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Everything posted by Flatzem

  1. if you think getting a 250xBet win is disappointing then you haven't played Gaelic Luck where you can get 0xBet in a feature (and be told: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU CAUGHT THE IRISH LUCK AND WON: €0.00), as I had a few days ago or 0.4xBet in a WWTBAM feature (12 spins)
  2. Maria in a selection of snaps from a photoshoot in a forest 3 years ago.
  3. what is left on playtech that is still worth playing, a lot of their new releases are so bad too, they get origin to make games for them, have you seen one of their worst releases Space Digger..... I played 112 spins on it the other day at 20c/spin and had the highest base win of 3.4xBet (0.68), no features triggered and end result -16.40e, RTP 26.79%. NEVER AGAIN. playtech and their teams that they bought are making games that have zero potential. Why are they destroying their company with such rubbish releases/crappy releases. Where are the big paying features. Where are the big paying basegame wins that are seen form other providers. The other day I saw a streamer on a 10e bet win about 400x bet in the base game on a game called Vooodoo. (by Endorphina) cause a giant hat appeared in the middle of the screen and started giving win after win. Can you imagine playtech making a game like that, nope. Instead playtech and all the studious they bought are making low paying low rtp rubbish. some other playtech games that I have tried recently all poor results; Retro Rush: 483 spins, RTP 69% (1 feature 35xBet) Stars Awakening; 190 spins RTP 52% (4 giant spin features: results: 5xBet, 25xBet, 0xBet, 0xBet) playtech is more like playtake. only ones to still play from time to time would be buffalo blitz (epic ape is a clone too of it) but if you can deal with the low paying features that happen until you get the 100x+) and true love / safari heat ? maybe. at least with those two you won't get a 0xBet like on Gaelic Luck.
  4. added pics to the above stories, and I am thinking spending 3 months being locked up with Maria would be a fun way to learn Russian but no doubt this high maintenance model would have a long list of requirements that one has to meet to qualify.
  5. 40c stake, feature triggered on 21st spin. Finished down on it by 20cents, peaked at +2.90e. Never playing it again tho. Why would I ? just to see another 0x no thanx. Hey even BTG's high variance WWTBAM gave more than 0x when they gave me 0.4xBet. how can they allow such a thing to happen? no bonus guarantee, this is a clone of Halloween Fortune. you pick a lass and I chose the middle blue lass and she gave 3 dead free spins at 5x multiplier, the other lasses were 20 spins and 7 spins.. but we know these features are predetermined. So if that is the case then they ALLOWED features to be won that pay 0xBet... I've never once had a feature pay 0x on Halloween Fortune, yet I play my first ever feature on Gaelic Luck and get a 0xBet feature. Coincidentally the WWTBAM 0.4xBet was also the very first feature on that game (not played WWTBAM again since).
  6. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11248135/tragic-teen-coronavirus-isolation-dies/ A "BEAUTIFUL" teen who feared being isolated with coronavirus tragically died after attempting to take her own life. Emily, from Kings Lynn, Norfolk, had warned loved ones days before the tragedy: "More people will die from suicide during this than the virus itself". The young waitress was said to have been unable to cope “with her world closing in, plans being cancelled and being stuck inside”. also...... https://sputniknews.com/society/202003271078732610-sexual-quarantine-russian-playboy-star-stuck-in-london-seeks-sexy-partner-during-corona-lockdown/ Russian Playboy magazine model Maria Liman has continued her search for a "charming, sexy partner" to survive coronavirus lockdown in London, where she recently moved to. "The sleeping beauty is waiting for her prince in custody. Where is this brave handsome man who will defeat the virus and save me? Please speed up!”, Liman plead to her almost 600,000 strong Instagram audience on Thursday.
  7. in their terms and conditions. 3.7 If you are a player from United States of America, United Kingdom, Spain, France and its overseas territories (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Réunion, Mayotte, St. Martin, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna, New Caledonia), Netherlands, Sweden, Israel, Lithuania, Slovakia, Dutch West Indies or Curacao, you won't be allowed to play real money wagering games including bitcoins.
  8. don't store your kids in the fridge but seriously, stock up on rice (can you get a large bag of rice such as I don't know are they in sizes of 20kg or more, someone said they bought a 50kg bag of rice) and dried beans/lentils and they can last for years and don't have to be stored in any fridge just in your basement or pantry. also canned beans is another alternative (these won't require water/heat to eat such as those dried versions but are more expensive obviously, wouldn't hurt to have a couple hundred or more of those baked beans cans or some other canned beans, chickpeas, mixed beans, peas, carrots). sure there will be lots of farting but that's better than starving. Also then you have those rice cakes and corn cakes variest other dried cakes, these will last for a long time unlike normal bread that goes off). All the long term stuff is good to be stocked up on. We could be looking at a year or two of this CV madness.
  9. look through comment sections on youtube and some are calling the entire thing a scam and in denial, some are more serious bout it, some are somewhat serious about it. take a look at this batch. If you take 'The Truman Show' as a factual documentary, our whole lives are a scam from birth to death. The whole world is a stage. One feels helpless when surrounded by nothing but moronic ignorant lemmings and good little slave bots Please don't believe the FAKE NEWS about Prince Charles and Boris being tested positive ! This is all part of the psychopathic elite's fear-mongering scenario. The lunatics really do run the asylum now. Boris and Charles’ CV diagnosis is probably a lie to spread the fear and obedience. Don’t believe these elites until they start dying by the dozen People are smelling an rat even two of my mates think something isnt right. And were just average joes for want of an better word. Every day they announce the death toll, people should be demanding to see the numbers from the last 3 years. It does seem odd how a percentage are dying from the virus, but none of that percentage includes a lot of well known celebrities, politicians , royals etc who have tested positive for the virus. My friend and his father got it. Hospital sent them home to isolate. So why are they opening all these hospitals every where. How r they filling them. Dont make sense Yes, lots of people have viruses in them, because viruses, bacteria and germs are UBIQUITOUS as my food science teacher told me at Torquay Technical College many years ago. covivid19 can be imagined as an apocalyptic event that only they - the govt - can rescue you from What is “ social distancing ”, “quarantine shaming” and “flatten the curve” but psychology of fear or newspeak ? LOOK at the psychology of all this!!!..Hey everybody STAY AWAY FROM OTHER HUMANS...curl up with your electronic device...your device is your friend- it will save you!...other humans will kill you!!..the Smart Grid is your salvation!!...distance yourself from the Humans!!..Embrace the Grid!!!..Everyone is your Enemy- only your Smart phone is your friend!!..my god this makes Orwell's 1984 look like a picnic in the park!..THIS is BAD!!! At this rate we will be envying the freedom of North Koreans! Boris and Charles? What a publicity stunt! Don't believe it. Wake up ppl. I never believe boris or Charles tested positive or any other famous got the virus . The only innocent us got it and die for it . They play their role well enough in this satanic game and now is hide and wait time for solution up coming vaccine and self testing kit on the way for innocent humanity .... Had a feeling from the start that this whole thing is like a test to see how people react, to see if they willingly give up their freedoms in order to be protected, can't prove it of course, more of a suspicious feeling. I'm not doing a test. I said all along it's a flu virus. Test kits are to get everyone's dna. Destroy the weak. keep the strong. That's the motive. It’s weird, all these celebs getting Coronavirus like they’re trying to process the propaganda in our minds. I think personally the economy is going to collapse regardless, politics will collapse. The west will seem they can’t cope. But Israel will want this and take world leading state, one world government and a cashless society. Agenda 21 depopulation. They’ll kill us or make us infertile. These evil ***** anti christ followers really are on the path to *****. In Italy elderly people were massively vaccinated in last October. It is a Planned-demic Soon as I heard thought this is a joke such fake news Charles and Boris tested positive. I don’t believe it at all. Even my own GP said that today...i told my GP my symptoms, she just told me, just allergies...These "lock downs" are unnecessary I keep telling people that THEY are prepping us for something and USING, the "VIRUS" as a distraction! Straight from the mouth of babes " my 17 year old daughter said "the only danger i see from this virus is how quickly it's spreading" otherwise she says a just a flu" ... I heard they're rolling in vaccines and micro chips during this period. No vaccines no jobs. Oh, it's ridiculous! People are losing their minds over nothing more than propaganda! I'm sure there's a bug going around but guess what everyone! It's the flu! Remember we're in flu season and nobody has even mentioned the flu going around. Having said that, I do understand that people are scared. It's not their fault. They're programmed by what they see. Is it true that Johnson boris has tested positive for covid19 or media playing around to make pll realise how covid19 is dangerous to stay home Self reporting... Same thing went on in ***** Germany, people getting ratted out for no reason by their fellow man and rounded up. They are saying it's the elderly that are dying, would it have anything to do with them receiving the flu jab this winter? The Cabal controls the Media....They just do as their told...and they’re told to spread fear... The whole medical system is a hoax as well as many senior doctors they know everything that goes on self medicate and stay away from all doctors Unfortunately any government that doesn't go along with this leaves itself open to biological attack. The attack would simply appear to be a lack of action on the government's part. If they are testing for just generic coronaviruses then this whole thing is mass hysteria over the common cold. That is absolutely something the elite would do. They're laughing at us right now. can't believe how many of my friends are buying this virus bollox All the scaremongering on the media makes me feel sick with worry I can't remember any other illness that has affected so many public figures and politians. This is a scam foisted on people to remove their freedom. Look at the graphs on euromomo.eu. this shows that nothing out of the ordinary is happening, only scaremongering for evil intent. This is going to cause suicides and broken marriages, being locked up, I also feel so sorry for teenagers stuck in the bloody house it affects them so much This is just a cover up to allow the printing of money to bail out the massive debt of the central banks. The more you dig into this sort of garbage, the less you can trust these so called "Experts" and "Scientists" they are nothing more than charlatans using data to feather their own nests and ensure they keep getting their funding. A bunch of lying vermin that have lost all credibility. My god this is awful yet I’ve been saying all along the Elite have wanted to control us an this is how !!! My oldest girls are petrified of the so called pandemic I’ve tried to calm them down an I’ve shown them these videos but they are still scared sooooo angry about all of this !!! It’s messed so many people’s lives up well done to those evil ***** that thought that up !!!! These so called experts are behaving like pedophile groomers. Warning us that the lockdown would last until there is a vaccine you need to look at Sweden. They have implemented no such measures whatsoever!. There society is running as usual. no one seems to b sick except those on tv, probably will kill a lot less than the flu, no agenda here, globalists At my parents place just now, and they're sitting having their daily fill of CV trash on the news. Come 6pm, they'll have their evening fill of regurgitated trash followed by the soaps. 50 mins of their time watching this as I am just now would set them straight, but they won't - Corrie is more important. Instead, it's poor buggers like us that have to listen to them relaying every tiny minute detail they hear on television. This is nothing but a forged world-economic crisis, disguised as a pandemic! They are pushing our world towards a global political and economic tyranny! We have seen for a couple of decades how scientists prostituted themselves to create hysteria about Climate Changes? Also, a few decades ago, the USA invented a hysteria about “Asbestos” just as Canada ad the UK refused to be dragged into that stupidity...thus proving that the AMERICAN scientists are paid prostitutes.. When you hear that the scientists all agree about anything, you need to insert the word rented before scientists. Now I am a scientist, who refused to compromise my opinions. I was a leading national expert on both global warming and Asbestos and here to say both cases were exaggerated and politically hyped. Just read that health minister hancock has tested positive for covid 19. Yes, I don't believe it either. I don't believe a word boris Johnson utters Bill Gates admitted on CNN today that he's working on the VACCINE for Americans and the rest of the world in Italy in their everyday updating host, la Protezione Civile, said explicitly that they are considering corona virus cases all the deaths waiting for further exams to be taken.... said it more than few times... Either way, if this “coronavirus” (BIO WEAPON) was *accidentally* unleashed from a laboratory or **INTENTIONALLY **unleashed from a laboratory (I believe more in the latter scenario), is *INSIDIOUS*. Or it’s one big fat lie. I KNOW things aren’t so black and white when it comes to figuring out the maze here. It’s the game player’s (YOU) responsibility in figuring it out so WE can get the the ***** out of here when we transition (physical body death). I am not going to be tricked again to re-incarcerate (“re-incarnate”) to this prison planet (simulation/game) to be their energetic food (loosh). THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) need blood (sacrifices) to make this all beLIEvable. If you understand black and white magic to change the trajectory of the collective consciousness then you understand how it’s all bullshit. THEY have done this very same thing throughout history! If it happens, believe it was planned. People do die in these GAMES that THEY play... after all, we are indeed, in a GAME. This is the only reason people are dying. To make their magic work AND to make it beLIEvable to the unconscious masses of people, who don’t believe in magic. The masses beLIEve in the lie. The majority’s fear is the powerful ingredient to the potion. This KNOWLEDGE is only hidden (the Occult) if you BeLIEve it to be hidden. If you are watching and paying attention, while using your spiritual senses, you’ll see the very beings who ushered all this in are now masquerading as the Saviors. All tactic to confuse you and control your mind. The etymology of very word government means CONTROL MIND. Look up its Latin roots. As the wise philosopher Plato once wrote, when tyrants first arise, they appear as protectors. Question everything about this “coronavirus” experiment/scheme. If you care about truth and freedom, now is the time to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to what is happening. FEAR is the REAL contagion here. Fear is the controlling emotion. Self Mastery is not allowing your EMOTIONS to overpower your intelligence. People keep asking me, “If it's all fake, why are people dying?” My response: People die, period. Life is fatal and unfair. It’s super convenient right now to label anyone dying, for whatever reason, as being due to the “coronavirus” TO MAKE IT beLIEvable. It’s all SORCERY if you are able to move past your own fear to “SEE” it for what it is. This “coronavirus” is only true and real to those who BELIEVE it to be. Add the possibility of death to a FALSE story line touted in the mass controlled media and people will lose their rational thinking minds. The formula to use either Black and White magic: Intention + Emotion = Creation. This is a formula for creating or manifesting in this life. The formula is very well known to those that underpin and run the world.* Once again, it is Intention + Emotion = Creation* Like any piece of knowledge or technology, it is neutral; it can be used for good or evil. If you use it for good, it’s White Magic; if you use it for evil, it’s Black Magic. That vaccination will be here in a few weeks I bet... I can forsee those headlines. Mass panic as people line up for vaccines... so many will be without the antibodies. Just bear in mind when you get that vaccination why not ask for the ingredients in it? We know whats it our food by law but shouldnt we know whats in that vaccination before we take it? “What do you think you’re doing out of your house?”. “Who me?, nothing, just keeping this 357 warm. Any problems?”. 258,000 people in the USA die each year of "Sepsis". Many of these tragic deaths will be counted as COVID-19 during 2020. You can't argue with statistics, you can't argue with the doctors, you can't argue with the authorities, you can't argue with the experts. WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH. WAKE UP TO THE FACT THEY ARE LIARS IN COLLUSION. This is the beginnings of the push to chip everyone. Don't be fooled into accepting it. "When you become too incredible, you become invisible." "The only way you can control people is to lie to them. You can write that down in your book with big letters. THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL SOMEONE IS TO LIE TO THEM." -L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the mk-ultra cult Scientology. This morning i had a parcel delivered to my front doorstep. The delivery driver knocked on the door and ran off, as if he had just placed a bomb!! My feeling is this virus has been around quite a while may be over a year or two many have had it recovered some have died but to put this in some kind of context in 2010. 67,276 people died in the UK from respiratory diseases alone that is not including cancer patient's ps 142 of them died of the swine flu Something did seem off to me about this from the start. Even if the figures given were real, it sounded no more dangerous than any other illness such as the flu, and we don’t go into lock down every year over that! Also consider the Spanish Flu. Millions upon millions died and it was extremely dangerous to the young and old alike. That also didn’t warrant a lockdown! Nostradamus predicted this in 1551, read the extract - He predicted that death will Come on a pale horse and bring ***** with it which would mean that its not a hoax its really a virus that will kill many people I said last week if Boris gets it then it's definitely bullshit,look at UK column YouTube video from Tuesday saying public health England said it's not that serious I find it Strange how so many of these Celebrities have got it and now Boris ,I was shocked when I saw a clip of people taking there dog for a walk in an isolated part of the country and they were told to go home this is getting very Worrying now and Yesterday I saw a Doctor still with a Stethescope round his neck at the self Service check out, I've never seen that and I find it odd because I dont know of anyone that has died from this Pandemic in this Area When the government fears the people there is freedom, when the people fear the government there is tyranny. Those words are never more true than they are today and I wish I could tattoo them on the forehead of every sleeping person (especially those who believe that a right to defense and a Duty to overthrow a corrupt government is ridiculous) on the planet to remind them of how many times we common people have been enslaved to an elite class throughout history. people get into fights about how many are allowed to walk into a meat market Vaccine = sterile = artificiall wombs= Georgia guidstones inscritptions of limiting the human population The whole government story sounds like a load of baloney Coroney to me Self isolate, stay indoors when you think your free but your inside a prison but can't see the bars The royals and now parliament have gone into hiding (self isolation) We are being totally mugged off and left to fend for ourselves. Beaches closed in Melbourne today and people in droves demanding full lock-down. Begging to be incarcerated with a short exercise break allowance! Unbelievable. It's hard to have respect for a nation of people that are willfully allowing dictatorship to override freedom. Local shop is restricting each person to 2 loaves of bread. Interesting the self employed will only receive their grant from HMRC starting June ? That's an awful long time, possibly in anticipation for the vaccinations to be used as a condition to receive your government 'support' Meanwhile, they are making all of us wait on the bill while repeating the same sulking, melodramatic, low-key rant on the podium. Time is ticking. Pneumonia is the thing they have to watch for. But the person will automatically isolate himself due to the fever associated with pneumonia. Pneumonia is very painful, I know bec I've experienced it. Isn't it weird how certain so called elites( P.Charles, B.Johnson, canadian PM wife) to name a few have the cv19 but a mild form. I bet they don't die from it. I don't believe anything the news tells us. Its news they want us to know. Biased and twisted news The behaviour of the world's media over the last 2 - 3 weeks has all the hallmarks of an enormous psy-op and they are clearly trying to terrify the public with near incessant coverage of the issue. Tellingly, people are also being told to NOT take their info from anything other than "official" sources. Here in Ireland, any time I take a look at a youtube video relating to the Coronavirus, there is a GOVERNMENT notification underneath - no kidding - telling me where to get my information on the subject. Practically EVERY radio and news station is on board, "blindly trust the govt, don't believe those crazy conspiracy theorists on the internet". Anyone who knows anything about the techniques of psychological warfare will understand that they are using fear to create a state of totally submissive obedience whereby we will roll over and let them take our rights. Ban everything world wide except BIOWEAPON LABS.... >.> Was in the park with my pregnant girlfriend as she needs sun and some exercise, no one was around we sat down for a break as you do .the the police approach us and ask us what we are doing.i said we need a rest as we have been exercising(walking), we got told to go home and spoken to in a way I do not appreciate so we continued walking. A lockdown is violating the humanrights!!!! I'm still going to work though I have less work than before this virus came to my country,but then my country is not in full lockdown like in Britain. 33 hundred thousand people 33 is THE HOAX CODE and they’ve dropped it in all over the place but still the sheep carry on blindly Baaaa I was in my local hospital with a friend who is unwell and in recovery, the nursing sister balled at me for being 10 minutes late from the cafe before they closed the hostipal to all visitors saying this is very serious, I replied no it's not it's nonsense, they want to keep everyone in fear and yet the goverment are having bullshit meetings all in the same room really Anyone else Experiencing an increase in telecommunication cable laying in our area like here in Kenton, Beware in my view this is there way of laying grounds for 5G while you are all quarantined in your homes. Bill Gates with the US military are the most likely suspects for this. US are using this to hurt the countries it has a problem with. Sanctions on iran China blackmailed into paying billions already to US. This would explain why US stockpiled thousands of coffins a few years ago because they have been planning it since at least then. They know the virus is “spreading” bc they know that a large % of people already have antibodies of coronavirus in there system and will there for test positive with the more people randomly tested I'm not at all afraid of this virus....because it doesn't exist. What I am afraid of is this the response from the masses who are literally SCREAMING to be locked up inside their own homes, and demanding that those who question this whole nonsense be locked up. Unfuckingbelievable!!! Isn't it funny prince Charles had the corona virus boris Johnson has it handcock from government has boris Charles both been by the queen yet they say the queen doesn't or didn't have it spreading her royal virus before she drops dead and maybe she has it from the Duke of Edinburgh so tge royal house hold could drop like flies it's like it's becoming fashionable with the rich elites yet survive it while the common person drops dead in hours or a few days A known cardiologist that is high educated set on facebook that it's all a lie. And that has been putted as fake news after a few hours later by greek Facebook watcher or whatever they are called, so suppose checkers The only thing different this year is we crashed the world for the flu , all the years past of the flu ( which are all corona strains) , of Ebola , of SARS , of bird flu , of swine flu , HIV etc. etc. the world went round and round , this year the world went FULL ***** , how curious . I wish medical services would look at facts concerning this test. Yesterday I was absolutely shocked to read home care has been suspended for 1600 people that needed home care before and after in Glasgow. Excuse was no test & risk cross contamination with already vulnerable house bound patients. Nothing spread more than fear , and the media is here to Lie to Us officially Italy has big problems with air pollution...that's the reason for them having respitory symtoms.... went for a cycle ride this morning, went past 6 different hospitals, hospital employees and ambalance drivers all seem calm, joking with each other. where or what is this 'frontline bs, i keep hearing about. Don’t believe that Charles the grinch . We all know that even the Corona is scared of him
  10. once you win it it's your money, not their money anymore, this is a common misconception
  11. your location is California USA and you playing at BitStarz ? @OlleBitStarz said they don't allow Americans to play
  12. is 90% of your slot playing on NetEnt slots? some call them NetBent tho but they are seeming to pay more lately maybe some rogue employee is being generous and has messed with the RNG.
  13. what are you doing depositing 44$ and betting 4$ a spin and if you get a win during those spins u cash out but if not then you make another 44$ deposit and then another and another ??????
  14. during a slot stream someone said: "I lost all hope to the new machines and had to try Starburst after degen day.. Started with 130 kroner left, now 10 min later I have 1500kr!! (1500KR is about 131e) so many something is going on with NetEnt and they are giving away wins more than usual. hmm...
  15. If you’re a man and want to lower your testosterone levels, grow manboobs, big belly and get more feminine – continue to drink beer. Beer is known as a manly drink, but in actuality beer is perhaps one of the most powerful estrogenic drinks on the Earth. If you are a man You shouldn’t ever drink beer which includes hops, and 99% of beers do. It’s like shooting yourself in the foot! For women hops beer is not that big of a problem, because women want anyway to be more feminine and grow bigger b.r.e.a.s.t.s. But still hops beer has a sedative effect and it also grows belly tissue. So I would avoid it at all costs. For men who are out in the bars & clubs It makes no sense whatsoever to drink beer. You are lowering your testosterone levels, making yourself more feminine and more bitchy. It doesn’t really serve you when you are trying to attract the opposite s.e.x. Also hops beer works as a sedative, making you sleepy. Beer is literally like a sleeping pill. Do you want to get sleepy when you are out in the bars & clubs? For men drinking beer is like shooting yourself on the foot. Replace all beer drinking with better options, like for example with high quality whiskey drinks. Or keep amplifying your estrogen levels, getting sleepy, growing breast and belly tissue – if you want, by all means, make yourself a beer drinking fat feminine sleepy manboob male. It’s your own choice. But I’m happy to put this information forward if someone finds it valuable. Hops beer has estrogenic and sedative effect. Hops is best known for its use in beer. The majority of physicians and men overlook its potent chemicals and do not realize that beer itself can significantly alter the male androgen levels. German beer makers noticed long ago that the young women who picked hops in the fields commonly experienced early menstrual periods. Hop pickers in the field would often fall asleep on the job. Female children would begin menstruation much earlier when working in the hop fields. Beer makers who didn’t use hops in their product would have been heavily fined. Was it for product safety? Profit? Control of the masses?
  16. I took your advice @Johnnygotthebone to try NetEnt went to Starburst only on 50c spins, first few dead then I had triple stars on spin #15 with 7's mega win haha. saved my session.... all other slots lost on and then netent and starburst, first star hit on reel 2, then next spin another star and then another star..... 74xBet and there is still a respin to come with all 3 stars. the last spin had 3 blue gems on the 1st reel and then 3 red gems on the 5th reel....... where were the bars or 7's but i will take it 99xBet.......... wish I had kept it on 2e when I opened the slot..... arrghhh at least its not the minimum coin values, i got it on coin value 0.05 and level 1.... done with slots for today.. shame on playtech and the congrats on the 0.00 will show the screenshot and also tried out one of their other new slots some ***** called Space Digger made by playtech/origin, such garbage.... never again that one (112 spins at 20c/spin for a RTP of 26.75% W.T.F,,,, this slot claims to be a 96.06% TRTP. NEVER AGAIN. Had not played Starburst in such a long time tho and this is how I get welcomed to it. thanks starburst. thanks netent now if only I can get a wild line on DOA1....
  17. I don't know but I just had a feature on Gaelic Luck (playtech) and it paid €0.00........ it said Congratulations you caught the Irish Luck and won: 0.00 I took a screenshot of it basically this is a clone of Halloween Fortune.... and when you start the feature you get to pick one of 3 lasses to get your free spins, i went for the middle one Blue dress and she gave me 3 spins, the other two had 20 and 7. then chose a multiplier of 5x but all 3 spins were dead. This is a major con. and for the slot to say congratulations you caught the Irish luck and won: €0.00 why couldn't they just make it 20 free spins with 3x multiplier every time instead of allowing such a situation to occur where you can get 3 free spins which are easily 3 dead spins cause we all know how many dead spins on average happen on slots is high. Maybe just netent is paying for you.
  18. doing a Bonanza session on 60c stake in 25 spin batches, so far finished batch 19, thats 475 spins and havent had one heart stopper. but lots of GOL's... rtp is running at 80.08% its been 475 spins since previous feature. wheres the GOLD?... best base game win so far is 31.8xBet during batch 12. and then during batch #20 the gold arrives from a heart stopper.. whats it going to pay folks? trigger is 5.5xBet... it paid total 62.5xBet... spin #1 dead, spin #2 dead, spin #3 dead, spin #4 :5OAK Queens = 0.36e, spin #5: dead, spin #6: 5OAK diamonds + 5OAK 9's 2 ways + 3OAK Queens 3 ways + 3OAK kings = 32.64e, spin #7: 4OAK green gems = 1.20e, spin #8: dead, spin #9 dead, spin #10 dead, spin #11 dead, spin #12 dead........ Bonanza session loss is -20.19e, RTP 93.22%, (HI/LO +5.94e{sp#11}/-62.19e){sp#464}, highest base game win 31.8xBet sp#295 total spins for the session 496. 304 dead spins (61.29%), 98 losses disguised as wins (19.76%)(LDW), combines for 402 losing spins (81.05%). 9 spins returned equal (1.81%), and 85 profitable spins (17.14%). this session has lifted the avg # of spin per feature to 412 YTD (was 404) and 408 LTD (was 401)
  19. some comments I found from youtube videos on the CV Someone said: My cousin is an Ambulance driver paramedic and theyve been told to drive around with sirens blue lights on to send the message home to keep people off the streets and drive the fear of this thing into people, She isnt seeing any unusual spikes in illnessess anywhere, I knew from the start this was a hoax ! Metaphorically speaking... its still flu! A different brand of car but still a car doing what cars do, Fear will mess with your immune system theres plenty of evidence to support that, Someone said: ***** sake.... the health service crews see it for what it is, but those in the already stricken NHS, on the frontlines will be overwhelmed with only a few cases. If the wards and hospitals weren't shut down, and there wasn't a ***** Nurse/Dr to patient ratio, this would be being dealt with much better. There are lots of people with compromised immune systems, even without underlying conditions. Now the public are turning on anyone not following in line. If this was a 3 week thing, fair enough, but we know the machinations going on behind the scenes, maybe not all the details but enough to see this will be anything but a 3 week lockdown, blamed on those 'selfish people' going outside. If almost everyone is inside, then surely they wont be affected by the minority who chose to not be imprisoned? And if so, then even going to shops once would put you at risk? It doesn't make sense but people are going off it regardless without really thinking about it. Someone said: I work at the CA hospital where the first "child" coronavirus death just occured and I spoke to the nurses that treated him and that kid had septic pneumonia long before he had covid 19 and that's what killed him (also had respiratory problems from constant vaping). Between the media and decision makers out there it's very difficult to decipher the truth right now so I urge everyone to question everything. Someone said: Have a look at the Gov.Uk website, it was updated on 21st March and now says that the virus is not an HCID (High Consequence Infectious Disease)... Obviously they don’t have the kind of death rates to do so. Someone said: I’ve noticed this happening too. Police and ambulance driving around with only lights on. Ignorance is not bliss. Someone said: Boosting Immune System: - fear /stress (turn off TV, and other MSM fuelled media) - allow fresh air to place where you sleep (turn off WiFi router/mobile) - eat healthy, avoid alcohol unless in tinctures - balanced supplements - vit D3, Vit C, microelements - herbs can boost your immune system - exposure to sun (no screening creams) It's also boost good/happy feeling - use cold / hot shower (can be started from feet to get used to it...) - pure drinking water - colloidal silver/gold, MSM, DMSO (as well spotted in comments - thanks) - if health allows one day fasting is helpful to rest digestive system (water with pinch of rock salt, fresh natural juices) - do not be affraid to sweat as lots of shite is pushed out this way - do not drop temperature as this indicates body is fighting infection - within a reason) NO aluminium based antiperspirants and toothpaste with fluoride. Be loving and caring to your close ones and surrounding folks. I know it's a lot but try step by step and feel the difference Turn On THINKING by yourself not by Propaganda. Stay well, stay safe Listen to your heart... we are good by nature of our creator. Someone said: My father used to say there will be a time where your thoughts will not be your own. He was prophetic and we talked about the NWO and how knowledge would be increased in my later years. He passed away about 10 years ago. It's all happening so fast. It's frightening but those of us with knowledge need to come together and fight this. I've been making my voice heard about 5G. It's happening right now while our children are on lockdown from school. It's pure evil. They know exactly what they are doing. Someone said: They are already banning cash payments in Australia and shops are asking for cards only Someone said: Here in Uk card limit has gone up to £45 before you have to use your PIN number. Someone said: Am in the uk. It happened to me. For some reason my network that I have been on for over 7 years has no bars on my phone so I had to go buy a house phone. I passed the box to the cashier that I picked up off the shelf, he handled the box that I handled yet wouldn't accept my cash. Doesn't makes sense. Someone said: It's illegal for anyone to not accept cash in Australia. It's printed right there on every note "This note is Legal Tender". Point this out to whoever has a problem and ask them to put gloves on or wipe the note with an alcohol swab if they are worried. You have the legal right to demand that they accept it. Someone said: Everywhere in the world, governments are using the coronavirus crisis to expand their control, claiming these are only temporary emergency powers. THE IMPLICATIONS:Can we trust governments to reliquinish these powers afterwards? Are people so panicked and afraid they will allow their freedom and rights to be stolen due to an invisible virus? emergency powers Across the world, governments are grabbing emergency powers & consolidating frightening amounts of control using the excuse of a virus. Someone said: I'm in IRELAND and we are constantly being told we are just a week behind Italy thus far we only have six deaths out of over 1000 cases we are in practical lockdown people scared over nothing Someone said: I live in quite a rural part of England, and last night i was walking my dog across some scrubland. I then notice what i thought was an unusually bright star to the east. as it got brighter and brighter, i soon realised that it was the lights of a plane or a helicopter heading in my direction........ It was the latter. As this helicopter came closer ( and i would say that it was hovering at about 1000 feet) i suddenly found my self under an extremely powerful spotlight of intense bright light.The spotlight monitored me for around 15/20 secs as i stood motionless , and then it turned off and the helicopter turned direction. Very occasionally, these helicopters have been used to try and track down escaped prisoners from Moorlands prison which is a few miles from where i live, but in this case i firmly believe they were monitoring the area just to see who was breaking the so called ''curfew'' Someone said: My poor octogenarian parents are frightened. My sis and I are doing all their errands and they are only going out to take a walk. For me the impact is really financial. I doubt the small business at which I work will survive this. Someone said: They’ve been operating the Chinese system of social credits here in UK by sanctioning people on Benefits if they turn up late or don’t attend work trials etc Someone said: Paper money and coins will be banned due to the possibility of contamination. Only credit/debit cards. Control. Someone said: tied to buy the new Star Wars dvd at j and b hifi here in South Australia, and they said we don't take cash. I said I don't have anything else and goodbye. Someone said: In France, media gives continuously Italie case numbers to spread the fear all around. By the way, past mortality numbers and statistics are not Available in the net! Someone said: Even Greta and the Extinction Rebellion couldn't have imagined a better outcome Someone said: New cell tower went up just outside of a high school. Someone said: check out the UK Government webpage.. they no longer classify it as a problem but they support its Panic .... where are the seasonal flu stats? ..... there arent any!! .. they're the same figures, this 'new flu' has an even or lower kill rate although its always genuinely fairly high !!!!!! Watch the 'UK Column' from yesterday 25/3 ...facts misrepresented!! Someone said: In India if someone coming out from home, police are beating them brutally. Someone said: Here in Italy they have forced everyone on lockdown and they are not giving any money to people for food. And no money for shop keepers and companies that have had to close. Someone said: Here in Scotland I had a prolonged cough in December. My mum ended up hospitalised with it and couldn't breathe. Lots of ppl round about me had the same prolonged cough too. Was this Covid 19 ? Maybe it was. If so, it's been here far far longer than we are being told. Someone said: The CDC's own website shows that in the last 90 days 20,000+ people have died in the U.S. from complications from the seasonal flu virus. That's 200+ per day, where's the freak-out over this much larger health threat, there isn't one, the media is silent. Go check it out for yourself, that should show even the most brainwashed that this is a psyop. Someone said: UK Government has officially and quietly downgraded Co-Vid 19. How many of you knew that? Someone said: Question everything, keep an open heart and reduce media stress Someone said: Does anyone else find the death of 21 year old Chloe Middleton suspicious ?? I get the feeling this is fake news to scare younger people into isolation, as they highlighted she had no heath problems ???if I'm wrong then my condolences go out to the family because it is tragic , but my instincts tell me different, I just do not trust the mainstream media at all Someone said: Been trying to warn people for years. Now its happening. they are using this virus to usher in the NWO. they are collapsing the economy around us.,....hyper inflation IMMINENT Someone said: This an hour ago Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus . Someone said: I'm from Holland and here they raised up your paycredit with your card so you don't have to touch the machine. And some shops don't want cash money. Someone said: Gordon Brown has called for global government!!! This is it folks Someone said: Is it true that 5G lampposts and aerials are going up while we're locked away in our homes ? Someone said: I just received a message from my bank to avoid to pay with cash. To use, card or cell phone for that. People still not believe!!!!!! Someone said: I’ve had shops refusing cash for a week now Someone said: The cash bit was when i really started to see the bigger picture signs in shops saying if possible pay by contactless as if cash is dirty and you will catch this virus or any other disease what sort of bullshit is that. The seed planted now in peoples heads i accept cash will become thing of the past i personally prefer using contactless more convinent still cash and coins have an place but seem we will move away from it but i thought in maybe 20 or so years from now. Someone said: Norway= lockdown= If you have symptoms of Covid 19 you have to stay in your house.If you go outside they will force you to pay 20000 Norwegian KRONER. Someone said: I think the virus was here in Britain in November. Everybody I knew who had it had flu symptoms. But this year it took several wks to recover. It took me 6 weeks to get my energy & health right Someone said: In Greece we cant even go for a walk..no traveling what so ever..we have to dial a five digit number to register with the government and seek permission also in written form inorder to go the supermarket..and there is policing stopping people for confirmation...this is uncanny!! And people are so subordinate..no reaction... Someone said: £30 fine is a joke somebodies daughter we know of got fined £250 for not breaking up her group of friends and going home so the fines are anything from £30 to £1000 depending on whatever is determined by the officer at the time
  20. so that's like a normal average day for you then but would be unreal for everyone else
  21. what is up with some media / politicians in some countries taking this CV more seriously and wearing the masks including on TV yet in some countries such as the U.S., you do DO NOT see the media wearing the masks and same goes for their politicians.
  22. @copyyy check out these two videos I found recently while search for monopoly live fails and in this next one, they simply cancelled a round when a 4 rolls landed but their employee entered the wrong number into the system... outrageous
  23. Videos Emerge Showing DOZENS OF PEOPLE Intentionally Spreading it on Benches and Elevators there's also a video of a Chinese woman who has been confirmed to have been infected with the Corona Virus, spitting on produce in an Sydney supermarket (Australia).
  24. @pinnit2015 recently you had a 37 spin trigger (9 scattesrs) on Bonanza (plus retrigger) thus totalling 42 spins that paid about 1200x, what stake was that on? I am averaging now 401 spins per feature and 108xBet with close to a total of 5000 spins played lifetime. all stakes sizes are in profit except for those 4e and 5e bets (and this is cause the only two times that features have occurred (both in same session) on those stakes they paid just 22.2x and 18.15x) I really should have stopped playing for the session when I had those two features either after the 22.2x or after the 18.15x. Wish I had never played 4e or 5e stakes..... the highest base game win was on a 4e tho, paying 50.7xBet It gets too expensive on 4e/5e stakes. Doing 25 spin batches and will be down for vast majority of batches and then they slap you with a crappy 22.2x or 18.15x or as once you said a 0.4xBet on a £4 stake. I checked what would have happened if I had played all of the nearly 5000 spins on €1 stake... and result would be a RTP of 105.43% and +€261 instead its a mixture of 20c/40c/80c/1e/2e/4e/5e
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