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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Yep...that's the best thing to do....always...but of course there would be times when it couldn't be helped but to post it a day or two later, due to unavoidable circumstances...so waiting for the eleventh hour is never a good practise, yes, no?
  2. Isn't that what Sharon has been doing all this while mate...or you mean something else more? Each participant's number of screenshots/entries are always noted down before the draw is made...and the results are noted down too...
  3. My local ISP has been blocked since late 2014! I even requested for a reactivation of my accounts at Omni and Fly using VPN instead, but got no reply at all! I guess they just don't want me back!
  4. That mustn't be right? Oh geees...why not? Both are the same 2-legged kind...I just hope you didn't kiss the winged feathers kind!
  5. If you ever got confused with the entries counting, just refer to my earlier summary and take it from there...that should lessen your headache. Oh, by the way, my correct guess for the Beauty & The Beast icon should win 3 entries, not 2 as stated my dear...a small correction needed there.
  6. I too believe that the only reason for them not reopening your account is because of your hefty wins! But good luck anyway mate - hope AGCS can get it reactivated again for you. I would love to get my account reactivated too, but both Omni and Fly are restricted for me (ISP blocked).
  7. Not THAT is probably the best thing to do for everyone! Good idea my dear!
  8. Yes, yes, that would be very nice indeed...but if cannot get a jackpot, a jackfruit would do too...
  9. Did I see midnight? Oh geees...I almost saw sunrise too...if not for my sleepy eyes! Midnight was the worse for me...with loud firecrackers and fireworks blasting away... but I paid no attention to them...it was just me and my laptop! Hehehe.
  10. January 2018 contest may see the Biggest Fight of them all... Afi's favourite game against everybody else's favourite game...who will win it in the end???
  11. Great news there my dear...and I'm looking forward to a new year's contest. Will Afi lose his winning streak in 2018? I certainly hope not...but at least I was the Undisputed & Undefeated Champion in 2017! Okaaaay...we can start suggesting some games...or just one game each, my dear? If it's just one game, then my suggestion is...pick Supe It Up! If we can suggest a few...then I'll suggest them a little later... Pinnit, if he joins this contest, would surely suggest Bonanza...but that's up to him to join in and make that suggestion! Fiekie would certainly suggest his Asgard game...wouldn't you mate? As for Leo...hmmm...he's always too busy winning...so he might suggest lots of games! Hehehe. Ooops...forgot about our Big mate...hmmm...don't know what game he will suggest though...
  12. * hic * ...errr...hungover?...* hic *...errr...yes...I am having a hungover from...* hic *...BOREDOM!!!
  13. Very sorry to say Johnny...but welcome to my boat...the Omni and Fly boat that got permanently stranded on the rocks!
  14. Well mate, I have personally seen such things happening to my top money-earning favourite games before...but not Microgaming games of course...so it would interest me a lot to find out! I would expect Microgaming to maintain its honesty ethics, but if bugs were indeed found...shouldn't that justify some amendments to the game?
  15. Well, looks like even a Princess can be very good and very kind to a 'Guru'! Congrats Guru-san!
  16. Aaaah...a little bit of comedy of errors doesn't hurt anyone here...
  17. Well...we all like to get diverted once in while right? Like secretly glancing at that gorgeous lady when your partner isn't looking...
  18. And of course, it would be interesting to note how players would be commenting on the game after its reinstatement. Another Dead Or Alive similarity perhaps?
  19. Emojiplanet https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/emojiplanet-netent-game-review/#review-5a48f3647528f7b29c8b459b Evolution https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/evolution-g4307#review-5a4878087528f7043f8b49b7 Joker Pro https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/joker-pro-netent-game-review/#review-5a4881a07528f73c478b4875 Warlords: Crystals Of Power https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/warlords-crystals-of-power-netent-game-review/#review-5a4911627528f759568b45eb
  20. I certainly do not like wasp burgers...not bees bumps on my body...
  21. Boom Brothers https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/boom-brothers-g3399#review-5a45e27c7528f7a1238b4611 Devil's Delight https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/devils-delight-netent-game-review/#review-5a45ef5b7528f7ce158b4a3d Silent Run https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/silent-run-g4406#review-5a4658397528f7112d8b4567 Simsalabim https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/simsalabim-g3991#review-5a4690897528f751048b45b0 Wild Turkey https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/wild-turkey-netent-game-review/#review-5a4732767528f75f9c8b4633
  22. Well, it's nicely done by Milka and her team, and good choices of games too... a few may be debatable...but players are never all the same...but all those games can be good at one time or another.
  23. That's all the devil's voice in your head chatting you up Manson...listen to the devil and you're his slave for ever!
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