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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. When the time is near, we'll get down on it!
  2. And congrats to you too Bogdangy, you silent brother poet you!
  3. Well Bigdk mate...first you were hit by that flu (I think) virus...but now by slotty virus! Hahahaha. That new slotty & betat virus will surely kick the butt out of that other virus soon enough mate...don't you worry! But...congrats and well done! Nobody deserves it better than you, brother poet!
  4. Woohooo! This is gonna be one helluva holiday for me! Whoopieee! I have not touch any alcoholic drinks in ages but I cannot miss my strong coffee, day and night...or I'll go crazy! Hahahaha.
  5. Whoopieee! Is that I have to do Awena darling? You'll handle everything for me? Super duper woohoo! (I didn't even know I have a Personal Assistant in Europe!!! )
  6. Aaaaah...all my darlings here are so inquisitive...but which woman isn't! Hehehehe. Me...I don't want to be seen so openly, for very specific reasons, which you will know sooner or later (no...I'm not an alien from outer space in disguise )...but I am really really a very camera-shy guy! Hahahaha. I hardly take any photos of myself...only of others...and I'm no selfie-nut either! Buuuuut...I can't wait to see all of you in flesh and blood! Ooops...I mean, in person...but you know what I meant, hehehehe.
  7. WOW! Some generator you have there Sharon darling! A wheel of Slotty/Betat Fortune! Hahahaha. My name was not in the generator??? :shok: :shok: Thank god for that! I wasn't a competitor in the first place! Hehehehe.
  8. Well Guru mate...as far as I know...and concerned...'misses' don't last forever... Sooner or later they'll get hooked...and becomes 'Mrs'!!! Hahahahaha. Yep...those misses of yours are gonna be mrs sooner or later...you can count on that!
  9. OMG!!! Yet again Apache and Billy falling out of line! DAMN! Yeah...my mouse almost flew into my darling's screen many many times before... The mouse can fly anytime...but I love my darling! Hehehe.
  10. WOW! What a wonderful Valentine's Day gift for your brother Rainie darling. Could have been a good one for you too...but...one day soon!
  11. Rainie darliiiiing...go kick that Apache's butt for stopping 1 step below!!! Damn Apache...hahahaha. Well done darling! Missed this time...but they'll be back soon on a payline...they usually do, but don't know when!
  12. Nice going too there Klopklop. None of them are my regular games...but who cares when you're winning! Hahahaha.
  13. Great going there mate! Now bring home those BIG wins for Valentine's Day! All the best now!
  14. WHOOPIEEE! YAHOOOO! Thank you too darling!
  15. :give_rose: Wishing a very happy Valentine's Day to all my darlings...taken and not taken!!! :give_rose: ( Sorry...this guy here is soooo laaaazy to find and paste here a nice Valentine's Day picture! )
  16. Grrrrrrrr.. .r o a r....grrrrrrr...
  17. A lion always grrrrrrowl when he sees a lioness! Same with me...at times! Hahahaha.
  18. GRRRRRR...grrrrrowl...I feel like biting somebody! Hahahaha.
  19. Bravo! Marvelouso! Fantastico! Well done-o! Make that Well done-000s! Congrats and super news guru mate. So happy to hear this. When I go down, you go up...simply marvelous!
  20. Savings already on the way...my heart and body ready to go...but I have other personal matters to clear first. Hope I'll get it settled soon...we'll see.
  21. Okay...okay...I cannot understand what you are saying..but I wanna see what you're excited about! So please post the link here...or PM me the link. I must look see!
  22. You're most welcome darling!
  23. Yappa-dappa-dooooo! I'm so happy for youuuu!
  24. Aaaah...our psychic darling...Awena! I like this!
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