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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. I have another recurring issue Guru-san...it's the Bell notification that always doesn't work properly for me. At times it is functioning, most times it isn't, even after re-authenticating! Please see the attached screenshot. Hope it can be rectified quickly... ?
  2. Firstly, welcome back Guru-san...hope you managed to catch some beautiful fishes...or whatever... ? Secondly...the new reviews ruling...well, as much as I do agree with its main purpose, I sincerely hope that it can be better still. It took several hours for approval the first time, nothing over the weekend, then approval today on a Monday. My latest game review got approved within a few minutes, which is more like it, hehehe. However, maybe this new ruling should only apply to new reviewers...or those with very little reviews done?
  3. Now that our Guru is back, all my reviews suddenly got approved in one go! ?
  4. Have you just posted a review and it got posted/published instantly, as before, mate? ? Yes, that should be the way for me too...but it isn't...not since a few days ago. Yesterday I did 5 more reviews, and all are still pending approval...sheesh!
  5. Is that for REEEEAAAAL Joe??? ?
  6. Wow! Now I'm seeing a better picture of you, Joe - a high roller indeed! ? Anyway, all the best in your endeavours...but don't ever break your barriers...if you know what I mean. Chasing losses can be disastrous, but you may already know that, hehehe.
  7. Okaaay, I see it now Joe. Looks like your luck is better with bigger bets than small ones? Geees...don't take my word for it...I'm only presuming! ?
  8. Wait a minute Joe...didn't you say a week or so ago that you were having incredible luck and winning like your own business? Now you're saying you're not having any luck anywhere else...so what happened to the casino that you were winning at? ? As for Aristocrat games...I think I did come across one or two casinos that had Aristocrat games...but since I don't play them, I don't know where to find them now.
  9. I just checked my game review...and yes, it is now there...BUT...both identical reviews got posted...I had made a duplicate review the second time around thinking that something went wrong in the first instance when it didn't get posted. Didn't the moderator in-charge of these reviews even see that both reviews are duplicates? Hope someone would delete one of the reviews soon! ?
  10. I think it is indeed a new ruling for all reviews! Firstly, I received a notification via email of the pending approval. stating up to 48 hours, or longer, for its approval (which I totally do not agree to - it's damn too long!). Then several hours later, another notification came in stating it has been approved (still much too long to wait!) Imagine the anxiety of waiting for all my reviews to be approved first before I can list them out in my record for tracking purposes. Why not just maintain the instant approval way for regular reviewers like me? New reviewers can go through all that pending and approval process, but certainly not for the regular members please!
  11. Have logged out, back in, but my game review has still not been published/posted! ?
  12. I've just posted a game review, but guess what? A message came up stating 'Thank you for submitting your review. Once our approval process is completed, we will let you know'...!!! ? This is madness...it has never happened before...don't know if this is a new ruling, which I don't think is so...so probably one more glitch for AG's Tech team to look into and rectify!
  13. You're welcome my dear...and yes, wouldn't we all love to know what the current RTP would be at the game servers...then we can decide to play that game or not. But of course, no provider would want that, right? They want us to play ALL THE TIME! ?
  14. Aaah...now confirmed...no vibes...no win! Maybe next week...or I'm gonna dislike the King more...hahaha. ?
  15. Got a few screenies to show... 2 from True Love just fell short of 500x...damn!
  16. Interesting read there my dear, but I need to put a few things right for you, hehehe. ? The TRTP of any game has been stipulated at one particular percentage - and as we have recently come to know, the software provider may even offer a lower TRTP option to casinos, to improve revenues on both parties. So, if the game gets a lower TRTP, the players would suffer more, regardless of the time of day or night! But most importantly, the ACTUAL RTP as being recorded on the game servers does not remain constant! It can vary dramatically from very low to very high! What this means is, the game would go into its 'dry run' mode when the actual RTP has shot up to way above its designated TRTP, or play better when the actual RTP has gone way down. Why? Simply because the algorithms and the various game controllers would start inducing 'TRTP stabilising measures' to get that low RTP back to its normal operating RTP! Now this is THE BEST TIME TO PLAY!!! However, the actual operating RTP of any game, at any moment in time, day or night, is a deep secret that only the software provider can know - no one else can get access to this info! So no one can actually know when the best time to play can be! For Jackpot games, like Mega Moolah for instance, the software provider would inform the casinos that the actual RTP has gone way way down and should shoot back up at any time - meaning, the jackpot should hit at any moment! Casinos would then send out this same message to players, and players would swarm to play the game...until one damn lucky player strikes the jackpot! For non-jackpot games, the software provider does not do this! ?
  17. Winner Casino was one of the very last few Playtech casinos that I could play at...until they all became restricted. Winner was one of my favourites, alway paid me within 3-4 days, never had any withdrawals rejected either, so I'm glad they paid you in the end. ?
  18. I tried...and tried...and tried...and got dried!!! ?
  19. It's the ONLY land-based casino that I have ever played at...and lost...grrrr...never won there...went there only for the thrill and experience! Yep, it is in Malaysia. ?
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