folk in the park when you walk through it - can't see many being approach by PC Plod. 

10 hours ago, Flatzem said:

what is up with some media / politicians in some countries taking this CV more seriously and wearing the masks including on TV yet in some countries such as the U.S., you do DO NOT see the media wearing the masks and same goes for their politicians.

Because countries choose to handle this in their own ways and if I’m honest maybe the US needs to actually reconsider they way they are dealing with because they’re About to become the centre of this pandemic with the way they are progressing so quickly! 

2 hours ago, pinnit2015 said:

It's the running of headlines without any contextual information that is a big issue, the quoting of % figures without the neon sign caveat that the data is inherently skewed as well. All built up into a frenzy for the sharks to circle. 

Sky News running the same thing time and time again - one off pieces about the person under 30 who has died with no underlying conditions for example - yes, true, but the way it's presented is almost as if to incite fear. 

Still folk in the park when you walk through it - can't see many being approach by PC Plod. 

There’s actually been quite a few under 30 with no underlying health issues... 

1 hour ago, cocopop3011 said:

There’s actually been quite a few under 30 with no underlying health issues... 

May be the case but think your still looking at a fatality rate in and around the 0.1% mark.  Iv seen various news and social media ramp this up to such a level that I thought we were in the realms of mad cow disease levels.

Once  this all settles down I’ll be interested in seeing what the actual figures we’re talking about here.  

been that many contradictor medical experts as well that doesn’t help things. 


some  comments I found from youtube videos on the CV

Someone said: My cousin is an Ambulance driver paramedic and theyve been told to drive around with sirens blue lights on to send the message home to keep people off the streets and drive the fear of this thing into people, She isnt seeing any unusual spikes in illnessess anywhere, I knew from the start this was a hoax ! Metaphorically speaking... its still flu! A different brand of car but still a car doing what cars do, Fear will mess with your immune system theres plenty of evidence to support that,

Someone said: ***** sake.... the health service crews see it for what it is, but those in the already stricken NHS, on the frontlines will be overwhelmed with only a few cases. If the wards and hospitals weren't shut down, and there wasn't a ***** Nurse/Dr to patient ratio, this would be being dealt with much better. There are lots of people with compromised immune systems, even without underlying conditions. Now the public are turning on anyone not following in line. If this was a 3 week thing, fair enough, but we know the machinations going on behind the scenes, maybe not all the details but enough to see this will be anything but a 3 week lockdown, blamed on those 'selfish people' going outside. If almost everyone is inside, then surely they wont be affected by the minority who chose to not be imprisoned? And if so, then even going to shops once would put you at risk? It doesn't make sense but people are going off it regardless without really thinking about it.

Someone said: I work at the CA hospital where the first "child" coronavirus death just occured and I spoke to the nurses that treated him and that kid had septic pneumonia long before he had covid 19 and that's what killed him (also had respiratory problems from constant vaping). Between the media and decision makers out there it's very difficult to decipher the truth right now so I urge everyone to question everything.

Someone said: Have a look at the Gov.Uk website, it was updated on 21st March and now says that the virus is not an HCID (High Consequence Infectious Disease)... Obviously they don’t have the kind of death rates to do so.

Someone said: I’ve noticed this happening too. Police and ambulance driving around with only lights on. Ignorance is not bliss.

Someone said: Boosting Immune System: - fear /stress (turn off TV, and other MSM fuelled media) - allow fresh air to place where you sleep (turn off WiFi router/mobile) - eat healthy, avoid alcohol unless in tinctures - balanced supplements - vit D3, Vit C, microelements - herbs can boost your immune system - exposure to sun (no screening creams) It's also boost good/happy feeling - use cold / hot shower (can be started from feet to get used to it...) - pure drinking water - colloidal silver/gold, MSM, DMSO (as well spotted in comments - thanks) - if health allows one day fasting is helpful to rest digestive system (water with pinch of rock salt, fresh natural juices) - do not be affraid to sweat as lots of shite is pushed out this way - do not drop temperature as this indicates body is fighting infection - within a reason) NO aluminium based antiperspirants and toothpaste with fluoride. Be loving and caring to your close ones and surrounding folks. I know it's a lot but try step by step and feel the difference ❤️ Turn On THINKING by yourself not by Propaganda. Stay well, stay safe ❤️ Listen to your heart... we are good by nature of our creator.

Someone said: My father used to say there will be a time where your thoughts will not be your own. He was prophetic and we talked about the NWO and how knowledge would be increased in my later years. He passed away about 10 years ago. It's all happening so fast. It's frightening but those of us with knowledge need to come together and fight this. I've been making my voice heard about 5G. It's happening right now while our children are on lockdown from school. It's pure evil. They know exactly what they are doing.

Someone said: They are already banning cash payments in Australia and shops are asking for cards only

Someone said: Here in Uk card limit has gone up to £45 before you have to use your PIN number.

Someone said: Am in the uk. It happened to me. For some reason my network that I have been on for over 7 years has no bars on my phone so I had to go buy a house phone. I passed the box to the cashier that I picked up off the shelf, he handled the box that I handled yet wouldn't accept my cash. Doesn't makes sense.

Someone said: It's illegal for anyone to not accept cash in Australia. It's printed right there on every note "This note is Legal Tender". Point this out to whoever has a problem and ask them to put gloves on or wipe the note with an alcohol swab if they are worried. You have the legal right to demand that they accept it.

Someone said: Everywhere in the world, governments are using the coronavirus crisis to expand their control, claiming these are only temporary emergency powers. THE IMPLICATIONS:Can we trust governments to reliquinish these powers afterwards? Are people so panicked and afraid they will allow their freedom and rights to be stolen due to an invisible virus? emergency powers Across the world, governments are grabbing emergency powers & consolidating frightening amounts of control using the excuse of a virus.

Someone said: I'm in IRELAND and we are constantly being told we are just a week behind Italy thus far we only have six deaths out of over 1000 cases we are in practical lockdown people scared over nothing

Someone said: I live in quite a rural part of England, and last night i was walking my dog across some scrubland. I then notice what i thought was an unusually bright star to the east. as it got brighter and brighter, i soon realised that it was the lights of a plane or a helicopter heading in my direction........ It was the latter. As this helicopter came closer ( and i would say that it was hovering at about 1000 feet) i suddenly found my self under an extremely powerful spotlight of intense bright light.The spotlight monitored me for around 15/20 secs as i stood motionless , and then it turned off and the helicopter turned direction. Very occasionally, these helicopters have been used to try and track down escaped prisoners from Moorlands prison which is a few miles from where i live, but in this case i firmly believe they were monitoring the area just to see who was breaking the so called ''curfew''

Someone said: My poor octogenarian parents are frightened. My sis and I are doing all their errands and they are only going out to take a walk. For me the impact is really financial. I doubt the small business at which I work will survive this.

Someone said: They’ve been operating the Chinese 🇨🇳 system of social credits here in UK 🇬🇧 by sanctioning people on Benefits if they turn up late or don’t attend work trials etc

Someone said: Paper money and coins will be banned due to the possibility of contamination. Only credit/debit cards. Control.

Someone said: tied to buy the new Star Wars dvd at j and b hifi here in South Australia, and they said we don't take cash. I said I don't have anything else and goodbye.

Someone said: In France, media gives continuously Italie case numbers to spread the fear all around. By the way, past mortality numbers and statistics are not Available in the net!

Someone said: Even Greta and the Extinction Rebellion couldn't have imagined a better outcome

Someone said: New cell tower went up just outside of a high school.

Someone said: check out the UK Government webpage.. they no longer classify it as a problem but they support its Panic .... where are the seasonal flu stats? ..... there arent any!! .. they're the same figures, this 'new flu' has an even or lower kill rate although its always genuinely fairly high !!!!!! Watch the 'UK Column' from yesterday 25/3 ...facts misrepresented!!


Someone said: In India if someone coming out from home, police are beating them brutally.

Someone said: Here in Italy they have forced everyone on lockdown and they are not giving any money to people for food. And no money for shop keepers and companies that have had to close.

Someone said: Here in Scotland I had a prolonged cough in December. My mum ended up hospitalised with it and couldn't breathe. Lots of ppl round about me had the same prolonged cough too. Was this Covid 19 ? Maybe it was. If so, it's been here far far longer than we are being told.

Someone said: The CDC's own website shows that in the last 90 days 20,000+ people have died in the U.S. from complications from the seasonal flu virus. That's 200+ per day, where's the freak-out over this much larger health threat, there isn't one, the media is silent. Go check it out for yourself, that should show even the most brainwashed that this is a psyop.

Someone said: UK Government has officially and quietly downgraded Co-Vid 19. How many of you knew that?

Someone said: Question everything, keep an open heart and reduce media stress

Someone said: Does anyone else find the death of 21 year old Chloe Middleton suspicious ?? I get the feeling this is fake news to scare younger people into isolation, as they highlighted she had no heath problems ???if I'm wrong then my condolences go out to the family because it is tragic , but my instincts tell me different, I just do not trust the mainstream media at all

Someone said: Been trying to warn people for years. Now its happening. they are using this virus to usher in the NWO. they are collapsing the economy around us.,....hyper inflation IMMINENT

Someone said: This an hour ago Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus .

Someone said: I'm from Holland and here they raised up your paycredit with your card so you don't have to touch the machine. And some shops don't want cash money.

Someone said: Gordon Brown has called for global government!!! This is it folks
Someone said: Is it true that 5G lampposts and aerials are going up while we're locked away in our homes ?
Someone said: I just received a message from my bank to avoid to pay with cash. To use, card or cell phone for that. People still not believe!!!!!!
Someone said: I’ve had shops refusing cash for a week now

Someone said: The cash bit was when i really started to see the bigger picture signs in shops saying if possible pay by contactless as if cash is dirty and you will catch this virus or any other disease what sort of bullshit is that. The seed planted now in peoples heads i accept cash will become thing of the past i personally prefer using contactless more convinent still cash and coins have an place but seem we will move away from it but i thought in maybe 20 or so years from now.

Someone said: Norway= lockdown= If you have symptoms of Covid 19 you have to stay in your house.If you go outside they will force you to pay 20000 Norwegian KRONER.

Someone said: I think the virus was here in Britain in November. Everybody I knew who had it had flu symptoms. But this year it took several wks to recover. It took me 6 weeks to get my energy & health right
Someone said: In Greece we cant even go for a walk..no traveling what so ever..we have to dial a five digit number to register with the government and seek permission also in written form inorder to go the supermarket..and there is policing stopping people for confirmation...this is uncanny!! And people are so subordinate..no reaction...
Someone said: £30 fine is a joke somebodies daughter we know of got fined £250 for not breaking up her group of friends and going home so the fines are anything from £30 to £1000 depending on whatever is determined by the officer at the time



The HCID downgrading is interesting because it basically, to my knowledge, went largely unreported! 

Which, in layman’s terms, says that it doesn’t have high consequence. 

As usual, not spoken about in the MSM; they’d rather focus on help usher in hysteria. 

Do the numbers justify economic recessions, lockdowns and all the rest. Sounds a bit harsh to couch it in numbers but at the moment I’m not so sure; something about this doesn’t sit easy for some reason. Time will tell. 


Interesting stats from Italy re deaths;

48.5% had three or more

25.6 and 25.1 had one or two

Leaving the 0.8 % with none which largely in line with other places I think. 

These stats aren’t even reliable themselves because I think they’re testing the corpses and no doubt there will be a push to attribute the cause to Corona. 

Not sure we’ll ever get a true feel for the data




Save the Beer

An appeal has been launched in the Czech Republic to "save" the equivalent of 1,305,552 pints of craft beer that will go off "within weeks" if it is not drunk.

The beer is languishing undrunk in barrels in 32 craft breweries across the country. All pubs and restaurants are closed to the public (they can serve through hatches) but customers can buy direct from breweries.

Pale lager as we know it was invented in the Czech city of Pilsen in 1842. The Czech Republic has the highest per capita beer consumption in the world.

9 hours ago, Flatzem said:

Someone said: My cousin is an Ambulance driver paramedic and theyve been told to drive around with Sirens blue lights on to send the message home to keep people off the streets and drive the fear of this thing into people, She isnt seeing any unusual spikes in illnessess anywhere, I knew from the start this was a hoax ! Metaphorically speaking... its still flu! A different brand of car but still a car doing what cars do, Fear will mess with your immune system theres plenty of evidence to support that,

And it is people like these that are the reason this is spreading, It is not flu. The more people that start getting that into their heads the better! Comments like these are also the reason why I have to stay of social media at the moment. 

Stay safe guys.

9 hours ago, Flatzem said:
Someone said: £30 fine is a joke somebodies daughter we know of got fined £250 for not breaking up her group of friends and going home so the fines are anything from £30 to £1000 depending on whatever is determined by the officer at the time

Power of arrest has been granted in the UK today although they're saying this is a last resort which is such a shame!

8 hours ago, pinnit2015 said:

Save the Beer

An appeal has been launched in the Czech Republic to "save" the equivalent of 1,305,552 pints of craft beer that will go off "within weeks" if it is not drunk.

The beer is languishing undrunk in barrels in 32 craft breweries across the country. All pubs and restaurants are closed to the public (they can serve through hatches) but customers can buy direct from breweries.

Pale lager as we know it was invented in the Czech city of Pilsen in 1842. The Czech Republic has the highest per capita beer consumption in the world.

If you’re a man and want to lower your testosterone levels, grow manboobs, big belly and get more feminine – continue to drink beer. Beer is known as a manly drink, but in actuality beer is perhaps one of the most powerful estrogenic drinks on the Earth.

If you are a man
You shouldn’t ever drink beer which includes hops, and 99% of beers do. It’s like shooting yourself in the foot! For women hops beer is not that big of a problem, because women want anyway to be more feminine and grow bigger b.r.e.a.s.t.s. But still hops beer has a sedative effect and it also grows belly tissue. So I would avoid it at all costs.

For men who are out in the bars & clubs
It makes no sense whatsoever to drink beer. You are lowering your testosterone levels, making yourself more feminine and more bitchy. It doesn’t really serve you when you are trying to attract the opposite s.e.x. Also hops beer works as a sedative, making you sleepy. Beer is literally like a sleeping pill. Do you want to get sleepy when you are out in the bars & clubs? For men drinking beer is like shooting yourself on the foot.

Replace all beer drinking with better options, like for example with high quality whiskey drinks. Or keep amplifying your estrogen levels, getting sleepy, growing breast and belly tissue – if you want, by all means, make yourself a beer drinking fat feminine sleepy manboob male. It’s your own choice. But I’m happy to put this information forward if someone finds it valuable.

Hops beer has estrogenic and sedative effect.

Hops is best known for its use in beer. The majority of physicians and men overlook its potent chemicals and do not realize that beer itself can significantly alter the male androgen levels. German beer makers noticed long ago that the young women who picked hops in the fields commonly experienced early menstrual periods.

Hop pickers in the field would often fall asleep on the job. Female children would begin menstruation much earlier when working in the hop fields.

Beer makers who didn’t use hops in their product would have been heavily fined. Was it for product safety? Profit? Control of the masses?

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