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Everything posted by Hellridah

  1. Hey there welcome , Tip number one Don't choose casino's that have low payments and read the reviews carefully a big score doesn't really mean much for example Ladbrokes has been around since my grandfathers time and at 250,000 pounds per day cashout their a ten AG not 4 also this operation Called Rollino is a backyard garage operation not a business 50k a month or year are not casino's we have to stop advertising junk and keep it real their a 1 star max.
  2. Ok , So I'm noticing the same ole things again Relax Gaming and Pragmatic Software you either have some kind of glitch in your games or the following is now being watched closely : 1. R.G : Your Partner/Cashier Error Message which conveniently exits out of the game on Money Train 3 at rather "Curious" points , and the connection error message which starts to display about the same time as sets of two bonuses start to proc and the game starts showing activity . 2. Pragmatic Your Circle that goes around and around mid win streak after which the game that it happens on usually dies . Who knows maybe its all just coincidence maybe .....but the talk around the campfire and the circles I move in are a pretty big campfire and are saying that its suspect as ***** as are all the fake streamers we are not buying it nor are we buying the bonus was a nice hook but no bites . Merry Christmas all Btw
  3. In the vastness of casino's in Curacao I must say I am Impressed with a few at this point that seems be consistent with their RTP figures without revealing stats I'm most impressed with some of Dama N.V Casino's in Particular Winz.IO casino and Bitstarz : to note rtp figures are viewable on Winz.IO they have laid things out for simplicity for the player and their new promotion of weekly rake back I'm also very impressed with both of those Casino's are Shining Stars but one May Shine a Little Brighter soon .
  4. Just a heads up to the community , If you feel that you are being cheated that games are not conforming to the legal RTP and requirements for their Legal Jurisdiction Record your game sessions these days I'm recommending all of them if your big time a High Roller etc especially . I've been gone a while because I've been gathering information and stats but how it works with Licensing Authorities is they need a large amount of evidence one persons account isn't enough so if you feel your getting done send in a report to the Gaming Authority and start a complaint here at A.G Video Evidence is a lot more concrete . I've got my eyes on a few Casino's right now and I'm pretty sure they know who they are : end of the day if your cheating folks your days will be numbered many have come and gone before only legitimate establishments who play fair remain for those that have management hide behind the scenes and persist on using methods to shape software all I can tell you is you've got something wicked coming . Do take care out there , A
  5. Big heads up to the DAMA N.V Group if you get E-Cogra Certified you will be the most attractive option to many punters trust me do it and see what happens your in Curacao your in the perfect position to take control there are no ridiculous document requests if I were running the show I'd do it and if you do it and become successful remember me . Peace !!!!
  6. Ok so revisiting the subject of game errors ill put the following warnings out : 1. If your playing relax gaming software and you see a connection error appear discontinue play I won't go into detail as to why but its for your own benefit trust me cash out and stop play . 2. If your playing pragmatic software and you see the classic circle going round and round discontinue play same as before cash out and stop play . 3. if your playing thunderkick software and you get errors in play stop playing cash out and stop play . 4. Take Screenshots of the errors and ask questions ten bucks you will get told to clear the cookies and the cache basically your play has been interrupted by "Something" and your deleting all the evidence games are over buds the buck stops here . And for crying out loud if there is any friggin auditing going on be thorough there's something not right going on the amount of times i've of heard of win streaks broken and sudden dips in rtp after these errors is endless as a player trust your intuition if it doesn't seem logical its not . Remember code is just code its not some amazing math equation anybody can take some code and reroute a server don't hire idiots to audit hire professionals ok over and out . Lets clean up this industry and make it great again .
  7. One would think that with the requirements putting people off in Malta and the legal RTP requirement being 96 percent in Curacao that there would be a lot of customers in theory 85 Percent RTP in Malta 96 Percent RTP in Curacao [shrugs] but seemingly not the case it seems well that's interesting to know .
  8. This ones a new one being having a blast on winz.io basically my regular hangout now . https://replay.pragmaticplay.net/8BrVMNjoAW
  9. Look you achieve 100,000 multiplier on Money Train 3 and I'll start doing quality control .
  10. Hey How's Everyone Going in the Treasure Hunt I've Made it to 10 So Far lol
  11. Ok So things are looking at lot better at a few casino's I've seen a bit of a turn around customer service wise with Winz.io in particular end of the day it was just a few things the games run smoothly most of the time just had to work out a few "technical issues" and management seems to be more open to loyalty e.g the accumulation of deposits can now be used to obtain spins on the wheel so progress there big tick . This is not exactly trial by fire like on Casinomeister but I'm starting to become impressed with Dama if they keep up the smooth gameplay with no errors and customer loyalty incentive is reasonable I'm satisfied ill hang around for a while as will many standing behind me end of the day we just want a fair go nothing more going forward .
  12. I've seen games magically come back to life after talking with chat again not sure if their aware but its all being watched/recorded as well lol Hello ? lol this is basically the last chance I'm giving certain people then I'm forwarding it to the CGA . I'm a Programmer and I have a Masters in Computer Science you prats tell me to clean my cookies and my cache again and I swear ill be sick I'm not one of your sheep and I will huff and puff and blow your house down ok .
  13. On the topic of errors has anyone else seen this error message on slots : Because Oops I think I know what went wrong .
  14. I had one about 3 hours ago did chrome update seemed ok after that but yeah I've seen it come up a few times .
  15. What Assurances do we have that the CGA is enforcing its rules on casino's and they are complying I don't see many audits happening what is there to assure players of a fair game going forward guess this question was eventually coming told everyone a while back that I maybe watching the setting of the sun of the golden age of online gambling . Typically I see nothing solid to keep players playing I mean how does money train 3 Last for 4.5 hours on 20-50 cent bets and not spike above 60 dollars when previously it was hitting on 10 different casino's within 30 minutes obviously there are issues and I hear the same old things every day "Where is the auditing Where is the Enforcement of Rules" I've noticed Malta as well they have their SOW/SOF policy in place , their lowered RTP requirements attracting backyard operations , and loose auditing going on how do you expect do get Blood from Stone ? I'm just curious . You can put all the A.I and control measures you like in place eventually most players including myself by the way will figure you out and decide to quit [shrugs] so why do we decide to stay that's the main question .
  16. Way I see it if nobody else is going to do it someone is going too I mean lets be frank 1. How many dead spins can one tolerate but they ask the question "Hmm maybe something is happening here" . 2. How dead does a WIN:LOSS ratio have to be before the light gets switched on . 3. How many bullshit stories do we have to hear about so called big wins before the light goes on that peeps are being scammed hard . And also their quite ignorant about it too which is why I'm going to have such satisfaction being their when they **** up trust me I'll be there . Pattna !
  17. It's not my first Rodeo I'm well aware of what their capable of problem is I'm the wolf out to do the killin and I'm looking for my money . Two ways to play this they be straight with players a lot of whom are quite connected or they can continue on their path which from where I'm sitting seems very dark.
  18. Also any casino suspected of cheating or using manipulation of software by third party means can expect a detailed report to be sent to their gaming authority there's going to be some checks and balances and no SOW/SOF checks will shield you from public auditing you see not all can be smoke screened some can see right through you like glass I might mention and "we" are examining the use of A.I personally I think its use should be banned in the gambling world . Also if I'm not satisfied that the situation has been worked out within 6 months for fairness for the players there's going to be a 20/20 article incoming that will be literally destroy all scam operations like the death star be warned .
  19. The loyalty system for winz.io needs to be clearly defined this stabbing and guessing in the dark routine is just ridiculous a similar thing occurred at videoslots years ago also I'm still yet to hear from the "Manager" Isabella after waiting days on end for communication .
  20. All of this said there was a time When Videoslots were very special they had the loyalty department worked out and games were flowing correctly and I was inviting a number of associates some which are v.i.p in New Zealand now I'm wondering what planet I'm on so much has changed over the years its shocking . At one point I was steering folk clear of Costa Rican operations due to the scandals involved with payments never in a million years did I think Malta would take the path that it did I mean why ever bother questioning folks about their funding sources even if it was related to terror networks and organised crime you would need to be channeling millions or 100,000's of thousands of dollars these petty amounts don't even warrant the situation and the lowering of the RTP figures I'm seeing the world become a former version of itself some type of plastic model version gone bad . Also Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm having a hard time believing Curacao has a 96 percent payout percentage no names mentioned but the so called top class casino's I've seen thus far are sporting games like DOA , Falcon Huntress , and a number of others there's no way it takes that many spins I've run models just not possible and the CGA needs to look into operations with regular audits if a majority of punters are coming there its necessary : I mean when will people get this through their thick skulls that if you "play fair with us" we will "play fair with you" is that so much to ask ? . -A
  21. Only time I got anywhere was when I bought 2-3k tickets and I've wagered and deposited massive amounts .
  22. Riiight , I think its about time we had this out industry once and for all the game errors occurring around the same time as win streaks occur is becoming a boring and repulsive thing for the players no we don't need to be wiping our cache at every turn that is just a smoke screen and you know it I'm sure . Call it what you will its not rocket science programming a few functions into code and then deploying the software for advanced use outside of a room but I'm not totally heartless I know you have to make money but there's two ways to do it the right way and the wrong way . The Right way : Playing straight with us and making sure every push is unique as that is how things are meant to be simple , less stress , and consistent with 99.9 percent of the law. The Wrong way : 1. Programming routines that analyzes a player's behavior and updates a database allowing profiling into different player classes . 2. Programming different routines to shut down a slot conforming to its payout percentage (either being done by the software company or by a third party) and smoke screening it with error messages I'm telling you this nonsense is over matey . Last chat with "Nick" : Chat transcript Name: Tane Marshall E-mail: [email protected] Nick Sun, 07/16/23 06:15:06 am Pacific/Auckland Hello, Tane Marshall. How may I help you? Tane Marshall 06:15:17 am Hey nick look im a little confused I spoke to an agent earlier over 1 lousy spin of the bronze wheel and we are having an issue over it it seems even though I deposited 170 I'm not entitled to 1 spin of the bronze wheel which has been added many time before what gives ? Nick 06:16:55 am Please, let me check the information, I will get back to you as soon as possible. Tane Marshall 06:17:38 am is this an A.I Chatbot ? Nick 06:17:58 am Yes. I am a chat bot. Tane Marshall 06:18:19 am just sounds like it I work with code Nick 06:18:20 am No, I am joking. Tane Marshall 06:18:36 am the same exact responses quick answers like lol yeah Nick 06:18:46 am So, you would prefer us NOT using the templates? And write every single message manually? Tane Marshall 06:19:15 am to be honest it would be a more organic approach Nick 06:19:53 am Wow. OK I will not use the templates with you then. Tane Marshall 06:19:58 am but its how you do your thing so [shrugs] its just a suggestion that's all long as I know I'm conversing with a human Nick 06:22:25 am It is much faster and easier to use the templates (canned answers) in order to provide fast and literate responses. Tane Marshall 06:22:48 am ok lets move onto the issue ok in reflection I made deposits to the effect of 170 and had to deal with an agent multiple times once in an error report where the response was almost an argument or them telling me I was lying Nick 06:24:31 am I am checking what is the matter, I will get back to you within 2-3 minutes Tane Marshall 06:25:14 am this was regarding the game sharkreturns I had to kill a stream feed it was ridiculously stupid game showed error messages then resolved itself after support told me I needed to cache wipe and all the regular jargon that is said I'm pretty much a computer engineer I know what the deal is no cache wipe is required for something that simply performed an operation and is still functional and then the response was almost telling me I was lying or making out that because the support agent could see it working that ....somehow I'm in error lol I'm sorry but that is not how you deal with customers . Nick 06:32:38 am Regarding your deposit of 170 NZD and not getting the bonus - to qualify for the Wheel of Winz you need to make a MINIMUM deposit of 80 NZD. https://winz.io/promotions/wheel-of-winz Tane Marshall 06:33:10 am ok so what is with the double standards one minute I'm handed them next minute I'm not Nick 06:34:04 am I do not know who gave you the bonus for the sum of the deposits, but this agent will be penalized for that. Tane Marshall 06:34:24 am there needs to be consistency plus its happened many times its called loyalty they should not be penalized at all you need to be doing it more to encourage customer repore Nick 06:34:54 am Regarding the issue you encountered with the game SharkReturns, I understand your frustration and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our support agents are trained to provide troubleshooting steps to address potential technical issues, but I apologize if the suggested actions did not resolve the problem as expected. I appreciate your expertise as a computer engineer, and we always aim to improve our support processes based on customer feedback. Tane Marshall 06:35:49 am one thing you don't do is tell a customer their wrong for starters as the customers always right first and foremost now this wheel business ok so now all of a sudden we are setting a benchmark so through all this hassle and deposits will there be any compensation what's encouraging me to continue deposits and encouraging me to keep people in the casino I encouraged to come here ? cause if i don't feel safe they won't hang around mate Nick 06:40:09 am We appreciate your feedback and understand your perspective. As a customer, your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, and we strive to provide the best experience possible. However, we would like to clarify a few points regarding the eligibility for the bonus. While I understand the common saying that the customer is always right, it is important to note that our bonus terms and conditions establish specific requirements for qualifying for bonuses, including the Wheel of Winz. In the case of the Wheel of Winz, as per our terms and conditions, a minimum deposit of 80 NZD is required to be eligible for the Bronze Wheel bonus. Unfortunately, based on your deposits, you do not meet this minimum requirement. Therefore, we are unable to provide you with the bonus compensation you mentioned. Tane Marshall 06:41:33 am yeah I get that part but keep consistent with your policy don't have double standards one minute give it then next minute not because it sends a message which looks ugly . we are talking 3 agents so there's a lot of telling offs to be done its actually slightly laughable good on them I say for encouraging customer repore What I see before me is typically a tightening of the screws ok then fine but I'm not ever buying into this bollicks of loyalty rewards ever again after this and I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth And as a result of these encounters there will be a reassessment of future endevours going forward . Nick 06:46:39 am I understand your frustration and concerns regarding our policies. However, it is important to clarify that the bonus for the Wheel of Winz is specifically tied to a minimum deposit of 80 NZD in a single transaction, rather than the cumulative sum of multiple smaller deposits. My responsibility as a customer support representative is to ensure that the policies are followed and applied correctly. Our policies are designed to ensure a level playing field for all our players and to prevent any potential abuse of bonuses. I apologize if there was any misunderstanding or miscommunication regarding the bonus eligibility. The support agents strive to provide the best assistance to our customers, but they must adhere to the established guidelines and requirements. Tane Marshall 06:47:39 am there are no bonuses as everything is wager free and I do not like the tone of bonus abuse nor will I tolerate it If I feel for one second my network is in the wrong place I will pull and go elsewhere away from Dama N.V honestly the last 24 hours in this casino have made me cringe [shudders] Nick 06:52:02 am I want to assure you that we take bonus abuse very seriously and have measures in place to prevent it. Our intention is to provide a positive and enjoyable gaming experience for all our players within the bounds of our policies, and I apologize if my previous response came across as accusing you of bonus abuse. That was not my intention, and I understand your concerns about the tone used. As a customer support representative, my role is to enforce and uphold our policies to ensure a level playing field for all players. I understand that you are frustrated and unhappy with your recent experiences at Winz.io. I apologize if there has been any misunderstanding or miscommunication regarding our policies. Regarding the bonus eligibility, I want to clarify that while our bonuses are indeed wager-free, they still have specific requirements and conditions. The Wheel of Winz bonus, for example, requires a minimum deposit of 80 NZD in a single transaction to qualify for a spin. If you feel that Winz.io is not meeting your expectations or providing the experience you desire, I respect your decision to explore other options. We want our players to feel comfortable and satisfied, and we understand that different individuals have different preferences. Tane Marshall 06:52:53 am Also I still want to know why the game error occurred I still have the video showing how ridiculous the situation looks perhaps will discuss it on a forum and hash out the mechanics of it no its not that simple there will be content following this going forward agents , conflicting opinions about policy , and confusing advice the errors I've seen seem to occur around win streaks Nick 06:57:30 am To avoid the "conflicting opinions about policy" you can check out the policy on your own on our website! It is very simple, as we are trying our best to be transparent and make our policies clear. For example, policy regarding the Wheel of Winz bonus is here: https://winz.io/promotions/wheel-of-winz Bonus Terms and Conditions: https://winz.io/bonus-terms-and-conditions Tane Marshall 06:58:13 am yes I know where the policies are your staff are showing leverage and leeway which is how business is done being corporate will just loose you customers end of the day Nick 06:59:52 am If you feel like you've been mistreated, I strongly encourage you to write a letter with the complaint to our email: [email protected]. I will pass it to the manager and he will get in touch with you to personally solve the issue. It will help us to avoid unfairness and confusion. Tane Marshall 06:59:57 am Do you have any idea how many casino's I've seen rise and fall in my 20 years in the industry I say one thing and people panic your rep on askgamblers.com if I need to talk to anyone ill talk with him the first port of call is explaining to 50+ people what happened with sharreturns over a live feed *sharkreturns because it looks frankly ridiculous and none of this needed to happen Nick runs operations at Bitstarz who's captaining this boat ? After I'm done here there will be a forum thread Nick 07:05:52 am Regarding the issue with SharkReturns and the live feed, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. We take game performance seriously and are committed to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience for our players. If you have a video or any additional information related to the issue, please provide it, and we will investigate the matter thoroughly. Tane Marshall 07:07:12 am It will reflect the following : That a game stopped working middle of a win streak and shows a support agent trying to advice a cache wipe and as the conversation is happening the game starts working ironically I'll compress it and send it no problem . Nick 07:08:50 am I am a bit confused, does the game works now? Tane Marshall 07:09:13 am of course well it wasn't working suddenly and then was working do you know how many times I've seen this stuff happen My Best Friend Works for Artistocrat Software ok Nick 07:11:31 am I do strongly advise you to reach out to our manager, I am 100% certain that she will manage the whole situation for you because I am not fully aware of what I can do to work this whole situation out. I hope you understand. Tane Marshall 07:12:15 am for one thing I would advice you have more consistency with your policies don't confuse customers as a collective your painting a Mrs Big may I ask whom your Manager is a Mrs ? Nick 07:13:03 am Yes, our manager is Isabelle, I am not sure if you know her Tane Marshall 07:13:20 am Ok noted . I'll begin proper dialogue now . Thank you for your time You rated our customer service as good 07:14:07 am You left the following comment: Service . 07:14:14 am Nick 07:14:31 am Thank you for your patience, I hope we will manage to figure it out for you. Tane Marshall 07:15:00 am 50 million years later nick lol this could have been solved piece of piss mate and you know it . right now for this pointless conversation . You archived the chat 07:15:35 am Duration: 1h 0m 28s [Thinks to Himself now is it a he or a she ill go with Isabella then shrugs and starts emailing] Dany I was waiting there with the game the whole time in front of a streamed audience I could show the whole video but I can't see the point most know how this works games don't magically come back to life with the previous activities reset the game was reset to kill the streak ok and the next to ZERO rtp that continued after the occurrence maybe its a software glitch guys maybe is some twilight zone Stuff going on you make up your minds . And believe it or not there are some safe places around which don't practice this at this point I'm not sure what to make of the industry between ridiculous requirements for SOW/SOF documents over the internet for crying out loud , the shady practices of certain managers operating empty offices whilst a business exists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , and the behavior of certain slot games on certain casino's [shakes head] I think I may start investing in property on mars lot less stress .
  23. it's happening Afi but their getting more cunning by the minute like I'm pretty sure their using A.I with some of the chatbots now which gives me the creeps to be honest I mean we aren't talking amazing science here if a game is programmed in a certain manner it could altered to react to different situations take Money Train 3 for instance you do know I'm recording now each session ? that classic error message I'm going to pin it to a video I had 10 to choose from but I'm waiting for the right one . Update 10.7.23 Priceless the coding of the game has changed absolutely priceless .
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