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Everything posted by Hellridah

  1. They shouldn't even be allowed to ask for these documents over the internet basically its inviting fraud the type of stuff their asking for people use to obtain credit not only that but they don't really have the right to ask anyone outside of the home country far as I'm concerned its a Draconian Rule that's begging to be challanged in court and it will at some point : if governments are information gathering and using casino's to do their dirty work that's an invasion of privacy and human rights . You could get a lawyer and simply refuse to provide documents if your living outside the juristicions and if they hold the money hostage its going to start setting a precedent basically the gaming authorities have set a situation up to fail majorily and any such jursticion the gambling community should boycott you'll never get any such documents from new zealanders under the privacy act 1988 . Mark my words when push comes to shove you will drop the SOW , SOF rules or else you will perish the gambling industry will come to a grinding hault trust me I know gamblers they won't provide nada and the word will get around you need to rethink your precious paradise drop the rules and raise the rtp again or this will backfire the writing is on the wall and it doesn't take a genius to work it out .
  2. Could be the region might be the bank [shakes head] all I know is I be slummin since Net+ vanished rofl .
  3. Right now this very second ....I can't find anything that beats RIZK Casino 30 mins by card 1-3 bank transfer .....I see that Tsars Casino looks attractive but their lacking a few things withdrawal limit and fees if they fixed those every tom , ***** , and harry would join em I think . https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/reviews/tsars-casino EWallets: 0-1 hours Card Payments: 0-1 hours Bank Transfers: 0-1 hours Cheques: Not offered Pending Time: 0-24 hours I mean that's what I'm talking about just that withdrawal limit and fees bit else thats the dream casino .
  4. We can use Skrill but its the same ole story with that bank withdrawal takes a while to get that money ; I weighed up a few options .....crypto is not worth it no commerce or green dealers ...so yeah its been that case of visa withdrawals with fast funds option being the best way but ...yeah maybe one day neteller will bring back mastercard/net+ cards for New Zealanders why they took it away is anyones guess in the grand scheme of things makes zero difference that they did ... appreciate the idea bro cheers .
  5. [sigh] its just nonsense what's going on honestly Cocopop3011 there's no consistency anymore payment times are just all over the place honestly one minute its 24 hours , the next a couple of days , and then 5 days begs the question whats the deal here . The last time I mentioned about this I paused for effect to allow them to get their stuff together but it seems nobody was listening what do you have to do here name names and provide evidence its like telling off children but this is business part that bothers me is how I'm audaciously told about how a payment is a so called international payment and its not even its a cross border payment it can be done on the same day. I was already told this 8 months ago by a payment provider who didn't name casino's but told me how it works , I was told this by my brother in law who deals with cross border payment providers on a DAILY BASIS , and I was told by Worldpay Limited what the deal is yet certain folk still persist in providing me with a smokescreen. Its just classic delay tactics as always same stuff different form different year .
  6. Few pointers for the casinos having "Technical Difficulties" : 1. Qualifying the customer usually comes with the establishment of trust big point there . 2. Not all feedback should be viewed negatively it should be looked upon as a chance to grow and learn . 3. Open mindedness allows a business to move with the times going forward .
  7. Hey guys not sure If I'm the only one here but is anyone else being told stuff like their being paid by inpay and then seeing that their being paid by a company called worldpay ltd ? being told its an international transfer and then finding out its a crossborder payment which could have taken maximum of 36 hours ? not the garbage about upto 5 business days I think its time we worked a few things out here cause I've just had enough of being handed lies and garbage . I mean maybe I'm seeing things here and with no TT in fee for international transfers : Oh jee wizz its not international is a crossborder payment executed by an office within my country oh shock horror . How about the rest of you ?
  8. Just one more on the to do list mine I chose the cash prize could you get it sorted please ? cheers ! .
  9. Some things are quite real scary but true . 


  10. Thank you Winz.Io and Cocopop3011 for holding this tournament you did a fabulous job running things my lady I was happy to be your champion [kneels] if but for a day [then rises] if you missed the message in the confusion of messages the preference was cash please mi'lady . Warmest regards , -Tane Marshall
  11. Shout outs to all who participated win or loose your a winner for having courage in the jungle the lion is king because he is without fear and fortune favors the bold for the powers that be respect courage take heart and walk on ....look upon the path that you walk for signs they are like luminious spheres guiding you . "He Conquers Who Endures" - Persius
  12. Better Value for 100 percent more bang for the buck ay .
  13. I keep telling my gf that its been 16 years might as well have been married is truth .
  14. But the thing is they can't hold it against your unless your from those two nations look I hate to be that monkey wrench but it would have come along at some stage anyway there's also privacy issues the whole thing is draconian shouldn't be allowed to exist I heard brain fog is a thing with long covid so nothing in the world surprises me these days .
  15. As I see it they can't ask for it the rule doesn't have legal effect on people outside those countries and they can't establish proximity becasue this is all over the internet from a material point of view : in a nutshell its not upto the casino's to chase this they could basically tell whoever its not our legal right to ask them for documents and they would be well within their rights to do so . I'm a gambler and I'm telling you if this went to court it would be thrown out they don't have any legal reason to ask its not even a case of a binding contract / offer and acceptance they just don't ...lol...have the right legally to ask for it .
  16. Also there is a question of law regarding Sof SoW requests being requested : The UKGC only has legal effect over citizens of the united kingdom anything outside of the kingdom is not subject to its rule and in similar fashion the MGA ruling only has power over Malteese citizens located within its borders anything outside is not subject to its laws this is my interpretation of things from a legal stand point . So from a contractual point of view such demands on anyone outside of those two countries would be deemed to be unreasonable and illegal as a point of logic .
  17. Oh my goodness it happened again lol : Thank you Rizk for a Rockin good Time
  18. Sorry Afi4wins I just cant help myself with this 5 wild thing : Nice little session at Rizk Casino
  19. Forgive me if I'm wrong ....but the words "Witch hunt" do come to mind I think the spectrum of the requirements needs to reconsidered as the percentage that are actually being sort number in the few and innocent folk are being caught in the storm needlessly : isn't it enough the world languishes with the effects of covid19 must we further add insult to injury introducing such draconian measures . And you'll forgive me if i use a movie quote I once watched [clicking finger] what was it again ahh yes Dune "The Spice Must Flow" .
  20. One thing I find curious is how such requests do come later after many deposits if the United Kingdom Gambling Commission was serious about persuing AML and Terror funding they would stipulate a requirement of providing the source at the commencement of contract between player and casino ; requiring it "down the track" is somewhat nonsensical as is tasking casino's to basically play revenue department . It must really bother operations having to goto such lengths to ....enforce such measures on such a scale ...such measures could be reflected in dollar terms quite the expense I would imagine .
  21. Well end of the day the word will spread in a similar fashion every term and condition will be screened going forward . (I'm checking case law to see if there have been any rulings) .
  22. Do we know currently which Juristicions currently have this rule in place I'm about to brief a following .
  23. I know what you mean Coco I'm just saying that players are more than likely to avoid having to risk such requirements having to prove ones financial position to a foreign entity for something like this is just not appealing to the average joe or the high rollers for that matter : and for rogue casino's just looking for a way to deny winnings its ammunition to be exploited . I consider such requirements to be questionable at law even in the united kingdom I think if it was tested at common law there would be resistance to having such requirements needing to be exposed to "Verify" ones identity or a withdrawal at the end of the day as my Law Lecturer once told me "Anyone can make rules but the Judiciary rules what is legal and what is not legal ". Many gamble overseas for various reasons and many choose to do business in those Island nations for various reasons "tax" being one of them or the lack thereof : I can't understand in this day and age why people want to constantly change things old saying when the tool isn't broken don't fix it . Ultimately the end result will simply be players will be aware of such requirements and hesitate to be subject to agreements which compel them to disclose such documents . Thank you for your time . -Tane
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