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Everything posted by honestdude

  1. ab Absolutely Awena and thanks for your reply. I just sent the link to "The Tribune VP for their own investigation as well. Not surprised either but to use a large multi-billion company's name results in law suits. Let's see what "The Tribune does about it now. P.S. - Pleased to meet you too from Bosnia .
  2. Wow, This made me look at my Instadebit, bank transfer, credit card accounts just to see where I stand. I was new at on-line casinos in December 2015 so in the past 5 months I couldn't believe how much I lost. Thanks for reminding me. lol. Approximately 68 deposits already ranging from $50 to $150. A couple of $500 so do the math. I've had 3 withdrawals, 2 of $500 and 1 of $260. Now, if I count the times I actually go to the casino, well it's ridiculous to some of you I"m sure but it puts me in Johnny's league. Over $600 k. No word of a lie.... Ridiculous yes. Some winnings of over $15k but nothing to compare. I too think of what else I could have done with this $. Oh well, gambler's disease.
  3. I have found, for Canadians, that Instadebit is becoming more and more popular and as a recent member, their fees are really low and fair. I will keep searching for answers.
  4. Oh Oh Oh,, I found it ! That false advert from Casino Rewards that popped up this morning again. First off, it wasn't through email. it's actually through news article on the internet. They also boast people"s comments, which how I found out was I wanted to reply to some of what I thought were idiots to post things like OMG, my husband and I need this,,,etc etc but when i tried, anywhere you click on the "Tribune News" it says it posts from, including the "register" to Tribune News" you get directed to Zodiak Casino or casino Rewards. Now that type of advertisement is false and due to this ANNOYING type of tactics you lose trust in Casino rewards. Not sure if the link would work for anyone but here it is and is actually targeted to Canadians. http://thetribune.com-topic.link/?campaign=ec514f69-7908-4842-b8e4-364028f8e43e&country=CA&voluumdata=BASE64dmlkLi4wMDAwMDAwMy04MWU2LTRlYzYtODAwMC0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBfX3ZwaWQuLmY5NWZlODAwLTBlZjQtMTFlNi04YmMyLTJhYjM4M2Y4ZjliN19fY2FpZC4uZWM1MTRmNjktNzkwOC00ODQyLWI4ZTQtMzY0MDI4ZjhlNDNlX19ydC4uUl9fbGlkLi5hMWFiYWNlYy1lYjFlLTQ3NDYtOGU4MC00NGU3OWRlY2Y4YTlfX29pZDEuLmNlZjBhMjk1LTFlZTQtNDM5Yi05YmMxLWQ2YTI5YTY3NjRkNl9fdmFyMS4uMTc4OTAzX192YXIyLi40NDUyMF9fdmFyMy4uMTYwNTY3NF9fcmQuLl9fYWlkLi5fX2FiLi5fX3NpZC4u&did=178903&cid=44520&adid=1605674
  5. I actually liked William Hill simply because they at least have a fair WR although to be honest I'm not aware of all the groups of casinos and who they belong to but I'm pretty sure, based on so many documentaries I've seen that all casinos are crooked. After all, wasn't Vegas and Atlantic City as well as all other gambling institutions started by organized crime ? Once the governments found how much money was involved, they instated regulations and took over most including monitoring but let's face it, which Government is honest after all ? When you say that there is no need to cheat the software, well think of the little things they can cheat which can bring them millions more. It's called "greed".
  6. Coco, you listed Guts Casino as one of your best. I'm just curious, Guts, which I've never played and the reason I haven't is because they actually charge fees to withdraw. Have you experienced this yet or am I incorrect ? thanks.
  7. Well, I was playing the marvel where you have to shoot that ghost on Easy Rider as it passes across the top end of the motorccyle dude and of course it goes by and that damn "winners" announcement pops up right in front of the screen. I lost the next 2 ghosts of course as I tried to x it out and it cost me.
  8. I agree Alfi4 wins,,, I will NEVER AGAIN, get caught up on these scams. it's worse than a matching bonus and totally false when they bluntly tell you that everyting you win is yours to keep. Yeah right...
  9. Annoying Pop-Ups of Winners while playing Marvel Slots. How many of you are aware or have experienced this ? You're playing marvel slots and right in the middle of a spin, which can be a bonus spin you get this pop-up of some member who won whatever.... you must click on the x to shut it off. By now, you missed the bonus round you were playing or any round you're playing. Happen to you ?
  10. FALSE ADVERTISING - CASINO REWARDS INFAMOUS HOUR FREE SPINS. It's just not right. Having a masters in marketing and knowing all the "play with words" I completely don't agree with Casino reward's adverts as I posted below. They clearly state that "you keep the winnings". False advertising and hidden rules in T&C's is annoying to everyone and then they hide under their terms and conditions which is nowhere to be found on the ad. I had to experience it myself but lucky I asked prior to depositing. Casino Rewards has over 30 casinos on-line which most offer this same bonus. Be fully aware though. Here's how it really works. 1) You "don't" get to keep the winnings as stated in their clause below : Sign up Bonus Casino Action currently offers one of the biggest sign up bonuses on the Internet today. Within minutes of registering for free at Casino Action, you'll be paid a $1250 casino bonus which you can use to play a selection of the Internet's finest online casino games. By using only the casino's money for your first hour, you'll be able to play whatever game you want absolutely risk free. Bet high, bet low - it really doesn't matter since you'll be using our money at the best free casino! One thing's for sure though - whatever you win will be yours to keep and use in the main casino, to try and hit those enormous jackpots. 2) The T&C reads that you only get to keep a maximum of $100 if you win anything above the $1250. 3) Once you do win, you must deposit a minimum of $40 to get your winnings of $100. 4) Then your $40 deposit plus the $100 winnings is subject to a WR of 60X ! I have proof of that on a text chat. 5) Almost impossible to reach $100 + $40 X 60 = $8,400.00 in playthrough WR ! SCAM ! Now that's super annoying for those who don't read the T&C's prior to playing the free play hour they advertise. Super Annoying ! Okay, so does this qualify as "Things that annoy you in gambling "?
  11. I agree, it's best to be safe than sorry. Casino Rewards has many casinos offering the same type of bonuses and I always chat and ask and keep a transcript simply to protect myself should I ever win big and the casino refuses to pay based on multiple accounts. I've read many complaints of non-payments where casinos used that "excuse" to forfeit payment.
  12. Don't be sorry Val,, you seem to use the relevance of forum topics often, here's another you mentioned to someone else and I read a few more. "ValDes, on 20 Feb 2016 - 06:58 AM, said: Alfi4win also mentioned his experience in the free plays. As for you thinking it's a rant simply because you believe that that was all "bad luck", well of course losing is all bad luck isn't it ? The fact that I, and others have played for hours losing all the time on that particular free play is not just a "coincidence". As for the "wrong" strategy of playing, well you were wrong there too cause I played without a single win. On my second try with another Casino Rewards free play on Golden Tiger, I played about 20 spins, won and clicked on the quit early if winning so collected the $100 maximum, which is only given if you deposit $50 and then must fill the WR of 30x of both the win and the deposit. Ridiculous. Now this may be eligible for a separate topic but Casino Rewards and Microgaiming also use false advertisement. I have the proof of this as well but maybe start a post alone on Casino Rewards' advertising tactics to lure gamblers through enticement. Which btw is illegal in many countries.
  13. Well, I so far only see 1 in the top 5 so far so I guess I'll fall into second place with the little amount of "play" losses. lol. Was odd, Casino Rewards sometimes gives you a free hour to play on their casinos, and that free hour can be re-triggered if you're losing so I tried it. Gave me 1 free hour with $1500 to play on Tiger Casino and I re-started it 3 times ! So that's a whole $3500 played in 1 hour increments. I played all their allowable slots and varied my bets from $1 to as much as $45 a spin. The first hour I tried to keep it "normal" for me so I bet between $1 and $5 a spin. Nothing,,, :{ . The second hour I upped my bets between $5 to $15 a spin and again nothing. :{ The 3rd hour I thought maybe they only pay out to high betters so I went to $45 a spin. Nothing ! :{ I could have kept going all night of course but I had to get up for work so I gave up. Now, let me see, had that been my own $$ I would have been pretty upset but it was theirs although this gave me a pretty good idea of either my luck was absolute down that night or Casino Reward's Micro-gaming software simply don't pay, regardless of any bonuses they send out through their hundreds of promo emails for all their casinos. Actually, since I started playing on-line and tried about 40 t0 50 various casinos, I can easily estimate that these casinos very rarely pay and good luck trying to ever match wagering requirements. Here's where I have actually won and withdrew from out of all the casinos I played at... Winward - Which ranks badly on Ask Gamblers and charged my over $105 for a bank wire for both times I withdrew $500 but whatever, I still deposited only $40, played through the 25x WR and won $1000. (Subtract the fees they charged). Bet365 - Deposited $40 and withdrew $269.00. So there you are,,, bottom line,,, THEY ARE BASICALLY ALL THE SAME... DO NOT PAY AND MAKE MILLIONS OFF GAMBLERS... :}
  14. I heard you mention this game previously and looked for it but damn, can't find it in any casinos I play at ???
  15. Okay Nicole,, I understand your issue and NO, you're not the only one out there. But of course, people will say quit cause they feel you are "venting and or complaining" but I don't feel you are. I feel you are simply asking if others "feel" the same way or "experience" what you have. Let's face facts. Gambling has very few "big" winners, unless you hit the jackpot, which is rare. You may see many advertised but those are few in comparison to how may loose. The basic fact remains true. "The longer you gamble, the more odds are against you". Are software companies cheating ? Well, I'm not sure which regulatory bodies monitor any of these but casinos open for profits and they make incredible profits. Do the like to pay out large winnings ? Reputable ones who are comfortable with their profits of course would be happy. It's advertising. Those that wait too long to pay out, get bad reviews and this is the only avenue we have to evaluate casinos, thanks to sites like ASK Gamblers". I personally have had the same results as you have on some months. Matter of fact, I can't say I have won in the end playing on-line casinos when you add up all deposits and withdrawals but I really don't expect to make money playing casinos. As for your questions about "Am I the only one" ,, of course not. The problem is most gamblers who win, big or small, eventually put everything back. I know I have won over $15k in one night and gone in the next month. It's a fact of gambling and addiction. Unfortunate but true. We tend to chase our losses or attempt to increase our winnings = lose again. So, are there better software providers like microgaming, netent, or other large ones? Not sure. Are RTM's real ? Who knows ? Do other people feel like you do,, "Of course". What to do about it if you don't want to stop ? Scale back and read about the casinos in places like this and you'll notice that almost every casinos get complaints. Do I like Netent or microgaming, 'NO". Why ? I don't find I have won in all the times I played. Maybe we should start a new forum post, if one doesn't already exist, on " Who's a winner after 3 months?". and who's a loser after 3 months". Problem is not everyone is honest cause gamblers tend to lie about their losses to simply encourage themselves or hide their addictions. I"m not saying all gamblers but most. Hope this at least answers some of your concerns.
  16. I believe he was trying to help Nicole in saying to play something you know best but it's irrelevant since slots and sport gamblings are way different. No skill involved in slots so you can never "master" a slot but in sports or even table games you can learn odds and get closer to wins. Believe this is what he was trying to say.
  17. That's lame.... he's asking if others have the same problem. I'm sure if he could he would too.
  18. I looked into Ecopayz as well but they are all the same when it comes to exchange rates. I'm leanring that depositing into E-wallets that are widely accepted in most casinos are fine for clients who deal in their currencies but harder for those who have to go through exchange rates and fees. Example: My long story on Winward's withdrawals finally came through but at a large fee expense. So I withdrew two winnings of $500 cdn. I received $398 on one and $403 on the other. Why ? Well, I'm glad you asked... lol. Winward advised that their suppliers go through a U.S. bank. So my latest email to them was about if the withdrawal of $500 cdn coming from Winward to their U.S. bank was converted to U.S. funds then the exchange would have been almost 20%. Then their "supplier", the U.S. bank sends the bank wire to my cdn bank in US or Cdn funds ? I'm witing for their response. Winward suggested I subscribe to Ecopayz. Same difference again. Ecopayz accepts various currencies but your account would be in Euros so again a conversion occurs and a withdraw in cdn funds into Euros, would be deposited in my Ecopayz account in Euros and if I would want to withdraw, back to cdn funds. That's 2 exchange rates plus fees. This is why I created this topic. I have yet to hear about an E-Wallet that clients do not have to go through exchange fees if they are depositing and withdrawing in the same currencies but all e--wallets process in their currencies, mostly Euros, since these are the e-wallets mostly accepted at casinos. All I can say is someone out there could make a good business if they are the first to solve this issue. I'm sure there are many players who encountered this problem as well. Slotjoint representative spoke to me about one of their clients who encountered this and Slotjoint did a one time payment to the customer, of about $100, to compensate him for his exchange charges absorbing the costs. A kudo to Slotjoint for this. Now if more casinos did this they would bring in more players with these issues and the costs always superceeds the returns cause lets face it. Casinos always win or there wouldn't be an explosive on-line casino market out there. :}
  19. Thanks Multigambler. So I will look into a VIP membership on Neteller. I wasn't aware that Paypal didn't charge exchange rates when depositing the same currency they pay out for. I have however recently read, in a few articles that Paypal no longer allows Canadian deposits or withdrawals with any gambling type institutions. Here's one link of interest regarding that particular restriction. <snip> I read another similar article as well but I can't actually confirm this. So for Canadians and I believe Americans, paypal may be out of the game now. I asked the question since I recently got nabbed with very high charges for a bank wire, which I believe was the same scenario. Some banks use intermediate wire transfer companies in foreign countries and their charges are exorbitant. In order to avoid this, I investigated e-wallets but then ran into the double exchange rates from Cdn currency to Euro, (ie: Skrill), back to Cdn currency to pay casino. This gets complicated of course due to many variables. Ie: 1) Some casinos play, receive and withdraw in different currencies. 2) Not all casinos accept the same withdrawal or payment methods forcing players to search for a casino that accepts their payment method without incurring exchange rates. 3) E-wallets differ on which currencies they accept and if not in their currency, (they convert). The gambler doesn't have much choice because the casino they like only accepts this e-wallet. 4) Some E-wallets can have multiple "bank accounts" in different currencies but you need to pay fees to become a VIP. 5) Casinos may accept many e-wallets but don't advise clients that there will be exchange rates, fees and transfer charges so you also need to investigate this, Would be nice if an E-wallet would come up with an easier way, with reasonable charges, with a flexible deposit and payment method for clients that want to deposit and withdraw in their currencies without extra conversion charges. Thanks for your comment !
  20. This topic is to inquire by asking gamblers which e-wallets are best for Canadians, Americans, European and other countries who are advised by casinos that accept their currencies but deposit or withdraw in a foreign currency so that currency exchange rates are not exorbitant. Example : You are a Canadian playing in a casino, (who advertises using multiple currencies), but you deposit in CDN currency into an e-wallet account that allows deposits in CDN dollars but convert to Euros because that is their currency. The E-wallet then deposits in your casino of choice in cdn dollars but you are charged the exchange from cdn to euro to cdn again. Same with withdrawals. Do some e-wallets charge lesser fees and do some not charge as they accept your currency and deposit into casinos in your currency ?
  21. Hey Val, many casinos advertise those times but how many actually respect them ? It's always good to hear from people who actually have had to withdraw and get their cash in time cause at this point, I don't believe the advertised times from casinos.
  22. lol, thanks Valdes... I'm going to hold off on dissing them for now till I see how they react. I wouldn't want to be defamatory till I hear back from them. I can tell you this.. without mentioning names... you never know who you are dealing with and so happens I am very good friends with a senator from their licensing country.. and this is no lie. He's also a senator of Belize and Cuba but Cuba doesn't have gambling licences.
  23. I will for sure... like I said,, I'm new but I learn quick. I already checked their rules and the gambling and liquor commission rulings on their country where they operate. if I can't get resolution in their country, I'll report them to the gaming commission in our country and the can ban them from operating in Canada and the USA. It's been done lots.
  24. We'll see and I just chatted with them too. so stay tuned. :}
  25. Well, I have to say that I won another $1000 so I can't complain but I'm still waiting to hear from them as to the ridiculous high charge. Yep, your probably right. Let's see if they accept my second withdrawal now and probably come up with another ridiculous charge but hey, who cares, my total deposit was $45. lol.
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