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Everything posted by Luciana

  1. Haha, I think that what will happen, already happened! And it's called - AskGamblers forum But this is just an amazing story and summary of our friendship and characters
  2. Of course you did, Emina I already posted you your song, from Aleksa Santic Dunno if you saw it! London must be beautiful in this time of year. I visited in twice, but in winter, therefore I didn't enjoy so much, neither find it a place I want to visit again! Trust me, they are more generous when it comes to visas, than Irish! You just pay attention to collect as many evidence about your job, earnings and eventual properties and they will be happy to give you a visa
  3. Hahahaha, this is almost exactly how I see weddings! Like a partyyyyy!! Paper is okay, but big ceremonials and huge guest list (not to talk about unnecessary expenses) is something I get dizzy from, just thinking about it! I think that wedding ceremony is bride's and groom's day and they should have some great time and enjoy, not go through a stressful traditions, administrations, organisations and an effort of inviting and being kind to all that distant cousins and family, that remember them only on funerals, weddings and courts
  4. Mmmm nice, my favourite of them is "My immortal" Think that you're going to receive Guru's like for this post
  5. Icy when was your birthday and why didn't you celebrate it with us, too?
  6. Mmmmm, sounds like Cappuccino Congrats on your winnings, darlings
  7. This is just BRILLIANT!!!!!!! Coco, you're quizes are fabulous, they really make me wanna play!! Unfortunately, I only know the answer to a few questions: 2) Paddy Power 1) Are we looking for an intruder here? They are all Platech's, don't know what can makes difference to one of them?! If somebody answers this, I'd love to hear an explanation to that 6) I suppose 20, as the most new slots 4) I think the strange thing here is Joker's face and it's related to Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) 9) Eggomatic, NetEnt That's all from me What have I won hahah
  8. I'm confused why would anyone want to cancel withdrawal? I mean, if I'd win anything, I'd cash-out it immediately! Or sometimes it's greedy human nature or self-esteem, followed by winnings, that you can win even more?
  9. Awena, you finally got back, dear! Are you okay? Hope you are not sad or something, because seems that universe knows what's the best for each of us! You never wanted, piece of paper anyway! My words may sound cruel in this moment, but it's some kind of unwritten rule, that everything that happens, shows why it's good to be happened like that, after some time
  10. Weeeell, since I was faster than ValDes, I'll take the torch! Which one is a lie: 1) I have 2 tattoos on my right foot 2) I used to have black tomcat, with kitty name 3) I have never been to Greece, although it's very close to Serbia It's easy!
  11. Yes, mods will remove the link I am now more dangerous than ValDes Wanted to delete the whole thread, but I couldn't do that because of your phenomenal comment, yapro..just made my day
  12. Hello sweethearts I just came across Pablo Picasslot game, accidentally! Thought it's something new and wanted to know if anyone has tried it yet? Provided by Leander Games! Looks interesting to me and it's name is original! What do you think? And what do you think about Leander Games in general, as software? I appreciate your opinions in advance
  13. Guru is asking me if I can give him multi-like button option I must invent that for him
  14. But speaking of couples, Icy and Kate are such a cute teasers to each other
  15. Hahaha, not yet, I'm still a beginner! Hope I'll have some winning material soon, sexy screen shots, to be precise
  16. Ooooo hello Lordy!! I didn't know you're a student
  17. Haha, Luciana is Italiana
  18. Cool, I'm gonna post this one on the home page! Do they have expiry date and how much deposit is needed, do you know?
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