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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. But...considering your last post...then it could be ... pride? Maybe?
  2. I think water fits perfectly to your riddle, hun!
  3. Yeah, the perfect word to describe why a person would prefer to attach such screenshot.
  4. I did but there wasn't a word about using plural?! Anyways, you are Da Master for this topic, so I don't have other choice but to say one Tut Tut and accept your decision.
  5. Fantastic hit, Sharon! Well done, congrats! And use the cashout button, don't be greedy like me!
  6. Let's hope it will not be the next clone 243-ways-to-win game from Microgaming. I'm kinds of tired of seeing most of they new slots looking almost identical...
  7. I know. Just bugging with Luciana, it's part of our so called 'family wars'.
  8. There's a huge difference between the situation with a bonus being forfeitable at this casino and at Betat for example. In the first case you ALWAYS start playing with bonus funds while at Betat its the deposit money. Anyways, forfeitable or not, I would not use a bonus, which is bound with terms, you need to be a gambling expert to understand! Speaking in general..
  9. My word was rockS, not rock.
  10. This is the casino own explanation of the meaning for the word forfeitable in bonus context. It's taken from their terms and conditions. And in my humble opinion, such terms are the opposite of clear and fair bonus terms!
  11. Icy, could you please try and specify what particular banking method do you refer to? A classic Bank Wire Transfer or you mean something else?
  12. Not at all! Seems like this game already knows you very well, Icy.
  13. Yeah, whatever... I was waiting for your answers, really... And now I shall have to use my own brain instead of just copying from you and considering the insane turbo mode I am in right now... maybe I will miss this one.
  14. ValDes is seeing everything... And if it does matter, I think you were the same cutie as you are now, absolutely regardless the hair color and style! Now...All of you...Off, to the jar, please!
  15. And here's the man to join the party and say "Wish you a Happy Birthday, Mr. AG Teaser!"
  16. And why is that? Afraid that someone may stole the answers from you?
  17. I have a close friend and she's also a soldier like you. And I know exactly what you are talking about, believe me! One night, when we were out with a bunch friends, there was a fight in the pub and she somehow turned out right in its center! Gees, I will never forget how fast and furious she was ... and how many dudes left the 'battlefield' with blood upon their faces!
  18. Unfortunately, since the bonus terminology used from online casinos is not standardized yet (and I sincerely doubt it will be soon), it is almost impossible to claim on a particular thesis unless we see the actual bonus terms, stated by the casino in question.
  19. Of course... You were in Zakyntos or something like that... And they stole your phone... Yeah, seems like Guru is going mad by plan...
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