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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Well Guru-mate, I wouldn't say that we have derailed too far away from the main subject. Casinos are using this ACH system for other purposes than commercial transactions or for bill payments. They are providing 'free money' to VIPs on the basis that they know these customers can pay up, but they are 'hiding' their true purpose behind this 'ACH system'. All they want is for the customer to play at their casino - so they give 'free upfront credits' for them to play with, debiting the amount later on if they lose, which they will, in most instances - so it's actually a form of advanced credit from the casino to the customer. A credit facility nonetheless, regardless of being ACH, POP, POS or whatever.
  2. Way to go, Pinnit! I agree with you! New games are purely meant for players to play and try them out...for a short while. They don't and won't pay big because they are designed as such, but each game provider wins with each and every new game that they release out for players to 'try out'. The only way to win is to play with bigger bets and make a 'hit and run' escape every time...but that's never an easy thing to do! At times, greed takes over, wanting to win more, but losing everything in the end. Or play like I do...stick with the few favourite games that you know well enough. The chances of winning are much better when you do 'know' your games. Trying to win on luck alone all the time is totally out of the question...it rarely happens!
  3. Well, I must say that I'm very happy that more members are chipping in with suggestions now... I totally agree that more than 1 prize should be awarded monthly...but how to do that when there's never enough participation from members? It's a 'Catch 22' situation! 1 screenshot from 10 members would be good enough for a start...but that would still fall very short of the total number of screenshots required in order to award more prizes, which was determined as 50 screenshots earlier on. So what we need now is more members participation, with 1 or more screenshots from each participant, with a total of not less than 50 screenshots per month. No doubt that I myself can contribute to 50 screenshots and more, but that's not the point. I have also noticed that there are actually many members who do have winning screenshots that can be used for each month's contest, but these members (you know who you all are, hehehe) have not shown any interest at all in participating. Why? Beats me! Must be the 'small' prize I guess, or not enough prizes to share out with me...hahaha. I am winning all the time simply because there hasn't been enough competitors to beat my 'good luck', if I may say so, hehehe. If 10 members had participated, my chances of winning would have been greatly reduced! Luck plays an important role in each monthly contest, and I can say for certain that my luck cannot be good for each and every month! No one's luck is.
  4. One more topless casino bites the dust!
  5. Hehehe...not a problem at all mate...I don't expect anyone to be believers anyway. More read on these cryptocurrencies? Hmmm...well...I must admit I do not know everything of course...and I am aware of how 'secure' these cryptocurrencies are being operated. My question still remains...if no one owns these currencies, then no one should be able to regulate, control and manage all these transactions...but that's not the case. Banks, Financial Institutions, and even casinos are supporting this cryptocurrencies...but who actually 'controls' these banks, institutions and casinos? The main investors of course...with their billions and trillions. As more and more companies, institutions and casinos show support for cryptocurrencies, the more the public would be convinced. Whilst all these 'believers' are buying and trading off their real currencies for 'something on air', the real cryptocurrencies owners are happily collecting and keeping all the real money for later use! There may come a time when these 'owners' own more than 75% of the total world's real currencies, whilst most others only have money on air...and that's when everything as we know it now will change! Nonetheless, I don't expect anyone to believe me...but I'm only speaking out what is 'playing' in my head...
  6. When Bitcoins take over the world's currencies, it'll be the end of this world and a real beginning for the New World Order... yet most people don't even bother about all this...and what Bitcoins actually stands for! All they can see is the profits that they can make...which is exactly what the 'owners' of this cryptocurrency wants... one of their ways to monopolise and to rule this world... Who are the 'owners' of Bitcoins? Nobody...that's what they say! Who controls this cryptocurrency? Nobody...that's what they say! Who keeps records, manages and even manipulates this cryptocurrency? Nobody...that's what they say! What does Bitcoins represents in real value? NOTHING!!! It has nothing tangible of any value at all! Yet millions of people believe in this thing that nobody owns, nobody controls, nobody regulates, and has nothing in real value???!!! Oh geeees...just shows how 'smart people' with 'smart words' can fool everyone... with just one simple 'flick' of the 'power switch' and all of Bitcoins and BlockChain goes off the air... and where does that put all Bitcoin investments??? Gone in a blink of an eye!!! Know that someone is in control of this 'power switch'...nothing exists for nothing!!!
  7. Hehehe...I'm not surprised at all darling. Not many players can do practice in the fun mode...but it is vital to do for serious players.
  8. Yes, I do agree mate...and there are always exceptions to any rule...as in this case too. However, for players who tend to easily lose control over their gambling tendencies, then this method is not advisable at all.
  9. That's good to hear mate. Keep going and keep strong to a full recovery soon enough.
  10. Well mate, I don't think that's a good idea at all. First Rule to gambling...play only with money that you can afford to lose. Playing with borrowed money, or advanced credit money, as in this ACH instance, is never a good idea, although it is very tempting. It is exactly as using Credit Cards...and I've abused them so many times before in my earlier years that I no longer use them at all now, and it's been well over 15 years since then! Using advanced or credit money is very convenient, no doubt about that, but things can easily go out of control. The credit cards would be maxed out in no time at all...and then the real headaches would begin...trying to pay back all the advanced money that you have used. It got me into huge problems before, but I struggled like hhell out of it, for so many donkey years, so no more going back to it...ever! Hehehe.
  11. Oh...you're most welcome!
  12. Many centuries ago...people were using coins for currency...the only way they know how back then... then China introduced the world's first paper money and then every country followed suit... now we have both coins and paper money to use. Some years ago...a 'society' introduced cryptocurrency to replace all these coins and paper money... the only way for 'them' to monopolise the world's economy and put an end to the current currencies... with the 'powers' and 'influences' that they have, achieving this target over time now looks possible enough. Nope...I'll never support that!
  13. Well, hello there! 4-5 years ago is well before my time...but under what nickname was that anyway? Hmmm...not that it matters...but just curious...as usual...and no need to answer back either...hahaha.
  14. Here are my not-so-successful screenies since last month...
  15. With exceptions for my few favourite games though...I can play them in fun mode for hours and hours without getting too bored. For other games...1 hour max...sometimes even just a few minutes!
  16. Congrats mate...very nice win on Book Of Maya there. And congrats too Guru-san...I like that Viking game too but haven't won anything yet.
  17. Yep...that is exactly the point mate...I am restricted from all of those casinos!
  18. Well mate, I do find such casinos that have withdrawal limitations and caps on bonuses/free spins winnings simply not worth playing at regularly. I may play them once, maybe twice, just for trying out sake, but from there on, no more takes. But then again, at times, I just simply CANNOT resist those no-wager free spins offer! Hahahaha. Well, you know what they say...nothing comes for free! If you want no-wager free spins, then there must be some restrictions imposed upon them - to balance out the risks. No limitations and no caps on no-wager free spins and bonuses may eventually mean no casino! Hahaha.
  19. Those few days that Askgamblers was down were really torture for me indeed! I should have just continued playing in the fun mode...but you know how boring that can be right? Hahaha. And that is also why I don't like playing these new games...they're just not my kind of games at all.
  20. Thank you Sharon darling. Let's just say that these sort of wins happen only when the 'luck' is good. On other days, they just won't come at all, hehehe.
  21. Am I happy with their Bonus Terms? Heck no! I only wanted to try out those no-wager free spins, because I am restricted from getting them anywhere else! And I only took their 50% Reload Bonus plus 75 free spins offer once, never those useless 20% and 30% Reload Bonuses. But of course, if I were to be as lucky as you and win 1000 EUR, for example, then I would certainly get furious too. The fact is, I only play with big bets when I know there are no caps being imposed...like at my favourite Asian casinos.
  22. Nope...I'm afraid you got things mixed up my friend! Getting to the final stage 6 DOES NOT GUARANTEE that you will win a jackpot prize! When you get to that final stage, you have to pick one of the 2 cows...only one of which will award EITHER the big or the small jackpot prize! The other cow will pay you nothing! I know because I had reached this level at one time too!
  23. "More soup...anyone?" "Yes please...I've got more Supe..."
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