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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hi folks Just found this forgotten thread, dedicated to another forgotten threads. Feel free to jump in in any of them, would be awesome to see your input there.
  2. Aaaand another withdrawal from Casumo! 200 euro from a 10 deposit! Yupee! Got the money in less than 15 minutes and still didn't 'invest' them.
  3. Yet another awesome run with low-rolling at Casumo! It all started with a modest 10 euro deposit ... Got this insane big miss first: Then paid a visit to an old friend of mine... Then some Fruit Case showtime... And finally a sweet summary of my hard working day!
  4. And speaking about DOA and the bad luck, what about this one?! 5 extra spins and just one wild needed to drop on 4 possible positions and h ell none did!
  5. I think Argentina is already scared a bit knowing what might happen tonight with their team either! I'm pretty sure, the Dutch team is not going to forgive'em at all.
  6. Used to ...long time ago. I had a Simson bike at 14, the hotshot of the neighborhood! Hahaha! Until a bad injury after a bad falling after a bad decision. No bikes, no rides since then for ValDes.
  7. Awesome hits, Johnny! Well done! Do not forget to post them in the screenshots thread as well.
  8. And for that you two will receive a special gift from your Guru... A kiss!
  9. Hello...again Matt! And thanks for the compliments.
  10. Well, that was really nasty! Seeing a great football team as Brazil being humiliated that much! Sad, sad, sad!
  11. Awesome, that's the riddle answer! As for the rhetorical side of the question, the answer is commonness, at least in my humble opinion.
  12. software ENGINEER
  13. Means that Guru is in a mood for such questions. Good suggestion, but in mu opinion, that's not the right answer.
  14. We'll see very soon, my dear. Only a few weeks left until the next monthly summary.
  15. songs WRITER (could it be some Games\Casino writer as well?! )
  16. Your PM has been just answered. Make sure to use your second chance wiser!
  17. You seem to be doing pretty well with casinos even with not so good English! Kidding! Your English is fine, just make sure you write a bit more from the casual 300 words and try to tell us more about your casino and games adventures, that's all.
  18. Oh Katy, dear! You ARE a great person, a wonderful forum member and an awesome and smart lady! I've said that probably 100 times. But, you know me, I'm not a hypocrite and I always say what I want and feel. And right now, I think that your reviews are not even as half as good as Afi's! Of course, you can prove me wrong very soon, even this month! As for Afi, I sincerely believe that our friend from Malaysia is not just an excellent writer, but everything a man could desire from a friend! Shame, there's half a world between the two of us, Afi would have been the perfect uncle for my son!
  19. No, you are not stupid, Kate. You are just a proud member of the so called "experienced gamblers club"! Congrats, my dear! By the way, if there is any chance to turn back time and request all these withdrawals I never did, because of my "experience" and never-ending greed I would have been a rich man already!
  20. Well, despite my notorious modesty, I flatter myself thinking I'm quite a smart guy! With or without clues given... This one is more like a rhetorical question rather than a riddle, but still... What's the last thing humanity will ever get rid of?
  21. Hello Matt and a warm welcome to the AskGamblers forum. I would be glad if you present yourself in some other topic, perhaps a new one.
  22. Ohhh, come on, please turn back to the other discussion from today! Was laughing whole day reading your posts about Dr Love and his 'impresario'...
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