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Everything posted by Hellridah

  1. In a lot of cases quite certain poor management skills are to blame for a lot of things then there's the regulators which in my opinion have somewhat turned Malta into a rotten sandwich I mean who's going to take a bite and with a lowered RTP easier to set fire to the money first so yeah I'm playing in curacao [shrugs] for the moment .
  2. Looking back its a shame how much has changed over the years at one point things were looking rather good but I think its the age old case of greed and politics but here's the thing its like those silver and gold towns in the wild west when it runs dry your going to end up with ghost towns ...or ghost islands as it were . As I've stated many times before the players are the lifeblood of the industry when they dry up as will the industry that's just deductive logic .
  3. Ask yourself the question would you send documents to a random person over the internet fully trusting them with your income source and with identification that is all you need to obtain credit not going to happen then there's basically the law which says pretty much F U we don't have to provide a thing give a round of applause for the visionaries in Malta apparently their trying to stop criminals . I'm sorry but which criminals are you trying to stop exactly none in their right minds would attempt to launder through a casino they tend to use crypto wallets and things that don't hit the radar you silly prats nobody believes the anti laundering excuses your simply trying to keep the wealth in Malta by any means necessary now watch it all bleed away to Curacao all they need to do is sit there like king farouk and soak up all the players real smart move guys [whistles] .
  4. Ok Twenty Minutes Ago I was just asked by Videoslots Casino for evidence of source of wealth funding as I explained earlier New Zealand has laws including the Privacy Act 2020 which makes it illegal to request evidence we basically don't have to under our laws unless we have given expressed permission . Now before I was being nice about things now I'm not obviously you idiots don't get the message so here's another one roughly 290k people were live streaming across 3 streams LIVE and multiple affiliates were involved we are PULLING from Malta completely and as I said Curacao is being watched your laws are being examined as we speak . Others and Myself are Terminating all Malta Casino Accounts there will be no Draconian requests for New Zealand gamblers I absolutely refuse to endorse such measures as to empower a random business entity thousands of miles away from my home country with such legal powers as to ask for how one makes a crust and are not evening lending any money that is just outright lunacy and piracy on the high seas and its coming to an end for a lot of players right now keep watching and You'll know oh so too late your mistake . au revoir p.s They even have the audacity to withhold my last deposit after springing a random legal clause on me : my fine friends that is called theft and legal entrapment you'll see not a cent more or any documents . Any New Zealander that reads this stay away from any Malta Casino trust me after being in this wretched game these many years I've heard it all and seen it all Curacao is safe for now . They've empowered casino's with the ability to further deny cash outs on multiple levels R.I.P Malta its your own fault .
  5. Ok lets talk about luck , There is such a thing though there are a few problems in the way its like a needle in a haystack if your both new to things let me save you a lot of time and money go to land based casino's there are only a handful of online casino's that are trusted these days I mean lets talk about things Las Vegas vs what we are playing with here currently a lot with maximum cash outs per year for crying out loud back yard operations without any oversite or proof of auditing just taking someone's word for it over the internet not all of them but a good majority . There are some establishments which are still playing straight but require a load of development many casino's players feel betrayed by especially with the amount of deposits just to be slapped around over pathetic things because some crew cut decides its quantity over quality but you see that's where a lot of online casino's end up just going bust they get greedy and suffer when their rep goes to zero .
  6. It's not just about the lawyer you could get one specialising in the igaming industry just to have to deal with a court that loosely follows British common law , file a writ and then go through a lengthy waiting process of waiting for the case to be heard but once again keep in mind if the client sues for legal costs and damages and wins their case they will pay absolutely zero and hang the bill around their neck .
  7. Your first port of call would be to submit some complaints here via the complaints system be detaiedl about each matter as its good to have all the facts laid out , clear and , precise . The Legal approach should always be the last approach as was mentioned by another the legal costs are quite large unless the amount(s) being sort are quite significant also keep in mind she can seek legal costs in suing and if she strikes a Pro Bono Laywer no costs at all might just see some injustice and try to make reputation I'm no stranger the courts . Also many will argue their contract law you agreed to this you agreed to that [holds a hand up] my fine friends it is the courts that decide what is legal and what is not legal anyone can make rules by it is the legal judiciary that has the final say : that said the complaint process is a logical first approach . All the Best Rxsse , -Tane
  8. I won't say where but recently I was slowed down on Money Train 3 with them Error 400 Connection Issues was on a massive win streak hadn't seen the behavior until the win streak hit and luckily for them I didn't record that session ^^ wasn't at VS that's the one thing I'll say about VS there's no great amount of game errors but that F ing log out thing they need to change that that keeps happening and I'm not idle : I know what your Saying Fiekie247 but at Level 85 after the effort put in I guess part of me want's to help them work typical example is Tsar's Casino Videoslots is very comparable payment wise they just need to up their game . I remember when Kenny Cederqvist used to be in the loyalty department and they actually gave out bonuses now its lolli scramble spins they could improve . Their very comparing to Tsar's its just baffling why Tsar's has low withdrawal amounts they could be top of the spot in curacao ...
  9. Hey there and Welcome to the Forum , Ok your new around here so I'll actually be positive on this thread a little yes they have a few bells and whistles , yes they pay fast , and yes they have potential . Again Welcome ! .
  10. Luck now there's a curious word totally possible if the situation were based on fairness but its a misty clouded affair especially when the majority are all having the same nightmare and have the facts and figures to prove it : RTP / Legal Requirements pfft what does that even mean anymore . There are some Casino's where the dream of Luck is still a reality but I'm not naming any just far too much doubt about the industry right now .
  11. Well the AI that I talked too recently had this to say I have many conversations with it as I'm doing a study into the application of Artificial Intelligence at a Sentient Level : it can reach out and examine things faster than human's and I'm satisfied with its abilities its calculation if valid is slightly alarming .
  12. It's crossed my mind but each party has a different point of view its much to risk in the grand scheme of things my personal opinion with 20 years in the business is not there isn't they wouldn't risk it as it would not only destroy billions of dollars of lost revenue but their credibility would be destroyed as well never to be gained again that's the dice that's being rolled here . That said I've noticed some quite arrogant businessmen and woman taking the wheel lately and their management styles will result in many a wrecked ship I personally wouldn't go near any operation which was dealing in quantity and not quality , there is a relationship between all the mentioned parties but the concept of corruption is far fetched too many anomalies in the equation , and then there's the aspect of community synergy and different business aspects the whole circle seeks to make money so it makes sense to shoot straight .
  13. Their just still not getting it even after having an issue escalated 10 times with the same software provider their prepared to make me jump through hoops with zero communication about the same issue with irawgaming software its quite simple guys a cookie wipe will not magically fix a software's code its a case of the currency not fixating properly which requires a code alteration no amount of cache wipes will do anything . It's just nuts the audacity and stupidity that's going on over there these days somebody needs a wakey wakey . [Slams a Gong]
  14. There's multiple ways to do things I don't touch RTG's also the list shown needs to be updated there are actually others that have seals anyway I've been there and done that its old news but what Isn't old is the state of the gambling industry its going beyond just find a fair casino that isn't questionable the whole game is changing basically it looks like their digging their own grave from where I stand . But that's what happens when you rush into things and don't consider the long term most kids these days and their "kids" we are dealing with making big decisions which are sinking companies poor management skills , ignorance , and straight bullheadedness . Olay !
  15. At certain points scattered over the course of about 10 or so years there have been good times and bad with Videoslots I just don't know about them at the moment their still fast payers there's just stuff going on that just bugs me there at the moment like recently they decided to cough up the 25 spins they owed me from Odins gamble no email communication or anything just appeared in my account . Never though I'd say this about VIdeo but mate ....it did cross my mind to close up the account especially when that wheel reward got reduced and then there's the issue with RTP in malta that requirement is the same as the local casino's here in my country its like playing at the local pub and that's just from my perspective I know guys with huge bankrolls shaking their heads at the nonsense going on right now ((even curacao is being watched there was meant to be some changes with the rules at some point)) .
  16. Credit Card companies have always faced issues at the time when web wallets withdrew their debit cards for many countries the excuse I was given at a high level was because of country law restrictions which I found it curious as issuers still existed outside the country where a card was issued : just seems a section of commerce was effected . Being able to pull of this amazing feat of dummy cards is not as easy as it seems you have encrypted payment gateways , next level security at banks and credit card companies , and then there are extra added features which change at random their decision to withdraw mastercard to only be issued only in the country of the issuer was done so for enigmatic reasons personally I thought they were morons turning their backs on millions of dollars in lost profit myself . Also many claim to be hacks but they are nothing but merely dabblers who've aquired a bit of knowledge then started using the title I'm sceptical about most things I read on the internet these days .
  17. Ok so no action with the previous issue and now this affecting 1k+ players : Timer reached zero then kept counting , casino investigated , and then simply cancelled the tournament players receiving zero . It's a shame really things were never like this shocking to be honest and I'm trying to work with them to get things back to the point where I can make people confident their in a safe environment but this .....just leaves me with doubts .
  18. Feel free to go and check the E-Cogra Website (Not allowed to Link) there's a section there that shows the current seal holders also if you look at the casino website if it has the logo click on it and it will show you if the seal is valid . Also I can count the number of Casino's on one hand I would trust with independent audits that don't have a link to prove anything : going to be honest don't trust much in paradise anymore not a goddam thing handful of casino's . Trust is everything in business once its lost ....poof ! the business follows also be good if we had someone from E-Cogra on the forum been saying this for ages to help with "Communication" . Also just a friendly reminder there's a search ability here on A.G that I think you can choose to filter ones that contain Ecogra , Juristiction , and etc .
  19. Wow gee wizz imagine my surprise feature gone no game continued :
  20. Well Jan Duchau , To answer some your questions I'm from New Zealand and my reasons are quite simple : 1. They don't ask for stupid things like SOW/SOF documents . 2. The RTP requirement is higher in Curacao there is a much better chance of actually winning . 3. I choose a casino based on many reasons not limited to just trust which I establish by comparing multiple casino reviews and by testing them first hand : quite a lot of factors some of which I won't go into oh yes Ecogra approval is a big factor as well (why basically because the majority of wins i've had have been from E-Cogra based casino's) . Also its not just my opinion there are quite a lot of others which have the same opinion trust is basically dissolving on mass scale I'm hearing it everywhere I go from places like Reddit , Twitter , Facebook , and the list goes on the figures will speak for themselves the more regulatory authorities tighten their grip on their draconian rules and maintain lower RTP standards like in Malta the more players will seek to make deposits elsewhere . It's just simple stuff really nothing amazing to analise basically the new approach will just sink a bunch of casino's players will and are loosing interest for multiple reasons mostly if they can't stretch their bank roll without reasonable returns = game over . It's already wild west as it is but making things even more further difficult it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out where this is going . -A
  21. Ok ...so im just waiting for the "Maintenance" to finish and no I won't be clearing the cookies and cache .
  22. Far as I'm concerned to some degree Curacao is the Last Bastion for me RTP wise and for other reasons just have to strike the right place: all the new rules and the reshaping of the gambling industry is being made by clueless people who will eventually sink the industry through their greed and stupidity I'm ringing the bell Titanic and I'm telling you there's an ICEBERG incoming .
  23. When you reach a stage when you've done this so many times over its as common as grass it becomes monotonous to explain so here goes again : after a series of bets without seeing a sequence pattern of "hits" this is called a cold streak as apposed to when you see a pattern of hits this becomes a hot streak its when the hot streak occurs that the errors occur . Why this occurs ? simple deductive logic the Algorithm is programmed to recongise it and takes action accordingly . At this very moment in time there are a handful of game providers that I actually have any trust in whatsoever this is not intuition my fine friend this is hardcore numbers and calculation not speculative theory this is not the reason I bought this to light its being done so to highlight a growing trend in the industry which has to be stopped there's just too much mistrust now I don't know if it will ever be repaired . Explain to me how I suddenly magically convince a horde of signups that the reason their loosing their entire bankrolls and don't even get any bang for their buck this is just the way it is ....it is because of the events like the lowering of the RTP standards in Malta , Its because of questionable casinos / software providers , it is because of so many questionable things where is the trust anymore ???? why should we take the risk anymore I mean is anything trustable anymore ??? Is it so much of a problem to ask for a fair game ?? I'm a straight shooter I don't use "tactics" I blind shot as do 100's of thousands of other players who are asking why do we continue spending money at your Casino's not Just VS buddy the whole lot ! I mean help me out here is there anyone with the regulatory authorities that can chime in here what is being done about the situation what confidence are you installing within us the players your managing your jurisdictions . As to Winz.io must have thought it was a joke at the time with the reroute and the muck around can you say the same thing now ???? when I've spoken about the thing across multiple platforms ?? tell the kid manager to hit the road and hire someone with experience .
  24. When it comes to a casino we too as players have to be on our game if we suspect something is wrong it usually is I close accounts for a number of reasons ; But the latest were Winz.io and Betway is about to join the pile Basically with Winz.io a transaction occurred a 50 dollar payment which somehow turned into a 57.04 nzd payment to a crypto currency business in Rowanda that originated from a dot IO location which the bank investigated and Winz swore black and blue that it wasn't them so I didn't argue I simply closed the account anything like that I just don't argue with folks I shut the account was the biggest load of nonsense I had ever heard somehow someone rerouted a payment in real time I've had this out with them before but I considered the situation not worth it . Now this morning Betway claims that "I" requested changes to my account which is false haven't played there in years wont matter anyway they will get no details from that account its as old as the dinosaurs but strange requests are usually done to drum up business or they are genuine so assuming a person is attempting to gain access they will have to knowledge of my email address and account : I calculate the chances of that happening if their secure enough to be around practically nothing its absurd even contemplating it so its a security risk simple as that ...Instant close . Trust me guys if it doesn't feel right close the buggers don't put up with stupid things . Warm Regards -Tane Marshall P.S To all the shady operations out there doing dumb stuff your time is ending and ill be the one to put the final nail in each coffin that's not a promise that's a spoiler .
  25. To cut a long story short a lot of it is over analysing the majority of errors occur during win streaks which makes the thing suspect having to reload the game because of becoming stuck resets the game and does make it go cold as the program has had a restart mid instruction set of procedures far as I'm concerned is a dirty tactic which stops win streaks and could be anyone software company , casino , and take your pick but I just know its not right after knowing inside people their playing dirty pure and simple . Also in that particular game the game did not reset as you suggested it continued the round and then performed with much lag another game hit a win streak gods of rock and then black screened after the encore hit I'm going to record the next session just so you all can see how ridiculous this truely is .
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