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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Congratulations, dear blondie! Have always been a pleasure having you as a forum member - such a great person, with plenty of gambling experience and positive attitude, disciplined and above all, respectful towards each and every one here!
  2. Which takes us to the starting point - https://prnt.sc/ix0oph
  3. This must be the post of the month I guess! Touche!
  4. Hitting big with PlayN'Go slots is pretty tough indeed, but far from impossible. You may easily check my winner screenshots over the last couple of month and find a rock solid confirmation of my statements. Still disagree? ... No probs mate.. Ready for one more bet between the two of us, like the one we had about new/old DOA...
  5. Thanks for the feedback, appreciate that. However, not sure what you're saying about the Bovada licence is correct. There is no sign from their name within the list of Kahnawake Gaming Commission licensed operators. https://www.gamingcommission.ca/interactiveOp.htm
  6. Hi folks Have just been informed by my colleague Conor that the application deadline for SlotsFighter race was extended until Friday, March 30th. Good luck everyone!
  7. Correct! The Casino Ranking Score is being calculated by a sophisticated formula (a top secret one ) which takes into account dozens and dozens of different factors.
  8. Got this beauty yesterday! Starting to believe now that Falcon Huntress might become soon one of my top played slots.
  9. Hi there, I'm afraid the answer of your question is NO. Check the term below:
  10. Dear, Afi! From the bottom of my heart, wish you good fortunes with your upcoming en-devours and may the best of luck be with you! You are a great person with an incredible positiveness and sense of humour who brought here in our forum countless good vibes and emotions! Thank you so much for being YOU for all these years! You definitely deserve your best year (at last) and frankly speaking, I have no doubts you will get it! As for the part with the goodbye, well, I kinda have the feeling you will manage to find a minute or two and jump up in here every now and then with small updates regarding your new life.
  11. The answer of your question is called UIGEA.
  12. Wondering from time to time shall I ask you for a small chunk of your DOA hits... After all, it was me who provoked getting half if not all of these WLs, right? ... Seriously, congratulations mate and keep them coming! Kinda encouraging to see a beloved NetEnt label still capable to produce monster wins!
  13. Despite how sympathetic I feel towards your terrifying experience with Ignition, please try to understand the fact that we have our rules and procedures which we have to follow. And the procedures are crystal clear by saying: - you cannot leave a review on any operator which has not been reviewed and presented on our website yet; - the same goes to AGCCS /AskGamblers Casino Complaints Service/ which would not allow you to submit a complaint against any operator which has not been reviewed and presented on our website yet. Sorry, but this is it and we cannot change that. For what is worth, you should know that this forum is among the most popular gambling related ones over internet and this particular forum topic will be read by hundreds, maybe even thousands of players nonetheless. Meaning, your message and warnings towards Ignition will reach a lot of players.
  14. Hi there, While I definitely agree the disputed bonus term is rather unusual and ridiculous in terms of player's retention to say the least, it has absolutely nothing to do with 'scam' accusations. It's your responsibility reading the relevant terms prior joining, depositing and using any bonus out there, simple and clear. The term in question is duly stated within their Bonus Terms&Conditions though: Now, if you believe the term is unfair, vogue or otherwise infringing your rights as a player, feel free to report it to the MGA directly as the casino in question is licensed there. https://www.authorisation.mga.org.mt/verification.aspx?lang=EN&company=46e17e81-896f-4749-b84b-5dfa2e98aee7&details=1 Let us know in case you need further assistance.
  15. Weird stuff! In fact, the newest gambling provisions say nothing about the existence of the Fun Mode except it should be available for registered players only. Which means that in order to be able to play in fun mode you must register first... Which in my humble opinion is a complete joke and have absolutely nothing with the declared 'improved actions' against problem gambling... The only reasonable explanation could be that some operators might have read it as a green light to remove practice/fun mode completely... Which is again a complete joke.
  16. Hi there and welcome to AskGamblers. Strongly encourage you reading the article below, it will surely answer your question. How the AskGamblers CasinoRank Works Let is know in case you need further assistance.
  17. Hmm, have I missed something?
  18. Alright then, glad some of you gathered courage eventually and will try their luck with qualifying for the SlotsFighter Race. No need mentioning that I would love to see a fellow AG member kicking some a** there! Good luck everyone!
  19. Have no idea mate, I'm not a part of the jury anyway... Maybe it would be a good idea taking a look at their website for more information OR just post here all questions you might be having. SlotsFigher
  20. Just a funny thing I forgot to share with you... As soon as I got notified about the upcoming SlotsFighter Race the first picture to spring on mind was live slots battle between Helena and Afi!!! Man, that would be a day to remember!
  21. Well, you need to convince somehow the jury you are the ONE, so choosing the best way to do that is something that no one else but you have to determine eventually.
  22. Singing, driving, hiking, riding, having a bath... ah, no, without the last one... Everything is allowed when it comes to a member like yourself who's been a proud and integral part of the AskGamblers Gorgeous Gambling Girls Club! Seriously, the SlotsFighter Race is a mega great opportunity for any experienced online slots punter and yes, you'd better all hurry up sending your video!
  23. Dear @warmadded, Keep in mind there is actually plenty of useful information you could find here, including but not limited to all the different bonus types you could think of. Feel free to browse the unique AskGamblers Gambling Guide for the purpose. ASKGAMBLERS GAMBLING GUIDE In the meantime, make sure this is the first and last time when you are violating the AskGamblers Forum Rules. Thanks!
  24. Thanks for sharing, Afi. Sad news indeed. Not surprising though since it's no secret to anyone dealing with gambling over the last decade that single-platform operators are slowly but surely losing the battle against multi-platform ones. This is how it goes and won't be surprised at all if we step into the new decade without any SP operator...
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