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Everything posted by helenakp

  1. ohhh... Thor is good ,that one i watched it recently
  2. I am sure ,you changed your avatar,thinking that with Clint Westwood you will be more luckier
  3. haha Sharon ,i dont even remember my biggest win,probably someone else will come up with bigger win and will beat us
  4. yeah sure,like some mamacita will come to clean your mess ,no way Jose and first you find one and then we can talk for another 3-4 mamacitas
  5. ohhh you are a biit crazy today,again and again
  6. weeeell you are not trying ,hard enough
  7. forum soul mate,mates,now hunting comrade ,brothers,hmmm...its getting more close and close
  8. omg Afi ,you need some mamacita urgent
  9. ohh Afi so sorry to hear that,but you still need to clean that water hun,before the next comes !
  10. Good Morning,i see very early birds here wow
  11. No - thanks God for that
  12. ok,ok i am sure Guru will award you ,with sooomething
  13. haha are you saying that you dumped them first well you are still young plenty time for that
  14. haha ,havent you heard that saying ,i think i picked it up from some movie,no way Jose
  15. yep I am always here,maybe Afi is here too,but still playing hide and seek
  16. Have you ever be dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend ?
  17. No - no way Jose that i will eat those scary things
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  19. yes weird indeed ,you crazy man and i said peanut noot peanuts
  20. well dont forget about my peanut
  21. whaaaattt 1500 $ you better watch out what are you promising
  22. yeah Jasper we know,but they are the worst casino for payout and i dont think our Guru would like to see this
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