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Everything posted by Flatzem

  1. on that Bonanza base game win of 831.4xBet on maximum ways, nice one there. what symbols connected on it? I sure could use a win like that esp on a 1e or 2e bet or even 60c or 80c...
  2. would you say that NetEnt such as Dazzle Me gives frequent 100x+Bet features in comparison to BTG where you can get a feature that gives 0.4xBet such as what I had on WWTBAM yesterday. Because even if you find the timing right with a BTG slot and manage to trigger a slot it is likely to pay poorly and not give you a good return on a good size bet such as 4e. (two of my 4e features on Bonanza paid 22.2xBet and 18.15xBet).
  3. whatever you do, don't ever agree to any "vaccines" to be injected into you cause I tell ya what, they have a high chance to turn people into vegetables and a real impact on mental and physical health.
  4. when are we going to see you playing BTG slots? you into netent a lot but haven't seen you doing anything with BTG. Does your proven system work on BTG slots?
  5. so went to give WWTBAM (BTG) a chance for the 3rd time ever playing it. And it was going good giving wins and all that, (first 3 spins paid 1.5xBet, 5xBet, 9.4xBet, doing 60c spins on it, had a peak of +15.69e (sp#32), best base game win was on spin #14 with 14.4xBet (8.64e) was never down on it for the session but the game had something planned. so after doing 3 batches of 25 spins each. +11.25e, -3.12e, -2.85e... at +6.93e by end of the 3rd batch... I gave it a 4th batch and triggered a feature on spin #93..... so I thoght great, a feature , my very first feature on this game... I had played total of 218 spins on this game if including the previous 2 sessions. And now I had myself my very own feature, I had seem many streamers win on this game and other videos on youtube, anyway so I started the feature.... took a risk on the first question but it was 87% so went B and it was B good now I had 10 spins, then the next question was some 50/50, went for B again and it was B. great now I had 12 spins, then next was audience with all 4 answers in 20's (26%, 25%, 21%, 28%), I walked away with 12 spins, but answer was 28%.... so this is how the feature went. 6 dead spins in a row, small win on 7th spin with 3 aces, then 4 dead spins in a row, then, 12th spin had small win with three 9's.....total win 24 cents wow BTG you have really done it this time. 0.4xBet feature.. wowowowow unbelievable. prior to that a batch of 25 spins on starquest that was cold as ice RTP 20.8% (22 dead spins, 1 loss disguised as win, 2 winning spins)
  6. Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.
  7. Has anyone here been getting extra food, water and essentials that I have been saying? Meanwhile check out some of these ladies from the Mortal Kombat universe look like they too are prepared for the coronavirus. Khameleon Skarlet Frost Jade Mileena Kitana
  8. why wasnt the first spin at 2e, which would have then also allowed you to bet 2e after the feature.
  9. so you want people to start wearing goggles (ski or swimming) in addition to wearing the masks/scarves how about this guy here ? make your own custom masks from cotton tshirts./material. can fit any size face then. They are not letting/not going to be letting people into any store that are not wearing masks. By the way how is this going to with any potential robberies now that SHOPS are ok with letting people in wearing FACE masks to mask their identity too. People going in looking like they are going to rob the place but the entire shop is full of these masked people anyway. Like straight out of some Hollywood movie.... By the way have any of you seen the movie Contagion, it has many similarities to what is going on with the virus. But I think they overpowered the virus in the movie tho but still viruses can mutate to become stronger tho. It was released in 2011. See the ruling elite they like to reveal some of their plans are through the film/tv industry. It is their way of operating. It is like them saying "this is what we are going to do so what are you going to do about it peasants" They drop hints here and there, many years ahead and stamp their signature with numerology. "Contagion" follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control the panic that spreads faster than the virus itself. At the same time, ordinary people struggle to survive in a society coming apart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sYSyuuLk5g
  10. Gave a Opal Fruits a 2nd chance after not having played it since that nasty session on OCT 23 of last year when it took -231.99e in 984 spins (RTP 69.16%) (1 feature that paid just 23.8xBet on 1e bet on spin #984) This time it took only 52 spins to trigger the feature on 40c bet plus had one retrigger and total paid 64.8xBet (25.92e), giving the Opal Fruit session a profit of 10.96e (RTP 152.69%) HI/LO +10.96e {sp#52}. -14.56e {sp#51}, Highest base game win 4.4xBet 1.76e {sp#14} 40 dead spins (76.92%), 6 losses disguised as wins (11.54%)(LDWs), combines for 46 losing spins (88.46%) and 6 profitable spins (11.54%) By the way in that OCT 23 session of 984 spins there were ; 638 dead spins (64.84%), 176 losses disguised as wins (17.89%)(LDW), combines for 814 losing spins (82.72%). 6 spins returned equal (0.61%), and 164 profitable spins (16.67%). Highest base game win 23.4xBet 23.40e {sp#729} here is spin #12 of the feature , if grapes had appeared on reel 1 the spin would have paid 550xBet, the multiplier was at 11x at that point.
  11. #316. BRAG: Someone said: Have you played Aztec gold megaways ? I hit a £2540 win on 40p a spin on Thursday it’s a great game #317. BEAT: Someone said: Not sure where in melb your from but Woolworths is empty in the surrounding 5 suburbs from me #318. BRAG: Someone said: I hit 400x on this yesterday with 5 spins. I got the pickle one and it went mad with the multi #319. BEAT: Someone said: my girlfriend hates me when I play regardless of win or loss #320. BRAG: Someone said:the Game on Rizk The Book, not Book of death ... try it. i Just won €429 on €0.20
  12. some people are making their own custom made masks cause it is hard to obtain masks easily these days so perhaps those could be made for child size faces. If it is one of those surgical masks they would be made smaller cutting them and then making the rubber bands reattached somehow. Btw been reading on various forums and on one forum someone said they bought 75kg(165 lbs) of rice from a local Indian store and about 40 tins of canned tomatoes and about 10kg of chickpeas. They also said " I also plan to dig up the backyard and plant a heap of potatoes and carrots next weekend. we have 5000L of water in our tank that needs to be filtered in purified but that is easily done. I think our supply chain is going to fall apart. There wont be enough drivers to bring the food to the shops and I think we will see a lot of looting in the coming weeks/months. Buckle up snowflakes ! " Someone else said "I got asked by someone if I was getting ready to stay home when I had 14 1.2kg cans of dog food, unfortunately that's just how much my dogs eat in 7 days" Someone else said "TP, bread, meat, pasta, cans, eggs, tissue, paper towel, wipes, laundry stuff, all gone where I am. Frozen stuff very dented. Lots of empty fruit and veg. Interestingly the junk food isles are normal which is a surprise to me." Someone else said "Armed robbers stealing toilet paper in Hong Kong" Someone else said " I've got mixed feelings with all that's going on. Yes I do feel for seniors and people living week to week. People still aren't taking it seriously? So many people in the supermarkets last night still just mocking people for buying everything up, still hugging when greeting each other and probably the same people that are still going out to pubs and clubs last weekend. There has been plenty of warning. Even the toilet paper as stupid as it is, I've had people tell me I'm down to 3 rolls, tried my local Coles, none, will try tomorrow. Tomorrow comes same story they have 2 rolls left and so on. Like it's out there, go a few times a day, try petrol stations and smaller grocery stores. Whatever. It's like at this point they think this is all going to go away tomorrow? I know it's different based on where you are, but I'm not going to feel guilty for having a couple months food (if I want to stretch it) on hand and still purchasing perishable stuff every few days as I don't think it's time to tap into those supplies if there is still stuff on the shelves and people are just too lazy to do anything about the situation." Someone else said "For someone like me, who didn't stock up (why?) been away for 2 weeks prior, come back to little toilet paper left, only to find out my shops probably won't have any for quite some time, while someone probably has 26 packs of these sitting in their cupboard that won't be used for 3 years." Someone else said "Was at the supermarket this morning and it's getting worse. Pasta all gone, can foods emptied. Any form of dishes/laundry soaps that are on sale are gutted. No frozen veg etc." Someone else said "Shops where I am are bare. There's no need for creativity because there is nothing to buy. No cereal, no meat, barely any fresh veg, no frozen veg, no frozen fish, the cheese is on the way out, no toothpaste, no feminine hygiene products, no canned anything at all, no tomato anything in a can or jar. If it's in a packet, a box or a can or it's frozen there aren't any. Not even any ice creams. The only thing we did have an abundance of was quorn."
  13. #310. BEAT: Someone said: All the Irish are panicking.. its mad I have seen in shops people buying everything and wondering how will they pay for it now nearly everywhere closed. my work place is still opened as always. #311. BEAT: Someone said: I'm locked in my house from 5 days...I'm going crazy... #312. BEAT: Someone said: man I work at tescos night shift and this virus is turning people into absolute psychopaths unbelievable dude #313. BEAT: Someone said: I work in the oil and gas industry and the corona virus has already cost me my job for the next 4-5 months at least #314. BEAT: Someone said: Took my dog for a haircut this morning, now she looks like an alien #315. BEAT: Someone said: It's hard when ppl make a rush all at ones for the shelves as what happened here last Thursday literally ripping things clean there will be a second wave of this in my country takes the last step as France/Spain have done and first Italy did.
  14. #302. BRAG: Someone said: My brother in law just posted on FB pic of a 5638x win he just won on machine at the local pub. It must have been a jackpot. #303. BEAT: Someone said: half of my family have had to cancel their trip to amsterdam today, as they were told they may not be able to get to travel from the ferry in rotterdam and be stranded. #304. BEAT: Someone said: I've closed all my casino accounts after tallying up £17880 in loses in the last year CASUMO took over £9k. #305. BRAG/BEAT: Someone said: yesterday did my groceries and there was fresh stock on water and toilet paper as well. The only thing is that they upped the prices alot here such BS. #306. BEAT: Someone said: all you people whine about toilet paper but what about baby nutrition that is sold out as well everytime, people just went mad.. #307. BRAG: Someone said: my best garga was 480 € on 60 Cent #308. BEAT: Someone said: in my hometown hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol is RIP. that makes a lot more sense. #309. BRAG: Someone said: hahaha yeah its not much crowded outside. Can have a relax walk in the park without being between crowded people.
  15. if not Starburst then it will be on Koi, Epic Ape or Dazzle. Funny how you typed it as Star bust... thats one of saying that game instead of Star buRst. For most people it is a BUST from the starburst but not for Johnny where 10CAD spins turn into thousands in winnings right.
  16. #290. BRAG: Someone said: I played 15 CAD Bet on LEO last night for 750 deposit near empty and down bet to 2.50 for final couple spins before blowing out and hit 1,350x or near it on bonus round. What a sin but happy, cashout up for now. #291. BEAT: Someone said: I turned my paycheck into dust on landbased yesterday, feels bad man. got a bit carried away #292. BRAG: Someone said: Whats wrong with book, gave me 5 bonusses in 25 min yesterday #cantcomplain #293. BRAG: Someone said: rise of Merlin was my best win, with all symbols in stake 1 €. 2034x #294. BRAG: Someone said: had 5 books on this game, got 2000 coins (Legacy of Dead) #295. BRAG: Someone said: I got 5 free spins on sky vegas yesterday, won £5 and within 45 minutes I turned that into £1500. and to top that off I'm on 2 weeks holiday from work starting today. #296. BRAG: Someone said: Its quieter than usual in Amsterdam, much is shutting down. Positive is, that there are less tourists in my neighbourhood. We will see what the following weeks will bring. #297. BEAT: Someone said: we cannot leave the house because of the coronavirus, you keep me company bye and we hope it will end soon from northern Italy #298. BRAG: Someone said: 7500x on testament last night #299. BRAG: Someone said: We have had gorgeous weather this weekend. Spent it swimming and bush walking with a cold beer at the end. #300. BRAG: Someone said: Just hitted €614 win with an 40c spin on Reactoonz #301. BEAT: Someone said: I can't visit my girlfriend anymore in Panama she is doing a year abroad but they shut down the border.
  17. here is a collection of screenshots from that video showing how the masonic media is tipping their hat to their 33's internationally that are being used to signal , the signature showing their numerology again and again.
  18. The world elites are behind all this as usual , and they put their signatures on this with their number 33, I showed it in that video above. But I will show each screenshot here in an upcoming post. By the way went to the supermarket here and all the food/water/batteries was in stock , water, rice, pasta, dried beans, lentils, oats, protein powders. I didn't even look for the toilet paper tho today.. I bought a lot of stuff but I could use with some more, queues are very long tho. I read about some people are locking themselves up in their homes with their stockpile of food and water (some have 3 months or 6 months or more supply) and they won't be coming out until this is over but this could be taking as long as for the entire of this year and maybe a few months into the next year.... Oh yeah on the streets most people are wearing masks or some scarfs and in the supermarket too, the employees wearing masks and people shopping wearing masks (some wearing the surgical mask and others filter mask) and scarf. One checkout chick took her mask off to take a drink of water tho. The employees are also wearing rubber gloves. People jokingly commenting on those wearing a scarf that they look like they are going to rob the place! Meanwhile the chemtrail operations are still on going. Yeah the same governments that are so "concerned" for peoples health are still spraying the sky with aluminium, barium, and strontium in the form of oxides and sulfates. That's the world we live in folks. Shutting down of restaurants, bars, airports is taking place all over the world. Stockpile all the food (dried foods with long storage life) and water you can get your hands on. Several months supply would be recommended. Countries like Italy and Poland are not letting people out anymore or they get arrested. In China for example they put tapes on peoples door and if you open your door to sneak out of your home it will tear the tape and then the government police know you were out and then they come to take the citizen to a camp with all the other quarantined sick people. Other observations: sometimes you see parents wearing the masks while their child is not wearing one. Other times the child is wearing it and the parents are not. One car I saw had passengers wearing masks but driver was not. It's really a mix, some older people are not wearing anything, some are wearing masks/scarfs, younger people any age group some are some are not. Chemist employees I saw outside their shop they were taking some stuff from their car and they were wearing some surgical masks. Garbage men wearing surgical masks, one of them was and the other wasn't as they held on to the back of the truck.
  19. Bill Gates goes around for years saying that the world population needs to be reduced. adds that the population can (somehow) be reduced using vaccines. Bio research company named the 'pirbright institute' patents the coronavirus genome. Bill Gates funds the 'pirbright institute'. Gates foundation runs a coronavirus pandemic simulation in October 2019, predicting 65 million dead. Wuhan coronavirus begins spreading just a couple months later, maybe sooner Bill Gates appears in the media: "looks like this is the big pandemic we've been worried about". shortly thereafter Gates announces that he's giving money to fund coronavirus vaccine trials that will (somehow) already begin by June. Gates steps down from Microsoft's board to "focus on philanthropy" and disappears.
  20. #273. BRAG: Someone said: I've won 34k on a 4 roll before (Monopoly Live) #274. BEAT: Someone said: I've just lost 10k in stocks, no one knows the bottom #275. BEAT: Someone said: It's gone so mad here in the UK, we had to have police in our store yesterday when our delivery came as they were fighting over our goods as were now limited to how much stock we can get. #276. BEAT: Someone said: I'm from Germany.. people are totally crazy here. I work in the supermarket there is no toilet paper, soups, pasta, milk and so much more #277. BEAT: Someone said: people that don't even have baby's here in the UK are buying all the baby formula and selling it for 10x the price.. how selfish.. #278. BEAT: Someone said: we're low on everything now because there coming in and because they cant get what they want they are just buying anything they can get their hands on.. #279. BRAG: Someone said: Sweden got plenty of toilet paper and food left, if you need to shop #280. BEAT: Someone said: we were told yesterday that we will be having no more items in such as beer, baking goods and crisps as they cant get none and that we will be having a 24 hour shut down down once this craze is over to fully restock our stores. #281. BEAT: Someone said: Can't do my teaching placement because all the schools won't take university students, so this stupid virus is gonna delay my graduation by at least 6 months #282. BEAT: Someone said: we also set a limit of 4 of any item per customer and thats now going to go down to 2 per item to try and make it fair for everyone to get a little something but man oh man is that causing big big issues #283. BEAT: Someone said: my friend is from Poland and they are not allowed out #284. BEAT: Someone said: I dont get why people going crazy it's been around since October/November it's only a flu just a little bit stronger than they seen before #285. BRAG: Someone said: I withdrew 900 quid last night from a 30 quid deposit. #286. BRAG: Someone said: I not stocked anything up at all. Who wants to eat tinned food and pasta for weeks on end. #287. BRAG: Someone said: Corona is good for the climate at least #288. BRAG: Someone said: I play wild five with 3€ and win 100€ #289. BRAG: Someone said: can't complain I turned $500 into $17.3k on snake arena about 2 hours ago, small bonus buys went off their heads ended up risking 3.5k for a $50 buy and yea actually paid off
  21. by knowing when to walk away when the slot starts throwing too many dead spins or low paying features, it gives you hints that it's not in the mood. and the balance is dropping like a brick, I've never played koi tho but that seems to be a common thing about slots when they give you the cold mode then move on and play it on another day.
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