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Everything posted by Flatzem

  1. this is only 77.8xBet, your previous screenshot was 80xBet, you only need to post a new screenshot if it is your highest xBet.
  2. COVID 19: Now They Want to Kill Off Granny Like Some Perverted Logan's Run Remake
  3. and yet people continue to play it and every streamer too even though streamers admit they are down on the game by many tens of thousands. One extreme degenerate streamer lastnight was playing £3K per spin while another was doing up to around €500. Streamers and their endless supply of 100% deposit bonuses that normal players never get.
  4. have you seen.... They Live something with martial arts, how about and something with some gambling content just realised all 3 above movies are from 1988. and something from the 90's is this from 1992
  5. so I watched a video and someone in the slot stream bragged about this: Someone said: "I made $3k of put options I bought for Expedia the moment China announced quarantines". Not only are there psychopath politicians that are making money out of this by using inside info to sell their shares early, you have others like the above psychopath making money out of other peoples deaths. This guy was rubbing his hands while the bodies are falling to the ground. Just like with 9/11 there were those with inside info making money on the stockmarket cause they knew what events were getting done. Put Option: In finance, a put or put option is a stock market instrument which gives the holder the right to sell an asset, at a specified price, by a specified date to a given party. The purchase of a put option is interpreted as a negative sentiment about the future value of the underlying stock. The term "put" comes from the fact that the owner has the right to "put up for sale" the stock or index. Expedia.com is an online travel agency and metasearch engine. The website and mobile app can be used to book airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, cruise ships, and vacation packages. It is owned and operated by Expedia Group, ranked first on the list of top earning travel companies.
  6. I am sure you have watched those zombie apocalypse films/tv shows so much focus is on a survival type scenario/virus related, so many video games made about these types of situations too. So many games and films such as Resident Evil about a virus, then you have the show Walking Dead tv show (now in it's 10th season) also has a virus that has infected the WHOLE world. You know that in the game and film Resident Evil the Umbrella Corporation has the same logo to a Chinese biotech company except a difference in colours. And something else is that in the game/movie Resident Evil the city is called Raccoon City, but the animal Racoon has only 1 letter C BUT it can also be spelt as Raccoon.. ... now if we consider that Corona is anagram for Racoon. So we have a connection there. Now the word Racoon can also be spelt Raccoon so basically they are interchangeable. So Resident Evil could easily be considered as having Racoon or Raccoon City. It is after all named after the animal that is where the word came from surely. The dumpster diving mammal. Racoons (also spelt raccoons) are native to North America . Its common colors are grey and black and are covered in thick underfur which helps during the cold weather. Two of the raccoon's most distinctive features are its extremely dexterous front paws and its facial mask. So much of this has been made and is being consumed by people and now it is playing out in the real world in some way. There are at least two different strains of this virus that is all over the world, some places have it worse than other places. Anyway I am sure most people would like to go back 1 year and and then live out a different scenario than the one that is currently being played.
  7. its like on landbased slots you would see people winning the big jackpots and big paying features maxing out the game you see with streamers and their 10e bets on variance high variance games they hit them and win. slots are really simple, don't feed them when they are cold, play them when they are paying. after a while you should be able to notice which mode they are in. Sometimes its clear as night and day. We as players have to be strict on this rule. Break the rule, pay the price. just don't be stubborn to stay on a slot too long thinking that it will change its mode. most often it wont on that day. Did you see that post by some guy that fed a slot 200$ x 16 deposits (all in the same day session) and and yet it still would not pay and he fed it a total of $3200 and then on the 17th deposit the slot blocked him out cause of country restriction. It was overfed and gave him an excuse why it would not eat anymore but it also would not let him play anymore.
  8. French Border Guards Are Impounding Medical Supplies Meant For The UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8137039/French-border-guards-impound-trucks-filled-130-000-face-masks-bound-Britain.html
  9. maybe you should it's NetEnt and you doing well on NetEnt. Just know when the game is dead.
  10. what was the idiotic move? you deposited a tenner or 22, build up the balance to over 100, then bet 10cad a spin and hit 129.6xBet , that's standard for you johnnybones mode especially on those NetEnt slots. You have them figured out, when to raise when to leave a slot when it gets cold, patterns in slots they all have them.
  11. New Online Prank: Teens are Coughing on Store Produce and Posting the Video Online The Washington Examiner reported: Idle teenagers are participating in a “disturbing trend” of coughing on grocery store produce and posting their pranks online as the nation fights the coronavirus, which is known to spread from human “droplets” spraying from mouths. The latest incident occurred in the Washington exurb of Purcellville, Virginia, some 55 miles from the White House. According to a Purcellville Police Department report, “An incident occurred at a local grocery store involving juveniles reportedly coughing on produce, while filming themselves and posting it on social media.” The report said that the store, identified on social media as Harris Teeter, immediately removed the items and cleaned up the area. The police said, “The grocery store immediately removed the items in question, and has taken appropriate measures to ensure the health of store patrons.” On a community Facebook page, one woman who said she witnessed the event wrote, “Punk teenagers are hitting the grocery stores, coughing all over the produce and the grocery items — filming it and posting it to YouTube. It scared the ***** out of one elderly woman who was just trying to grocery shop. Why the ***** aren’t these people keeping their teens home??? This is not summer vacay!”
  12. Sky News deleted tweets shows how it's heading for a police state in the UK due to COVID-19.
  13. At what point did you realise that the slot was not paying and why did you continue playing it? There's plenty of other slots out there and if one is not paying, move on to another or play on another day when your luck is better. Easier said than done, have some will power.
  14. are you not allowed to go out for a walk ? get some exercise outside...
  15. been getting errors with gateway lag etc. but now it should be fixed.
  16. forum error removed double post gateway errors etc.
  17. so wanted to mention a few corona related "coincidences" or predictive programming. So let's start with the 2004 film The Terminal and there is a scene where a bunch of Asian (Chinese) females walk past all wearing the surgical masks, also the security tells hanks character that America is closed, then hanks character repeats it twice. Other observations: Hanks is currently in Australia supposedly in quarantine cause he and his wife have the coronavirus. Hanks has shown on instagram pictures of his type writer that he brought with him and his typewriter is the Corona type writer. But Hanks is not the only celeb who is showing off his Corona type writer, the old Madame X Madonna has also showed off her Corona type writer "Coronamatic". Also Hanks mentioned that his wife leads by 201 points which could be a signal about the Event 201.
  18. have you guys seen any of the TV news programmes, the people on it are all wearing those surgical masks as they read the news or they talk about the issues. Also soon we will surely see those live dealers start to wear the masks. all the dealers blackjack, roulette, baccarat, monopoly live, sic bo. Of course I am certain they are delaying the wearing of them cause it would put off the customers to see them wearing that right? They would rather the customers see normal operations and not think about the corona think while they gamble their money. But at the same time it can be putting the employees at risk.
  19. Pinnit is active on another forum where they talk about bonanza. Over there they are only concerned about getting GOLD than any coronavirus.
  20. @Fiekie247 was right you can't resist playing the slots even after saying that you won't be playing till end of the month, you made another deposit and another and another. and what is this ? 22$ at 2$ busted, then you made another at 40$ and you played 4$ spins busted and then you went for a 80$ deposit and 8$ spins. This is such madness. what was going to be your next move if the 80$ deposit lost ? 160$ deposit and 16$ spins? 20$ ? But whatever if it works then it works, if it doesn't cost you any fees for making a deposit then you can make as many deposits a day, As long as you don't sit at one slot endlessly for hundreds of spins watching it grind down the balance with dead spins and disguised losses. You hit and run. Do you deposit to the same casino during the day or do you have multiple casinos on the same day and make each deposit to a different one or perhaps multiple deposits to the same casino cause your method could sometimes mean making up to 50 deposits in a day and upping your deposit amounts and stakes per spin. Do you find that when you load the slot and start spinning on it that it hits within the first 10 spins I mean if you deposit 22$ and spin at 2$ then you have only up to 11 spins if the first 10 are dead. Deposit 80$ then you have 10 spins at 8$ but if it hits then you win back all the previous smaller deposits and also make profit on it if the bonus pays decent enough close to 100x or even a 50x feature at 8$ would easily pay for the smaller 22, 40$ deposits, prior.
  21. I really wish I had bet 2e a spin < I set it down to 40c to test it out and wasn't expecting it to hit 35x on 2nd spin, Spin 1 was dead and so was spin 3, 4, 5. I left after that. 2e was the setting when opening the game. Will try it again later. Perhaps with higher starting bet and then hit and run. Sometimes with games you notice you get good hits on the first few spin of a game. Hit and Run! if you stay too long most of the time the game will grind you down with the high number of losing spins or losses disguised as wins (LDWs), bonanza stats show me that it gives between 80% to 82% combo of dead spins+losses disguised as wins... (made up of about 60% dead spins and 20% LDW's) which means if that feature hits and doesn't pay high enough then you are not making profit on that session and also if no big base game hits which are very rare.
  22. I just tried Dazzle Me right now and on 2nd spin hit 35.2xBet... with a bunch of 7's
  23. try some meditation and listening to relaxing music and even some ASMR videos (with headphones) from youtube. There's suitable asmr video for every type of scenario available. I just checked for recent ASMR videos and sure enough just as I thought the ASMR youtubers are making Corono virus related videos. such as this one. or how about this one non corona , relaxation asmr, here is Russian Valeriya she will make anyones headaches and stress go away.. да да да. da da da
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