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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. That's Grim Muerto mate, by Play'nGo. 20 paylines at 0.20 EUR bet, paying out a very nice 82.92 EUR win, for a 414x bet win. Congrats there Fiekie mate.
  2. 3 more screenshots for the Game of the Month... which couldn't be uploaded the last time I tried it, but now they can. After each free spins game, the screen always go back to the same view... just in case if you're wondering why the screenshots all look the same!
  3. Yeah mate, that's what happens when you keep on 'working' when your mind is saying "go to sleep...go to sleep!" And it can happen to any of us, sooner or later.
  4. If I don't love this forum, I wouldn't be here everyday, day or night, rain or snow...just like most of the other active members here too... BUT...there are thousands more members who just loves to read and observe, without becoming active...but they love this forum as well.
  5. Yeah mate...especially in times like now when my blardy ISP has been crawling slower than the slowest snail !!! Nothing like a good laugh...or giggle...or tickle...to make it your day.
  6. Hahaha...not so true Leo mate! I for one, have not use the smartphone until now...because I simply refuse to be one of the involuntary 'perpetrators' to companies who uses the smartphone technology to spy and dig out private matters from anyone anywhere in the world! They cannot do this when using the old 'more private' handphone. Like I've mentioned before, most users don't know that each smartphone has a 'spy' unit built into each phone. Each smartphone can 'talk' to one another without the users knowing it. And worse of all, this smartphone was 'created' to be so convenient that the public would want it and need it, sacrificing whatever 'other' knowledge or 'bad traits' they may know about the smartphone or about their creators. I, for one, will never give up my privacy for something so convenient as that blardy smartphone! Or that VR headset...or the blardy cryptocurrency either. Each of this item has got 'hidden' agendas that only a very people know and become concerned about.
  7. Yeah, I know mate...like when someone walks into a glass door and we burst out laughing...then only realising the bad accident and say "OMG!"
  8. Well Raptor mate...I guess I'm a bit like Sharon Coco too...I didn't find the joke funny! Hahaha. Get 3 beer mugs on the win line and the machine throws a bucket of beer onto to you...with a beer mug hitting you on the head??? I'd sue the casino for sure! Never mind about the '3 beer mugs' win!
  9. Leo mate...you are born to roar in the open and in the wild...not roaring with a VR headset on! I'm very glad you have disposed of that blardy thing! Never mess around with the mind...it's the only mind you've got!
  10. Well done Johnny! Like I said before...looks like that bone is forever stuck in your palms!
  11. Well done Johnny! Like I said before...looks like that bone is forever stuck in your palms!
  12. Oh gees...if a woman wears ssexyy lingerie just to play Strip Poker...I think I'll skip the Poker game altogether!!!
  13. Hahahaha...not to worry mate...I know a woman from a pencil sharpener! Anyway...I don't burn a candle at both ends...neither do I do likewise with women!
  14. Oh geeees! I'm deeply concerned that everybody seems to be looking forward and/or enjoying the VR experience...without giving much thought to the possible consequences! Leo...you had the bad experience of losing your strength and mental stability after using that VR thing for long hours. It took you about 1 month to fully recover your stability! Doesn't that scare you at all mate? Imagine when this VR thingie becomes a common thing one day...and everyone is into it for days and nights...and imagine what that kind of extremely long exposures to an unreal world would do to your real conscious state of mind! Once you take off the blardy VR thing...you would become absolutely lost in the real world...your mind would still be caught in limbo between your real world and the virtual world. What if your mind is not strong enough to make a full recovery? You'd be caught in the limbo for good...permanently...and you become like a zombie! Consider all these very carefully guys! Makers of VR headsets don't give a damn about your mental state. All they want is to make lots of money, become famous in creating new 'detrimental and hazardous' things...and making the general public wanting and needing this VR thing despite its dark side. This reminds me exactly of one of 'Illuminati's Agenda for their New World Order...'make the public want it, demand for it, and search for it'. Am I dreaming...or just being paranoid? Observe what's happening around you...read about what you don't know...do some research...and you'd know that I am not dreaming nor being paranoid!
  15. I never did get the hang of those 3D glasses...they gave me a headache each time I used them...and I've never used them again. With this 3D Virtual Reality Headset invention, my mind can only think of practical rejection. I can imagine the kind of dizziness and nausea feeling during and after using it. Similar to the 3D glasses dizziness effect...but on a much more profound level...even dangerously profound levels. I may try it once, when it becomes available, but I don't think I'll ever get into it, for practical reasons. I want to keep my head stable at all times.
  16. Suzanne may not ban you from playing at Omni and at Fly Casinos because you are not abusing any bonuses, but she does reports to the management, and the management to Playtech. So...you may soon see your 'hot' games going into the operating theatre and undergoing some undisclosed 'upgrading'...so to speak, mate...like they did to my hot games back in 2015. Now they are no longer hot as before but only lukewarm at times.
  17. How do I feel about mobile gaming? Well, honestly speaking, I am all for it. I still play my games when I'm mobile, no matter where. As for gaming on my mobile...sorry...not for me...unless my mobile has a screen as big as my laptop's! The only sscrewingg that I don't like is sscrewingg up my eyes!
  18. For me, no matter how many paylines there are, I always end up fluctuating between Losing Big or Losing Often!
  19. I can't use the screenies from my old favourite games...they've all been uploaded to their respective game reviews.
  20. Hehehe...I thought no one was going to make a guess, so I posted up my screenshots. Good guess...but I did win on Jack...but never yet on this Finer Reels...not even after getting all those screenies!
  21. For March, my game is The Finer Reels Of Life... To keep my double hattrick hopes well and alive. 6 winning screenshots uploaded to the game review... (sorry...but one screenshot got uploaded twice - the one with a win of 3392 - please remove) https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/the-finer-reels-of-life-game-review/screenshots 6 more screenshots below 100x bet win here for you...
  22. Hahahahahaha...so sorry MacdoniS mate...I was typing but my mind was sleeping!
  23. That is good news Lilian darling! When it concerns Omni and Fly Casinos, money comes much more quickly than any other Playtech casino. These 2 are still the best.
  24. And for March's contest, I'm gonna use my screenshots from a game that I have never made any withdrawal from... so hopefully, a little $25 win would be a nice consolation for me...plus getting that double hattrick achievement. What game? Aaaaah...anyone wanna make some guesses? I'm getting my screenshots ready...I'll be posting them up very soon...
  25. Thank you my dear roaring lion! My roar in this monthly game contest is nothing more than a little "meooow"...nothing like your lion's roar!
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