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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Heeey, so happy to see you back winning on our beloved DOA again! Quite tempted to add a sentence (or two) starting with "I told ya...", but will skip it for for another time.
  2. Once you achieve a vip level there things should go way better, including support... At least that's my personal experience with them so far. The funny thing though is that their support headquarter is located in my country, in Sofia to be more precise, they had some really strict and uncompromising requirements when hiring the staff a few years ago, the working conditions and salaries are pretty good, but still the overall quality of service is on a ridiculous level, especially for non-vip customers where you could easily way few to several days for a response.
  3. Hey there @The Gamblogger, Keep in mind I had to edit your post and update the links with the correct, working ones. Please make sure to use the correct links within your posts or let me know in case you need further assistance. Thanks.
  4. Don't shoot the messenger, mate! And yes, not exactly the doomsday, but I guess certain changes into the financial aspects referring and concerning iGaming industry are already in process and what we all could expect in the next couple of years is more and more new regulations and measures takes by the casino operators towards an exhaustive KYC procedures including but not limited to detailed investigation of deposits source of funding, financial status etc etc...
  5. Thanks for the precious feedback, Leo mate. They are already scheduled for being reviewed and added to the AskGamblers Casino Database, but maybe we'll try to speed up the process a bit considering your advice.
  6. Hi there Peto, Have just edited the link used in your post and added the correct one. Please make sure to use the correct affiliate links when adding such in your posts in the future. Thanks.
  7. Gees, now that's definitely an insane win which wasn't even possible to happen! It's not very often winning 1000 x bet on any of the Endorphina slots! Congrats, Leo!
  8. I believe the new trend of not accepting e-wallets as a valid payment method refers to UKGC licensed operators mainly. The reasons are duly explained in the Commission's official announcement and within the letter they sent to their licensees. More info below. http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/news-action-and-statistics/news/2018/Letter-to-online-casino-operators.aspx http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/PDF/Letter-to-remote-casino-operators-January-2018.pdf
  9. Heard the same, although didn't manage to find more confirmed details and information about it... Good luck with the rest!
  10. Important Announcement Please keep in mind that as a listed company on the stock exchange market, Catena Media - the parent company of AskGamblers, have to follow strictly all the relevant stock exchange rules and auditors instructions. In this regard, have just been informed that we will no longer be able to offer you Skrill or Neteller as a payment options and the only accepted payment method remaining is via bank wire transfer. The change takes effect immediately and the relevant contest rule/s referring to payments have already been updated accordingly. Please make sure to send me all the relevant banking details or contact me via PM in case you need further assistance.
  11. Important Announcement Please keep in mind that as a listed company on the stock exchange market, Catena Media - the parent company of AskGamblers, have to follow strictly all the relevant stock exchange rules and auditors instructions. In this regard, have just been informed that we will no longer be able to offer you Skrill or Neteller as a payment options and the only accepted payment method remaining is via bank wire transfer. The change takes effect immediately and the relevant contest rule/s referring to payments have already been updated accordingly. Please make sure to send me all the relevant banking details or contact me via PM in case you need further assistance.
  12. Important Announcement Please keep in mind that as a listed company on the stock exchange market, Catena Media - the parent company of AskGamblers, have to follow strictly all the relevant stock exchange rules and auditors instructions. In this regard, have just been informed that we will no longer be able to offer you Skrill or Neteller as a payment options and the only accepted payment method remaining is via bank wire transfer. The change takes effect immediately and the relevant contest rule/s referring to payments have already been updated accordingly. Please make sure to send me all the relevant banking details or contact me via PM in case you need further assistance.
  13. Important Announcement Please keep in mind that as a listed company on the stock exchange market, Catena Media - the parent company of AskGamblers, have to follow strictly all the relevant stock exchange rules and auditors instructions. In this regard, have just been informed that we will no longer be able to offer you Skrill or Neteller as a payment options and the only accepted payment method remaining is via bank wire transfer. The change takes effect immediately and the relevant contest rule/s referring to payments have already been updated accordingly. Please make sure to send me all the relevant banking details or contact me via PM in case you need further assistance.
  14. Wow, x1000 win! Now we are talking! Congratulations mate and keep them coming!
  15. Hi there Johnny and thanks for reporting. We are already investigating it further and will let you know as soon as we reach to justified conclusions.
  16. Hey there Maybe you should consider editing your links as the ones used in your posts are wrong I'm afraid.
  17. Hey there and many thanks for reporting this outfit! Gave it a glance and must admit they seem to be matching the definition of a rogue casino operating without a valid licence and offering fake NetEnt games! Avoid like plague!
  18. Which most probably means that the slot 'sniffed out' your intention to quit/limit gambling and switched to 'insane payout mode' to keep you around... AI in its best gist I guess... Go figure it out!
  19. Wow, what a comeback from you @hajnrih! Congrats and please don't forget to add this really stunning hit at the Mega Winners thread as well.
  20. Hi there @Matthew6 and welcome to AskGamblers. I believe you did the best giving the circumstances and namely, reported the issue to the police. Now what you could do to help yourself is to contact the casino in question and request a complete report of your account activity containing crucial data such as dates, statuses and IP addresses associated with each and every login/off and payment transaction you have done there. Once you got the information report it to the police and let them do their job. From my experience dealing with over a dozen similar AGCCS cases over the last couple of years you'll be surprised to know they could actually help you a lot getting back what's rightfully yours. Good luck and keep us updated.
  21. Hi there and welcome to AskGamblers. Unfortunately, you are chasing a dead cause here. A thorough check across their Responsible Gaming rules and policies is revealing a situation where you have absolutely no chance to claim any of your lost deposits back. Below you'll find my reasons to say that: https://prnt.sc/icd1yp In short, not knowing SpinStation was part of a certain casino group and/or operating under certain licence used by other casinos is NOT a valid excuse. And despite being sympathetic to your cause and totally understanding your frustration giving the circumstances, you have no legitimate argument to claim any refunds.
  22. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. Please keep in mind that your complaint against the aforementioned brand has just been rejected with the relevant reason which you may find duly stated within the notification email sent by the AGCCS system. Strongly encourage you to refrain from further forum posts, submit a new complaint if the issue hasn't been resolved in the meantime, but make sure this time to support your accusations with as many facts and proofs. Let us know in case you need further assistance.
  23. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. I'm afraid you are still far away from being allowed to participate in any of the fabulous AskGamblers Paid Contests. Please make sure to read carefully all the relevant rule which you may find here. Feel free to send me a PM in case you need further assistance.
  24. Thanks for sharing Leo, much appreciated! Cannot wait to read more real play feedback in this game and hopefully that this might be the new NetEnt release which is warm welcomed by players...
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