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Everything posted by helenakp

  1. hmmm,maybe Sharon ,but after it has emptied my account for 40 euros
  2. I wished too Afi,wager the bonus at Jetbull Casino,came to 110 euros,but my greedy as.. wanted more and left with zero
  3. soooo what ,we are doing fine ,we dont need them heheee
  4. There are plenty great games from Bet on Soft ,which I play them a lot and specially from WGS slots ,which they are my favorites,i see only few of them,maybe 10 games ,i think you should add more of them.
  5. I played Attraction last night Sharon but didnt get any screenshots ,the biggest win I had was 34 euros,but I lost 40 euros,dont know ,but I think this game has potential of good winnings,we will see later ,when or if i play this slot again.
  6. you too ??? We will miss you ,I wont be going on a holiday this year,so say hi to Aegean Sea from me and have fantatic holiday Jelena !
  7. yes I know hun ,you just do,what you have to and he wont complaint ,I am sure of it
  8. First you should see or ask the chat support,did you wager the nodeposit bonus and depends on what casino you are playing at.Some of them will give you the same amount what is the bonus and some of them 50 euros if it is RTG they give 180 euros or $,so depends in what casino did you play,as i can see you didnt write the name of the casino,so that way ,we will just guessing the amount of the nodeposit bonus.And NO no matter in what casino you played,noone will give you that amount of money from free chip.
  9. Thanks Jay ,got the free spins !
  10. I really enjoyed reading you successful gambling story,didnt i told you ,you will hit something big ?? and yes you did it ,BRAVO !
  11. Sharon ,can you please log in to your Royal Panda account ,to check ,because I cant open the casino and I PM you 2 days ago ,so let me know if everything is ok ??kk
  13. And this is what I got from today 5 free spins on Rocky
  14. Hmmm ,is he using Translator maybe,because ,when i read it again ,i have no idea whats he talking about ,I only catch the part ,that he has no luck
  15. ahaha Sharon,really ,i have no idea whats he talking about?? is he talking about XP Windows
  16. ahahhaa The Genie is double Shooter ahahhaa
  17. Sorry to hear that,but we all experienced that ,many,many times,you are just having bad luck at the moment,but your lady luck will smile,you will see !!!
  18. that Jack is for sure ga... ,so hi is men lover !
  19. as I know the meaning of the second dream with running,people run from theirs problems,but they cant ,need to be solved ,you cant runaway from the problems.
  20. Dont worry Sharon,we will hunt her down ,will go straight to Belgrade ,the minute she won the Jackpot !!!
  21. When did you dream this and how often Sharon and did you felt any pain till your teeth was falling out ??
  22. I am ready ,steady,go
  23. ohh yes we are Jelena
  24. and it really works for you ?
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