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Everything posted by helenakp

  1. No,no,no he thought of something else,knowing Guru
  2. yeah right and we are going to live from looove and whats with the roll eyes are you trying to tell me something
  3. Cant wait,till Marius step in and announce did we won something
  4. All new casinos there are on net,they been already sent to AG team
  5. yeah sure,i wanted to go somewhere for the weekend maybe Greece,but my hubby and his work its starts to get on my nerves
  6. Last night i had great time, iGame Casiino deposited 30 euros withdraw 200 euro all fro Starburst. Trada Casino deposit 50 euros withdraw 400 euros( actually they were 800 euros,but greeedy ) Guts Casino deposit 30 euros withdraw 500 euros( actually again ,they were 900 euros but greedy again ) but still happy
  7. Something new or maybe some of you already know that,Guts Casino doesnt charge any more FEES :good:ooops and money still not in my Neteller,hope the changes they made will not affect the time frame of the withdraw
  8. Thanks both of you and yes Valdes i already did 3 withdraws last night
  9. Wolfie and I and my Lady Luck this time in Guts
  10. Wlofie,me and Lady Luck I guess Wolfie missed me
  11. Starburst deposited 2 X 15 withdraw 200 euros lovely jubbly
  12. single and SWINGING ,Afi ,are you ok
  13. Have you ever fly with helicopter ?
  14. No - since noone is playing this game
  15. Omg i dont know should i cry or should i laugh of this kind of communication from Tropica support,like some rude uneducated peasant and that persons should represent this casino ,wow ,i am shocked
  16. where are you from NextTimewin,if not a secret,some of the Russian countries ,maybe ?
  17. i guess everyone is at their work place or something and I am Housewife hehe
  18. well if i deposit here i will play only MG ,so tell me was is it good ?? because i dont want to waste my tme on their other games Holland ,really dont like them
  19. hehe Awena i think you will wait till you get older or never ,because our Guru is a bit tight of giving thank you ,believe me
  20. haha haha you made me laugh Guru ,"my child" hahaa and resist the devil who is the devil ,well i see it this way,if there is chemistry there is nothing you can do hun and dont you roll your eyes and no i wont answer there is plenty people here who will answer
  21. Well,come on blondie it might be your lucky month too hun,hope you will get a lot of posts here!
  22. Oohoho,look our Guru,desire frantically :-P you naughty Guru!!!
  23. Wow Valdes,i admire you,i could never do bungee ,no way Jose!
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