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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Good morning darling! Or...not so good morning as it seems... I thought you had wanted to go to bed last night...but you ended up with telling your Aghan story. Wonder why? I thought I was going to bed too...but I ended up reading your story...hahahaha.
  2. Good night darling...I'm off too...
  3. Oooops...how time flies...
  4. And you got a big win today!
  5. Nonetheless, my fingers and legs crossed for you mate. Hope that big win comes! I'll be very happy for you!
  6. Oh god! After getting 10 outlaws...then this...yes...what follows next is 99% sure!
  7. Aaaaah...Freddy Freddy...a great singer...wanting it all and wanting it now...but couldn't keep it all for long. Aim for long-lasting and longevity guru mate! A little at a time...but for a longer time! Hehehehe.
  8. Zeljko mate, welcome back and glad to know that you are now better! In fact, I didn't even know that you were not well...hehehe.
  9. Geeees Asian mate! Getting $1200 and STILL hating DOA! Hahahaha. Okay...okay...getting 10 outlaws with a line-up and payout like that is really brutal! At least the 8 outlaws gave you a payline. Buuuut...BE THANKFUL for what is given to you now mate. What if it didn't come at all?
  10. Hmmmm...now our Guru is behaving like an Asian! Hahahaha. Made a win using free money...but complaining it isn't BIG enough! Sounds just like me! Take it easy mate...a bigger one will come sooner or later! But it is good to complain!
  11. No worries darling! I know that! It's how you responded to guru's typo mistake that's so funny! Hahahaha.
  12. Hi there Maja! Usually I 'm not this late in welcoming new members...but I've been really tied up lately, but better late than never. By the way, if that Avatar is you....I'm gonna faint...hahahaha.
  13. Heeeey...good afternoon/evening Igor. Sorry...but everyone was too excited about Katemak's latest big win that they forgot to wish you too!
  14. Sigh...not the kind of winning screenshots we would like to see darling...but what to do!
  15. Agent Afi is about to break the top secret news...get ready folks! Secret Agent Katy send email to Agent Afi informing how she just made a fantastic lucky strike with Michael of Immortal Romance! Michael gave Katy a very nice present for today and Katy was indescribably happy that she had to tell someone about it immediately. Bingo! Top secret email to Agent Afi! Hahahaha. Anybody thought it was about something else???!!!
  16. Nice wins there, Lilian the Rivalian...hehehe. Congrats and well done!
  17. Aaaah! I like this...and that is really playing smart darling! Play big when the going is good...and you get a whopping good win! Hope you'll get that screenshot from the casino.
  18. WOW!!! Best news I've heard from you darling! And I adore you too!
  19. Whooooopiiiiiieeeeeeeee darling! That's the biggest win for you so far...and on your favourite IR game too! Congratulations darliiiing! Can't wait to see your screenshots!
  20. Aaaah...my other darling is now awake! Good morning darling! Don't be devilish so early in the morning now...or I'll bite you too! (wondering now if I'll get another "so?" )
  21. You live in a zoo house, darling? Oh yeah...with the cats and the dogs. Me, I live in an empty house...just as bad I guess!
  22. For the benefit of those who doesn't know me...I am... Aficula and when I'm angry, I go like this... if not angry, I'm like this...
  23. Is that zoo in your garden or in your house darling? I like flowers in the garden...they're so nice to look at...including the 2-legged flower!
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