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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Your question is similar to the one asked by another member (BitsJamesBond...err, I mean Bits007) under his topic 'why did 7bits casino change ownership'. I cannot say if there's any difference now at 7Bits Casino under Dama NV as I have not played there for a few months. Ditto for any other casinos that now comes under Dama NV. As far as I know, Dama NV is expanding their business from land-based casinos to online casinos, simply because the prospects are much brighter. Land-based casinos are struggling for survival. If Dama can manage their land-based casinos well, they should be able to do the same with their online casinos too...but that's just my guess, as I'm no expert in that field.
  2. As far as I know, Dama NV is undertaking an expansion program, from land-based casinos into online casinos, so taking over 7Bit Casino from Direx NV may be in their program. I don't know for sure, but that's my educated guess anyway.
  3. Coming from you mate, I find that a bit strange, hahaha. I remember it was you who recommended NoLimitCity for Askgamblers Best New Provider Award, and it was also you who introduced Punk Rocker and whatnot to the forum. Anyway, I guess everyone is entitled to a change of heart after experiencing some disappointments.
  4. If you're in Asia, I can certainly point you in the right direction to the right casino to enjoy your cashbacks, but none of non-Asian casinos gives such good cashback offers, none that I know of anyway. In the first instance when I saw the calculation method for the cashback at that KB Casino, my first impression was WTF! That's a damn lousy cashback offer, one which I would never be interested in, but then again, I'm never interested in any cashback offer in the first place, unless they're wager-free. I do know that there are a few casinos that offer wager-free cashbacks, bonuses and free spins, but I'm restricted from those casinos. Your country would be too, so I'm afraid there's not much more that I can assist you with mate. Hope Fiekie247 would drop by here and give you better suggestions.
  5. Oh come on mate, you are recommending a casino that has a blank page in its 'About Us' section, and without any valid Licence shown whatsoever! Cannot even see the list of games, no promotion sections, and expecting new members to simply sign up first in order to know what they are getting??? What a load of rubbish!
  6. If you don't succeed the first time, keep on trying...and my determination to beat the game's AI paid off one more time, giving me a good sense of glory and satisfaction, but it took 2 more lost battles before a win. The screenshot below shows the state of my base after successfully enduring the 3rd attack wave. Going to play another scenario next, hehehe.
  7. I'm recalling back those days when online casinos have not been born, and how I would be spending my time playing Red Alert and Need For Speed...my two top favourite games. However, I was also enjoying my gambling times at illegal arcades at the point in time, so it was games, games, games nonetheless!
  8. (Double posting deleted)
  9. Doesn't matter if no one else is interested, but I'm keeping away from slots by a great deal, simply by playing this game every day. It can be awfully disappointing when the enemy comes in drones per each wave and wipes out my base...just like spinning and spinning without getting the awaited free spins game or any good win, hahaha. The screenshot below shows a typical 1st wave of attack (with about 20 tanks more in the unrevealed portion of the play area)...the 1st wave always come very early, before I could finish building my defense line, and so far, have lost 8 battles and won only once in this scenario (one of the toughest one-to-one battle, hard level). At times, the enemy would come from the right and from the bottom at once...making a nice sandwich out of me! Damn disappointed, but am determined to beat the game's blardy A.I. a few more times!
  10. No offense Livlooly, but kids nowadays can be so idiotic and hard-headed, simply refusing to listen to advice.
  11. Agree to all the above mate, but I also hate how Netent games tend to take ages to start up its game after finishing the loading up process, leaving me staring at the green bar, at times on a blank black screen. Other provider's games can start faster but why not Netent's??? For me, the thing that bothers me the most is not being able to select my playlines (almost all providers). Next would be games that may take over 1600 spins to trigger a free spins game (BTG). Followed by games that require a high minimum starting bet size. I don't like the jump from 0.01 to 0.05 cents coin value, which costs me 5x more to raise my bet size. And lastly, games that play with multi-reels and multi-rows. Hence I play only on my few OLDIE games and avoid all newer games.
  12. Playtech golden oldies are still WORTH playing despite being HTML5 versions. Dolphin Reef has not gone over 500 spins so far, and being a low-medium variance game, it is still enjoyable to play regularly. The only thing that bothers me a lot is how the blardy AI is regulating the big wins now. Playing at $1.00 bets for over 200 spins, expecting a big win to come, but didn't. Argh! Could have won $750!
  13. Winning such a battle that seems almost impossible to win is indeed deeply satisfying to me...akin to winning a super mega win, or a small jackpot, hehehe. Well, the game is keeping me occupied and keeping me away from playing at European casinos, so perhaps one day soon would see me playing ONLY at my regular Asian casino, and ONLY on my few favourite games. That would be one step closer to closing all doors to casinos for me, I hope.
  14. Triple win lines yet again...this win came about 20 spins after I dropped my bets from $1.00 to $0.20 (my balance was down to about $23)...DAMN BLARDY AI as usual!!!
  15. My local Asian casino gives a daily wager-free cash back based on total wagered amount per day, that includes deposits and winnings, and I would still get my cashbacks even after making withdrawals.
  16. (Bets Sum - Payoffs Sum - Bonuses - Withdrawals = Result sum (not less then500 EUR) * % = CASHBACK) Bet sum = your total amount of bets made, Payoff sum = total amount of wins during your play sessions, Bonuses = all bonuses taken/given to you, Withdrawals = total withdrawal amount paid to you. Calculate all the above and you get a certain % of cash back based on the final Result Sum. Cash backs can be calculated and paid on daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on each casino.
  17. After getting my base wiped out within 5-10 minutes on several attempts (hard level), I finally found the right strategy and won it, at 4am!
  18. No worries my dear...your answer is not beyond expectation.
  19. Didn't quite like Golden Ticket, so most probably won't be playing GT2 either. Never had a taste for multi-reels/rows games.
  20. Hahaha...yes it is, at first, but once you get the hang of playing it, you simply cannot stop! Worse than addiction to slots but without losing the money!
  21. Either that, or Johnny intends to be a streamer for a casino, for fame and fortune?
  22. I guess you have never played this Red Alert game before my dear? It's more of a man's game actually, all about war, defending your base at first, slowly building up your army, then only attacking the enemy. One game play can go on for several hours (hard level), but new gamers MUST start at the easy level first, or see their base wiped out within 10 minutes of play! This is a pure strategy game, started playing it back in the early years of 2000, and have mastered the game, so to speak, hehehe. Red Alert doesn't cost any money to play, but winning it doesn't get you any money either, hahaha. What it does is to get your brain actively working again, needing very quick defensive or attacking strategy...and very good for 'waking up' our brains too. If you can spend time and want to try out Red Alert 1 (the very basic game), then I can give you the link where to download the game for free (no need to purchase it). It's all about winning (the battles), without losing any money (no bets needed), and nothing to do with gambling.
  23. Question: Is there any game that any player can win without losing money? Answer: Yes, there is! Question: Woooo! What game is that? Answer: An RTS game. Question: You mean RTG as in Real Time Gaming game? Answer: No, I mean RTS as in Real Time Strategy game. Okay, so I'm not talking about playing casino games here. A Real Time Strategy game is about pitting your brain against the game's Artificial Intelligence...brain vs brawn if you like. Such a game is RED ALERT by Electronic Arts, released way back in 1996. The entire series of Red Alert games have just been remastered and released, to suit current computer's brawn. I have tried the latest Red Alert 3 game but it's not to my liking unfortunately. Why? Because armies are now robots, so gone are the days of me acting like Sir Winston Churchill in the battles, hahaha. Lately, I've been spending my free time play the old Red Alert for hours on end, so much so that my slotting time has been greatly reduced. What this means is that I've greatly reduced donating my hard earned cash money to cash-hungry casinos! Nah, don't get me wrong though. I'd still be playing my few favourite Playtech and Microgaming games, just as I've been doing for the last donkey years. Makes me wonder if I've been a real donkey all these while! Anyway, I'll be enjoying more of Red Alert now and less of red faces (mine).
  24. More of Megaways...sheesh...not my kind of game I'm afraid.
  25. Aaaah, okay, I get now. I guess seaweed are like us humans...when they die they turn ghostly too!
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