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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. It's great to know that we are on the same wavelength Kohinoor! Hence, creations like the Million Dollar Man, or Cybercop, where human becomes integrated with cybernautics, for the better of mankind. But of course, like the movies Iron Man too, there will soon be a bigger and evil Iron Man. When there's good, there will always be evil! For every action, there will be an opposite reaction...cause and effect. Facts of life. Exponential technological progress in simply super...but to what extent can even the most brilliant humans ever keep it under control???
  2. That's good news mate! Now all we need is for Leo to be just as sure too! Hehehe. Also, hopefully our new upcoming active members like Iterativ and Pinnit may soon be able to join in as well...the more the merrier...and less work for each of us! Hahaha. If we can maintain 5 participants each and every month, then we can expect 3 winners every time. 1 or 2 winners every month may soon see the contest slipping down again.
  3. The local land-based casino (Genting Highlands) that I used to visit many many years ago used small metal alloy buckets, but we definitely were not allowed to take them home as souvenirs! Hahaha.
  4. Hehehe...I hope so too mate...I really hope so too! Considering that 3 participants may need to submit about 34 screenshots each for each month's contest, I myself may not have problems in getting them, but others may really have to struggle. Getting 10 screenies a month just isn't enough...but getting 10 screenies is already one helluva tough task to do!
  5. When an Artificial Intelligence program beat the world's number 1 Chess player some years ago, it became apparent that A.I indeed has great potentials. However, a specifically programmed A.I on any single game, like on Chess for example, is nowhere near the same as the real challenges for being the Supreme A.I. Right now, A.I cannot even come close to duplicating the human brain's multi-functions - A.I cannot have the biological capabilities, maybe not ever, but I wouldn't know for sure. The next possibility? A brilliant human brain linked to a Supreme A.I...and the world may soon be with a deadly peril!
  6. Sharon dear...I have a question in my head... For November's contest, would I be able to use Supe It Up again as my chosen game? If I cannot, then I might as well upload all of my new screenies this month...and claim my Master of Winner Screenshots title for uploading 1000 screenshots! I doubt if other month's contest can break the 100 screenshots requirement if my soup game cannot be use...
  7. I have not played Jack for a long long time now...my last plays were all disasters...so I'll keep on avoiding it. Congrats on your nice win anyway Fiekie mate.
  8. CasinoWilds is probably not telling us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... Seems to me like a management/owner takeover is in progress, delaying everything on its relaunch...but it's just my wild guess.
  9. I was just like you before this...believing in everything that has been said and written...until I started doing my own research online...leading from one thing to the next and to the next...it's totally unbelievable...the truth, I mean!
  10. Military grade tracking are of course damn accurate...because they are using their own satellites out there in space!
  11. There are many proofs that GPS cannot be used over the Southern Hemisphere, especially from Airlines. When they cross vast areas of the ocean in the Southern Hemisphere, the radar cannot track the planes! If GPS is indeed satellite based, then any plane or ship can accurately be tracked in the oceans. This is not happening at all! That's why planes and ships take the longer routes, closer to land, so that they can be safely tracked!
  12. There was a time when I believed everything that was thrown to us by NASA...then people started telling and showing proofs that man never landed on the moon, which was later confessed to be true by the moon landing movie maker himself...which, I believed, got him killed, believed to be murdered! GPS is nothing more than a land-based positioning system...it is not using any satellite as said to be! The only satellites out there in space are for military/spying use only...that's why the GPS does not work in the Southern Hemisphere where oceans abound! Before man can safely travel into outer space, they have to safely cross the highly radioactive Van Halen Belt! For all purposes...this is an almost impossible mission to do! Hence space exploration may just be a big damn lie to use all of the allocated Space Exploration budget!
  13. Hahaha...I know what you mean matey...but I use those toilet and kitchen paper only when I have already made a mess...so it's always better NOT to make a mess in the first place...so no need to use those paper...so...better NO Planet Of The Apes for me at all, hahaha.
  14. Remember that new game from Yggdrasil? Can't remember its name...the game I referred to as the Printed Toilet Paper game. Now this new game...I would call it the Printed Kitchen Roll game! Hahaha.
  15. Hehehe...I'm glad someone else outside Askgamblers is also interested in such topics! I personally have not mentioned Elon Musk for some reasons...basically because he is more concentrating on his Tesla cars and the Hoop Train (or what's its name...I forgot, hahaha) As for going to Mars...I now have serious reservations that it would not be possible at all! Taking passengers for a space journey to outer space would be the first proof that I want to see for myself, hahaha. Too long winded to tell more than this!
  16. Oh yeah...yeah...with eyes like that...I can even play with 8 sets of reels in one go... the only problem is...with eyes like that...all my girls would run away from me! Hahaha.
  17. Oh geees...I'll definitely skip this game...that's for sure! Don't want my eyes going off the screen left and right too often!
  18. Naaah...small print...more like invisible print! Hahaha.
  19. I guess maybe it's the casino's safe that is so damn heavy to move...or perhaps they couldn't open the safe's vault to pay the game providers...or perhaps...you figure it out...hahaha.
  20. Let me get this straight...I am seeing 10 reels and 3 rows... is that the standard play screen...or playing with 2 sets of reels in one go??? Either way, I'm completely PUT OFF!!!
  21. Hahaha...yes indeed mate! Playtech should have maintained all their old games as before...as how most of Microgaming's old games remained unchanged...then I wouldn't have turned around and literally walked away from Playtech. Nowadays, if not for Safari Heat and Dolphin Reef, I wouldn't want to step into any Playtech casino anymore! They have made these 2 favourite games of mine paying so poorly nowadays, but I still cannot resist them totally as yet...but one day soon, I WILL!!!!
  22. But of course, not everyone that swears a lot are good or trustworthy...some are just born like that. I do swear a lot...but mostly with my one finger...and almost always to my screen only! Hahaha.
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