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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Before jumping the gun, is it a must that such reviews must be made from real play only, or can testing out in fun mode count?
  2. Now that is the BEST NEWS I've heard in this month!!! Yes, I'm more than happy to get cash instead...so thank you very much @cocopop3011
  3. @Icy Well done for being the 1st contestant to post in this contest. Yet one more 201x winning screenie (a 201x screenie in GamesGlobal contest before this). For those who are still wondering, our friend ICY here was SILENTVERSE just before this, and was ANOLDFRIEND before that. Now he's using part of his old nick, namely ICY. Correct me if I'm wrong mate!
  4. @JasmineYu Can you please stop spamming the forum topics with your repeated messages please?! One message is enough.
  5. Why the sudden interest in Baccarat tournaments? I don't play card games, nor any live games, and I don't really know what percentage of gamblers prefer card games over slot games...must be a big percentage I guess.
  6. Hi there and welcome to the forum Kimyy. I see that you already have been busy here, so keep on going and have a good time.
  7. The results...Lootbox-avatar, Friday Ticket, Lootbox-Thursday Ticket, Tuesday Ticket, Lootbox-avatar. FU Legendary Wheel...that's 20 spins so far without getting any coins win!
  8. I'm gonna buy 5 LW now and see if all 5 spins would still not give a coins win...be back asap...
  9. Well, I've already done 15 spins without any coins win. 4 more spins would already break the 18 spins record.
  10. Today's 5 LW spins were simply unbelievable...4 Lootboxes (avatars) and 1 Wednesday Ticket. Go fly a kite Legendary Wheel!!!
  11. Perhaps that's why I'm getting all the shiiiity leftovers from the tourneys, simply because these Indon players are swiping away all the good wins from my region.
  12. I've had about 3 very close misses out of the 35 spins done so far, so that's about 8.5% occurence. Twice just before the green cash vector, once just over...the closest being less than 1 mm away before it, the other 2 between 2 and 3 mm away.
  13. Hahaha, yes of course not, I meant the good 3 times in a row.
  14. Well, lets hope I can get similar results soon...
  15. Perhaps there's a hidden lesson behind all this happenings...try to avoid Amazon Vouchers as prizes in any future AG contests! No problems with cash prizes for years and years so far, hahaha.
  16. Aaaaand another 5 more LW spins...with reversed results from the last 5 spins: Lootbox-Golden Ticket, Lootbox-Avatar, Lootbox-Avatar, Lootbox-Avatar, Cash Clash Ticket. Probably the worst results yet.
  17. Another 5 more LW spins: Lootbox-Avatar, Lootbox-Avatar, Tuesday Ticket, Weekly Final Ticket, Thursday Ticket. No coins at all.
  18. Today's 5 Legendary Wheel spin results: Lootbox-Golden Ticket, 9,000 coins, 21,000 coins, Wednesday Ticket, 5,000 coins.
  19. Will do it when I'm in the mood for it.
  20. Received codes for ST, not for Amazon.
  21. King Billy has become a scrooge nowadays. 35 free spins for a 30 EUR deposit...I can get 100 free spins for only a 20 EUR deposit.
  22. But you said your cart is already full?! So throw away that cart and take a new one...
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