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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Good moevening darling. Today is a public holiday in Europe? Dang! No wonder there's no online support at Fly and Omni...and no payments coming in too. Sigh...have to wait for tomorrow then.
  2. WOW! Nice wins there Faziii1...congrats and well done! And we have here a regular $2.50 - $5.00 bet per spin player...woohoo!
  3. Sorry Sharon darling, last night was no play-play time for me, because my darling was not well...so I didn't see this post! Now that I have seen it...oh geeees...wish I can help you out Sharon darling...but new casinos are no go for me...and I don't really want to upset my current darlings...5 of them are already 2-hands full for me! Muahahahaha.
  4. In the wee hours of this morning, I gave my darling in red a good hands-on...giving her a refreshing and revitalising shot of life. Aaaah, not in the way I would have loved it, but you know what I mean, hehehe. Yeah, you were right mate. I tried updating my Google Chrome but faced hindrances along the way. Why can't Chrome do automatic updating of its browser. Such a nuisance for users...aaand got a "what the aaargh" from me! Now I'm using the latest Firefox, but had to manually update my Silverlight and Adobe Flash Player first. Some other programs needed updating too, but that can come later. After some sweat and no tears, my darling Lady in red is back in top Kim Kardashian form! Whoop! Whoop!
  5. Well...hopefully Part 2 will be better or at par at least.
  6. Hahahaha...yes, maybe so darling. Nowadays, the ladies are smaller, slimmer and thinner...but not my darling in red!
  7. Hmmm...strange. My browser and flash player are all the latest version, except for Windows. Png pictures can be viewed all the while before this. Still, I'll try updating again later.
  8. Eh? It's not like they are p*rn pictures! Even those I could see them on my screen! Muahahaha.
  9. Dang! Why can't I see them? Aaaargh!
  10. No need for that mate. Just let it be. No harm done to anyone!
  11. Dang! I cannot see your screenshots there Faziii1...only broken image symbols! Can anyone else see the screenshots?
  12. Thank you Sharon darling, for everyone. Geeees...I totally forgot about Part 2 of my Best Screenshots of 2014! Must get it posted up soon! Hehehe.
  13. Good moevening Katy darling. Must be a lucky early bird that...whomever that was...because the early bird gets the worm...eeyewww! Give me a burger or a sandwich anytime!
  14. Thanks mate. I hope so too! Had missed the 5th outlaw on 3 or 4 other games before the one shown, but all paid out peanuts, except for this one. Yeah...it should be coming again...but who knows when! Hehehe.
  15. Hey hey...I think you mistook me for someone else Faziii1....but it's okay. The regulars here know me well enough to know that you were not talking about me in your above post.
  16. My Saturday has gone, it is now Sunday Yet another day, more money gone astray But not to worry, some wins I have them Not really a lot, not quite that handsome Aaaah...what the heck, all gradually went back to D-O-A! For the sake of some short-lived happiness and joy!
  17. New Microgaming games? Geees...they are never up my street...or rather...I don't walk their streets, hehehehe. New games, old games, nothing got the better of me so far, not even Immortal Romance or Thunderstruck II. I haven't even tried out their latest game Burning Desire...or Burning Delight...whatever. MG games just doesn't pull my interest at all. At least NetEnt does...and can.
  18. Hi there Darkmanroman. I was a regular player at Vernons Casino some years ago, until country restrictions came into force and I got blocked out for good. Personally, I found the casino good and reliable, to the usual Playtech standards. I was actually on the winning side before the block-out. So I have to disagree with you on this point. Lotto Madness, on the other hand, is really a very hard game to win on! Even when you do get that 20 spins with x10 win multiplier, the chances of getting a big win is small! I know the game very well, I've played it for many years, until I finally realised how difficult it was to win from it! Then I stopped playing it altogether! Playing the game with your bet size, you're actually very lucky to have survived for 2 hours! On a good day, yes , you can get a decent extended play time on 450 pounds, but on other days, no more than 2 - 3 hours. My $50 couldn't even last 30 minutes at $0.20 - $0.40 bets! You can try playing Lotto Madness at any other Playtech casino...and I can almost guarantee you'll get similar results! The best thing to do is, play it for a few minutes...if it doesn't pay out anything good at all, LEAVE THE GAME!!! Those free spins are very very hard to get...and doesn't pay good MOST of the time. You can take my word, or don't, I leave it to you, Darkmanroman!
  19. Afioso? Hmmm...it has a very nice sound to it...like Leonardo...or Picasso...or Alfonso (F1 driver)...or whomeverso...hehehe. I liiiiiike that!
  20. Okay...okay...I am definitely not younger than you darling. A 35 young lad? I liiiiike that! Whooop! Whooop!
  21. That's nice darling! For all you know, I may be just an 18 year-old lad...but you know for sure that's not true, hehehe.
  22. Okie dokie darling! I know that's the truth!
  23. Aaaah...really?! Oh geeees...wonder if I can be as famous as Shakespeare one of these days...poet wise not author...hehehe.
  24. Hmmm...I thought so...but wanted to be sure!
  25. Hmmm...I'm not surprised really...knowing well that we are never alone in anything! But still...wondering if our women bounty hunters do the same thing???
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