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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Today, I'm going to post up some 'first-time big win' screenshots of NetEnt games. There's always a first time for everything, so this is one of mine. And finally...a lovely present from the Genie for the first time!
  2. Well, Bruno buddy, maybe I logged in too early today, so the free spins aren't available yet, but I'll be trying again in a couple of hours. Not going to miss those 30 free spins! And waiting anxiously for my 75Euro Bonus and outcome of the draw...
  3. Hi there Ahmedin! Yep, you won't find a more friendlier or a more comfortable environment than right here at Askgamblers. That's because we here are all gamblers and nothing else but gamblers, hahahahaha. If there's anything you don't know, just shoot...errr, I mean, ask...a question. Only our Guru Valdes does the shooting here!
  4. Hi Birgitta, hi Gittan! I am miles behind the others in welcoming you to this beautiful forum, but I'm here now, and that's all that matters. I'm usually never late when it comes to welcoming new ladies...but you're an exception! Yep, all my darlings here will soon confirm this for you...hehehehe.
  5. Hi Clement. Strangely enough, each individual perform differently at any particular casino. Some may win easily at one casino whilst others had to bleed blood first before making their first win! Personally for me, I started playing seriously at NetEnt casinos only just recently, my first 4 months at Casino Luck proved to be futile, until my first win came. Then on, it seemed to have broken the ice on NetEnt casinos for me. I have since won at Buck & Butler, Thrills and Casumo casinos, all on my first deposit there! That's really wonderful and it gives me a lot of confidence now to play at NetEnt casinos. Gonzo's Quest was the game that gave me my first big win at a NetEnt casino. I'm playing it everyday now, and getting a better feel of the game day by day. Yes, in its dry run, you can run hundreds and hundreds of spins without getting any free fall feature game at all. All games behave the same way, not just Gonzo's Quest. As you play more of it, you'd be more familiar with the game, and you'd know roughly when to play or when to run. Practice makes perfect...well, not really, in this case, but it helps a lot! Afi
  6. Oooooo...I love this 'Ppussy James', Awena...must be a very distant relative of Jesse James, the cowboy outlaw. Just look at the ppussy's expression...mmmmmm...
  7. Talk about being out of time...watching Christmas movies in August???
  8. Yeah, I guess he will, but using my wallet! Hahahaha.
  9. Well, it's okay darlings, to each his own. I'm not particular about anybody's belief, but my own. It's a free world. What matters in the end is whether I get to make that trip or I don't. Let's hope I will make it though!
  10. Oh, yes, you can count on that too, Awena darling, whenever I'm able to make that trip! I want to tour Europe and UK again before everything ends...if God willing to permit.
  11. And there's too many wars going on all over the world...for whatever reasons! All these madness will only end when the world ends!
  12. Nice to see you again too darling! Geeee...that does sound terrible. Winter is bad enough, now summer has to be spoilt too. Bad bad 2014 year for Europe. A disaster for Malaysia too...1 plane lost, never to be found, another one shot down in Ukraine, hundreds of lives dead, and the Malaysia Airlines on the brink of bankruptcy! The Gods are very unhappy...and punishing mankind!
  13. Hahahahaha...thank you Awena darling...and just in time too!
  14. Well Sharon darling, it's been cloudy and cloudy all day long, for a few days in a row. The Gods must be moody. The members must be moody too...hehehehehe. Waiting for the sunshine to come through the clouds again...
  15. Well done Hajnrih. So, how much did you managed to win?
  16. Jelena darling, you're like a baby learning how to crawl now...so can't expect you to get big hits yet, but it can happen no doubt - the beginner's luck. Wait until you can walk and run...and see how nice those big hits can be! Yep, it will happen for sure, just as darling Katy has said too.
  17. If it's a Mega Fortune win...it's gonna be a Mega Food meal!
  18. For you Katy darling...1 whole piece of cake...by courier delivery...or better still...by personal delivery!
  19. Oh wow! Thank you Yapro matey! Yes, when a Mega fortune is won, we all can celebrate!!! Trust me on that!
  20. Thank you darling Awena! Ah yes...I remember now...the haircut thing...I wanted a haircut from you then, but darling Katy grabbed the seat first! Hahahaha.
  21. Thank you brother Guru mate! If you can win at Casumo, if Katy darling can win at Casumo, then crazy Afi can win at Casumo too!
  22. Hmmmm...thinking in my head...creativity...versus...slots...???...hahahahahaha. I guess slots win all the time for me!
  23. And thankfully for that too...otherwise, I'll get Jelena to lasso your feet, mate!!! Hahahahahaha.
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