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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. This is one of the topic, which gathered most posts since the start of the month. And is there any better news than this one?!
  2. Man, you have just made my day! Thank you so much! :D
  3. The truth is pretty obvious if you ask me. And it is not that pleasant for hearing, unfortunately. Unless you are not requesting a withdrawal (which is the ultimate pain for each and every casino), the vast majority of online casinos just don't care who you are. Simple as that. As long as you keep putting money into their safe by making deposit after deposit and then losing promptly all these deposits everything is just fine. Until you reach 2300 (this is the limit a customer may deposit in a casino, licensed by LGA without being verified ) in cumulative deposits or request a withdrawal. Then, all of a sudden the situation changes and you are under thorough investigation... Age, *****, credit cards, banks accounts, home address, telephone numbers, IDs, passports, driver licenses, pictures of you holding your passport, pictures of you holding your driver license, pictures of you holding... It's absolutely ridiculous and totally unfair! The whole procedure would be honest and worthy ONLY if it happens BEFORE your first deposit with the casino! This is the truth about most online casinos and their so called 'verification procedure'! It sucks..big time!
  4. Couldn't say it better! ... Now run, dude, and run faster!
  5. Definitely great news to hear, Lucas! A big thumbs up for your casino, mate! Adding NetEnt games to your portfolio is really cool , but adding such important options as withdrawal flushing and deposit limits is way more important in terms of player's protection and convenience! Kudos for the great job once again!
  6. Do you think they have spies here?!
  7. Hey, mate. Could you share with us how long and how much did it take to get these magnificent 5 scatters at DOA? Personally, I am chasing them from several months, desperately trying to round the times of getting 5 scatters to 10, but without much success so far...
  8. Dear Johnny, I have a very simple question for you. Could you please tell me if you have anything in common with these two accounts - JimmyValenty72 and Aragon?
  9. Appreciate your sincerity. However, it is not that important for us, but for you, Johnny. If you are totally convinced with your answers then it's really awesome and your gambling is totally under control. Which makes me wonder why did you request self-exclusion from so many casinos? Anyways, as a responsible forum administrator I just thought it might be useful for you to see this test. What you've done and that makes my mission accomplished.
  10. Personally, I adore reading your posts, dedicated to roulette playing. The same applies to bigdk88 and yapro's comment regarding poker... So, just because someone asked and then never returned doesn't mean your efforts remain unappreciated, mate!
  11. Now, I'm waiting a post from Valleys, something like " Club Gold withdrawal received ...and spent from Sharon! Nowxin withdrawal - the same!"
  12. Well done, Mogriff! Awesome hit! By the way, good to see you back.
  13. He doesn't remember probably due to the fact that this procedure is ultra fast for players, living in UK and ROI.
  14. Yeah, Break Da Bank Again could be mean most of the time, but when it starts paying... man, it could be a game changer! Hitting 5 tanzanites (the blue stones) with wild during free spins feature playing at 9 bucks per spin would pay the whopping 37,500!
  15. Dear Johnny, Thanks for sharing with us what you believe to be a working system to play at online casino. Will not comment on it as I'm miles away from any idea that there's any way to beat the casino software at all. What bothers me though is you and your way and style of gambling, to be more precise. I have my observations from your activity here during last month and sorry to say that, but I think you might have some problems with putting your gambling under control. That's why, I'll go a step ahead and will afford myself to offer you something, a test to check if you have such problems indeed.Hope you don't mind me doing this as it is for your own good, mate! Here's the quick test - http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/content/20-questions
  16. Nope, it is not something new and as far as I know they are using this procedure from ages. By the way, the process of identification and verification is a bit different for people, residing in UK and ROI. But one way or another, I'm totally convinced there's no way to access your account nor to deposit unless you've gone through this verification.
  17. No problems, just have that requirement in mind for the future.
  18. Definitely good hits, but they are not even close to the 100 x bet mark. This is from the very first post of this thread...
  19. Sorry to disappoint you dear, but technically, you are not quite right. There IS a way to prevent underage gambling and it's been used by some casinos from years. A good example of such operator would be Sky Vegas casino. You can register there and you can even play for free and practice, but you cannot deposit nor to play for real money unless your account, age and identity has been fully verified! And this is exactly how all online casinos should operate if you ask me.
  20. I'm totally convinced your son could join successfully to almost each and every online casino out there, including your beloved GoWild for example. None of the Microgaming casino is using an age verification tool at the very beginning, except Zodiac Casino. Sorry to hear your son was trying to gamble...Definitely not the best news a father would like to receive, but there's still time to show him the right way. :
  21. And here's where they all happily put their last coins in the off-topic jarrrr!
  22. Hahahah, 'casino funerals'! I like that.. I mean it's very smart. And definitely a decent addition to our gambling glossary!
  23. Haha, another rock soul-mate here, eh Sharon?
  24. Yep, I also choose number 3.
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