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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hehehe...right on mate! I simply cannot resist any super car...suped up or not!
  2. Thank you Guru-san. Hmmm...I hope it won't take too long...otherwise August is going to be one long boring heaty summer for me... no screenshots contest...no game reviews contest...and with almost nothing left for me to write on casinos...
  3. That's okay V, (Valerie, Veronica, V... )...not a problem with me. I know there are people out there who don't drive. Some don't even need to drive...they are driven around...lucky people!
  4. I can't remember where I first came across this 3 Musketeers game...it could have been at Omni or Fly Casino, before my ISP got blocked...or it could have been at Grand Reef Casino. The point is...this game wasn't available at many Playtech casinos at that point in time, don't know why, and were added only later on. The first time I played this game was in the fun mode, of course, and I liked it. It was fun, entertaining and funny as well. But as I got deeper into the game, I then saw its 'dark side' and its low payouts behaviour. This was confirmed with a few real money plays much later on...and then it was 'bye bye 3 Musketeers'...the game isn't worth playing if you're chasing some nice big wins!
  5. Ah yes...will do mate...will do that indeed!
  6. Aaaaaaaah...the winner is Afi4wins...for the 10th time??? Ooooh boy! This is a real surprise...I wasn't really expecting it...but there you go...whoopieeee! Thank you yet again Sharon darling...and thank you too Leo, Zenekk and Fiekie... No screenshots for August? Hope it isn't for the whole month...
  7. There you go Fiekie mate...I told you she didn't forget...just occupied a bit. And the results would be known later tonight too...hmmm...nice! Usually it would be 1 day after closing time!
  8. What kind of restriction are they? Cannot deposit or can only deposit small amounts at a time? Or some other restriction?
  9. Well...it goes to show once again that the big win always come out early with most new games...to excite and thrill other players to play the game...and Moon Princess is yet another proof! I have noticed so many such instances over the years and I don't think it is any coincidence! My guess now is...the big win for Moon Princess has already been won...so it'll be only small and mediocre wins left...which makes me lose my mood to even try it out again. Just have to wait and see how things go...but I think I know Play'nGo well enough!
  10. No wonder all the game providers are sticking to very low paytables nowadays... these super high-roller big-betting guys are simply busting the casino's banks! Hahaha. Good for them...but lousy for us low-rollers!
  11. Hahaha...so it is...but I couldn't see the bet in the video itself...it was too blurry. Oh maaan...playing with 40 EUR bets... and the win is actually only 750x the bet amount...not that big a win ratio, but the amount won is indeed huge!
  12. Hmmm...you don't have that message in your account? Maybe that 2-step authentication was good enough...I have not done that yet either...so maybe I need to do either one of the 2 steps.
  13. I don't know if anyone has ever won 5 Scatters on Supe It Up as yet... what I've seen is on Beach Babes (in base game)...and I have won it 3 times on the game Isis (non-jackpot version). Am waiting and waiting for 5 Scatters to appear on Supe It Up...hehehe.
  14. Oooooh maaan...now that is a super duper win!!! But I cannot see at what bet that was played...
  15. Well, you're not alone...there are many other new players out there trying out all kinds of games... but better still...get some advice first before you venture too much into any unfamiliar game... you'd save some valuable deposits, my friend!
  16. Naaah...Sharon won't forget to close this contest...she's just waiting for us to finish chatting! Hahaha. So, for July, we have 28 screenshots each from Leo and myself, we have 1 screenshot from Zenekk, and 6 screenshots from you mate. May the best man wins! I'm not hoping much on winning for the 10th consecutive straight win, but if I do, then I'll next aim to make my quadruple hattrick win! Hehehe.
  17. Yep...Playtech it is...and it isn't a new game either...it's been around for about 2 years I think.
  18. As far as my understanding goes...if your first review was not paid for, then your second review should qualify for the paid contest... however, I think it would be quite a task for our Guru to ascertain if that first review had been paid for or not... more work for our overworked Guru...unless he's having an easy time right now...hahaha. Updated reviews can always be posted, in cases of changed perspective on any casino or bonus, but it won't be paid for. Nothing gets paid twice.
  19. Yes, my friend, I have played this 3 Musketeers game many times, both with real money and in fun mode as well... but please be aware...almost all of the payouts are small...hardly ever exceeding 100x your bet... in fact, I have not even got any single win of 100x my bet size! Yep, the game can be fun and at times hilarious...but getting good wins is more of my concern! Hahaha.
  20. It should be acceptable mate, cos our darling hasn't close the contest yet...but it soon will be.
  21. Yep, I can take your word on that mate! Absolutely no more butterflying for me.
  22. No I haven't. Don't know when I'll do it...
  23. I have been asked to verify again my Neteller account since March or April...but I haven't done it yet... but I can still use my Neteller without any problems at all.
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