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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Less than 2 hours to go now on my side and I'm really hoping for my 1 deposit 1 try attempt to be fruitful. May Luck Be With Me!
  2. @Fiekie247 Thank you for your info bro, and I am already well aware of how DOOMING Booming games can be most of the time. Really have to be a good day and time to get those nice wins.
  3. What it means is that I can start playing when the clock passes midnight local time but I can only submit any screenshot when it is already 9th December (8 hours later) at the forum!
  4. NOPE! I think the rule has always been that as long as the screenshot is taken within the valid contest period, ie, 9th December onwards, then the screenshot is valid. What is not valid is when that screenshot is posted into the contest BEFORE IT IS 9th DECEMBER OR BEFORE GMT 00:01 at the forum!!! @cocopop3011 Do you agree with me that this has been the way all the time?
  5. @cocopop3011 Now this is becoming very confusing indeed! If my screenshot shows a valid time and date, then shouldn't it be eligible for this contest, even though it hasn't actually gone live yet over at Britain? Or is GMT date and time the crucial factor for all contests now?
  6. Clock is ticking, it's time to get ready 4 hours away, already full of anxiety Gonna be a toughie, but who cares oh blimey Must try and get a win, or else I'd go all pissy.
  7. Yes, I agree @marius1978. Winning the contest and also getting a big cashout win from the game would make anyone feel on top of the world, but this can only happen on one's lucky days, not always.
  8. @marius1978 And also not to forget "I play to win!"
  9. @boldogb Usually, but not all the time, whenever a casino accuses a player of having a duplicate account, there might possibly be one, or somebody else's account that is using the same IP address (living in the same building for example). There have been such cases before and got resolved by proving to the casino that there was indeed another person using the same IP address but having a separate account. This might be your case too perhaps?
  10. I'm already on the 8th but still 1 more day to wait...
  11. @marius1978 Well bro, I wish I can have a nice 300% bonus anywhere for the contests, but there isn't any. Either those damn casinos are restricted for me, as 24casino is, or there's simply none available that I can take. So I'm always at a big disadvantage at provider's contest.
  12. @marius1978 This contest will be most advantageous to participants like you. Well, you know what I mean, no need to elaborate. The only thing to worry about would be the new participants joining in to grab those prizes, and we have no idea from which category of players they come from (average, rich, very rich, or the Elon Musk kind ). So I expect you to get your funds ready and I also expect your name to be around the top of the leaderboard. Good luck!
  13. Oh maaaaan...if only this Bragg contest can end tomorrow! That will be a super great relief for me!
  14. Looks like I'd be giving this Booming dooming contest yet one more 1 deposit 1 try attempt, and I expect a down and out result as before too. Ah well, I'll concentrate on the lesser AG contest instead.
  15. @Fiekie247 I need to be sure...can Booming Games be played with bonus money? I can't remember how it was for the last Booming contest.
  16. I have always considered Bragg games to be a real dragggggg...almost impossible to get any big win. Booming Games? Hmmm, I would rate their contest games as just a tiny bit better than Bragg...except for Let It Spin, which is the worst game I've ever come across, but the other 3 games are still a real dragggggg to me! Couldn't even get a 150x win in fun mode...SHEEEESH!
  17. Booming contest starts on the 9th, ends on the 16th. Followed by AG 700 EUR contest on the 10th, ends on the 18th.
  18. I just knew that you would be one contestant who wouldn't stop trying till the very last minute/hour. So, good luck bro!
  19. @cocopop3011 Here's my prediction for Booming Games contest: 15 winners, with prizes in EUR of 1500, 1200, 1000, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, and lastly 6x 100 (total 7000 EUR) Excited to see how your prizes schedule would be like.
  20. With Booming Games contest coming up in 3 days, Bragg contest is taking a quiet break...maybe till the end of the contest. Unless of course, members like @marius1978 or @Potatohead or even @Fiekie247 are quietly still battling it out for the top position. I'm completely done for this Bragg contest. Waiting next for the Booming one to start booming my ewallet. Kabooom. Kabooom. All gone in probably just a short time.
  21. @cocopop3011 Kindly inform your team that Rooli and FatFruit Casino are both restricted for my country but is not listed as restricted in the casino reviews.
  22. @cocopop3011 This casino is restricted for my country. Need to update the casino review info as well.
  23. Congratulations @loceff13! I've been expecting Marius, Potatohead or you to take the lead, and you have done it. No worries about me though, I'd be happy enough just to stay on the leaderboard and win a prize.
  24. Okaaaay, as promised and mentioned earlier, my bragging days are now over...not big talk bragging but spinning Bragg talk. I've saved THE BEST FOR LAST, and this final screenshot will decide my fate in this contest - win, or lose, but hope to win of course, for the very first time in a Bragg contest. Then I won't call it a Bragg dragg contest anymore. Treat Yo' Elf - 381.4x
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