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Everything posted by pinnit2015

  1. I hate cricket, aside from parts of England it's not really played that much in the other Home Counties. 3 teams playing; you, the other and the weather. Too slow for my liking, even the one day ones. Probably different abroad but here it's viewed as 'one for the toffs' - probably would like it if i was at a game shovelling Gin down my throat to the point where i was hurling abuse at the other spectators, but nah..... Think Scotland had/have a cricket team but couldn't tell you where they played tbh
  2. Think he's wondering if they can say 'we can't withdraw back to the credit card, can you give us your bank a/c details for a bank transfer instead' The answer is yes they can - esp with Mastercard you'll see a lot of the time a warning that 'may not be able to w/d back to ' on the banking splash page: some of it's to do when the card was issued re the authentication requirements of the card so, some i really don't know why as some sites would have processed back to it and some would have said, for the same card, it's failed.
  3. Some credit cards are weird re w/d back to them eg Leo would let you depo, but not withdraw to for some, but not all, CC's. So they asked you to take it to a debit card etc.
  4. Play-Take, for a reason. No better/worse than any other provider - the live dealers are usually the software supplier and heard a few of them put their feet in their mouths, not just them, but evo etc: can't really use it as an ultimate stick to beat a whole company round the head with right enough.
  5. Unless UK cos, er, you can't
  6. That JJ BB I don't mind to be honest: it's a reasonable amount, given that you can go 40 in deposits in and not see one bonus/only see 1. As long as the BB doesn't mess with the 'normal game', those amounts are ok-ish. Still a HV game (a proper one) though so folk better not think they've in for a few 1000x's within 5 BB's etc
  7. I believe that's called negative equity
  8. Yeah i guess the 333x max win doesn't have quite the same ring about it as 66,666x
  9. I find telling Bonanza you love it normally helps to start a 22 spin feature. After 18 x you can then revert to 'I want to strangle the life out of your programming' I'm happy with either/or. There's a lot to be said though about much hatred can fuel you - My Gran was a pretty wicked/evil woman and she lived to 98 before Lucifer decided he was taking her south to sit on the throne. It was that hatred of man/woman/child that probably added a good 20 years to their life as she just wanted to spite people I've been re-reading 'The Art of War' in anticipation of when i take the lift downstairs and go 'Oh, we meet again Lizzy. Ding ding, round 2 - lets go'
  10. And if it's a BB, 1000x?, then it's only 333 ish X: which isn't good enough to sit beside Bonanza on the Mega Thread
  11. They talk of a WORLD slots tournament (bit like the Yanks annoyingly referring to a World Series when it doesn't make it past Utah), yet, a lot of country restrictions Not quite all the world. Same for Universe....the Universe must stop at the English Channel (to be fair, after Brexit there are a lot who think it does).
  12. I could quite easily head for the hills and mountains round here and not come back some days; i like my solitude and serenity. What i don't like folk running round my legs, creating needless noise as all it does is destroy my Zen and invoke my rage
  13. Beefy seems to like to hit mainly between 500-1000x (think i've had a few above 1000x but mainly you need to be lucky to up the stake, or the steak) Far better game than the likes of Monopoly and the other terrible releases BTG have put out
  14. Sacrifice Gin? That's insane - i'd rather die fat
  15. Anything that takes time away from family time is something to celebrate though I've been known to take 6hours to go to the shop, 2km away. It's amazing. That sound of distilled silence.
  16. It's amazing how many people think the only responsibility for their health lies with the NHS etc (bit like RG and casinos). Really not that hard: you eat ***** regularly, you don't move your ar"e from the sofa, then there's a high chance you're not going to be well in the Medium/Long Term. Probably not allowed to say that, lest you be accused of unhealthy/fat shaming but, aside from inherent medical issues, that's pretty much it. Know a lot more, albeit it gets tied in knots regarding 'well that was good for you last week, now they're saying it's not' , about the links between illnesses and diet/lifestyle. Eg. Processed meats and the links with cancers etc. Eat better, start using ur legs more often and you're giving yourself a good a chance at a decent life.
  17. It's just pretty dull: the original Gonzo was pretty meh as well but this is just duller. Slot makers seem to be good at making super HV and Super LV games but are stuck for ideas for the middle ground Still better than most NLC games though.
  18. Thought I'd give it a go and it's not as bad as i thought - maybe put off by the fact Aloha, the first one especially, is probably in my top 10 worst games 5 scatters give you 200x, not great but not the worst either It's called Gonzo but, even with clusters, doesn't really feel like it - doesn't seem to be much win-a-ability in the base game as there are no multi's etc so presume the bonus game holds the bulk of the RTP, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Had a few bonus's, between 100-175x. Base game wise you'll be lucky to see past 10x i think on most days
  19. Review Summary Cluster Pays End of Review.
  20. Imagine winning it though and then hearing they were closing down in two weeks
  21. Luckily we don't have it here in the UK; i think it's a terrible concept tbh. Call me old fashioned but if i win 10 quid i expect to have, er, 10 quid in my balance. Pretty sure the penny pinchers will have worked out a % of their customer base, say where someone has 15 quid in it (and lower than the w/d amount) will simply fritter it away; ergo making their 91% slots more like 88% Maybe I'm just being cynical
  22. Good point re Poker: it's not IMO seen as murky as say the slot based gambling. Possibly perception as well: playing at a Poker Table, particularly at Land based, is seen as being more controlled than say sweating buckets at the one arm bandits which seems to invoke a perception of greater depravity. Though, obviously to compare the two has various nuances such as the increased dopamine hit that slots generate etc. You tell people you're playing Poker on a Friday and it's seen more as a hobby, you tell folk ur slotting and u can see the raised eyebrows on some folk. As for hate - kinda agree but if you see some of the minutes from the meetings in the UK regarding reforming the laws, you see some of the consultation responses from families/people and it is genuine hatred. Hatred fulled by self-loathing in many cases but there nonetheless. Then some of the politicians take jobs on the board of the casinos they set out to maim Maybe they should remake the ***** addict film Shame (terrible film by the way) - you could just film me walking around London, on trains and buses, punching the walls and crying as i fail to land the D or getting 10x when i do. Hitting rock bottom when i break into BTG's Sydney's office and start pulling the drawers out in search of the Golden Nugget.
  23. Very much informal/word of mouth - see how true it ends up being They have Netent, BTG and Red Tiger i think.
  24. You're safe, they only take over good providers
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