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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Maybe you could share with the fellow members here one of these convos some day... I'm sure they could learn a few things for our chat virtuoso.
  2. With or without a bump, you are still the most gorgeous female forum moderator worldwide! And we all love you and wish you all the best!
  3. Try something shorter then... You can start with True Detectives, it's only 8 series, but only if your having strong nerves and guts. It's truly awesome, but also quite hard to watch.
  4. Guru is here from 9 am. I took my son to the kindergarten, drove my wife to work, paid some bills and yet, I was in here sooo early.
  5. Good morning, my fellows AG Girls Team!
  6. Hi Mathieu and welcome to the AskGamblers forum. I doubt you will manage to find tips on how to WIN here, nor anywhere else, because there aren't such tips actually. Or at least, there aren't real and proven ones. Most people here share the opinion that to be a successful online gambler you need two things - discipline, knowledge and of course what matters most, you need luck! Lots of it! And while we are not able to help you much with your self-discipline and luck, I believe you could learn a lot here for online gambling and all the stuff around it. You could start with reading some of the guides under my signature for example. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  7. Can't even imagine what this 'squeeze' could involve!
  8. You pretty much answer the question yourself why I like your reviews so much.
  9. Definitely... I would love to see that monster hit posted here.
  10. You can request that particular free spin feature from their support and I'm sure they could send you the screenshots.
  11. Congrats, mate! Could have been a monster hit, but better this than nothing!
  12. Anything else you might have forgotten to add to your threats?
  13. I was pretty sure about me, but have some doubts for you! Now, this question seems to be perfectly cleared.
  14. Okay, let it be the mind then. But who's mind? Mine? Yours? Or both? lol
  15. One of the many benefits of being so slim!
  16. Of course, there is 'something'. Call it faith, superstitions, weird mind... but there IS something.
  17. Ha, wait to hear about my withdrawals! 15 of my last 16 withdrawals (it wasn't that hard to check them as they all came from only 3 casinos) were made...between 11.00 and 14.00?!
  18. For a second I thought you gonna say that you are living with Superman, who's gonna smash double oh seven's face!
  19. Could be some deposit fee applied by some casino at the very last moment.
  20. Or maybe she fell in love with some hansom guy in Greece and she will never ever return here?! Nahh, just kidding... She'll be here soon...I guess...Maybe...Who knows...
  21. And trust me, there's absolutely nothing to regret for! Sometimes I's feeling kind of melancholic for the old times when I was also considering a 100 bucks deposit as a huge amount. Maybe because I was depositing significantly smaller amounts but was winning much more than I'm doing it recently!
  22. Thank you Katerina.
  23. Hahah! Seems like you are not only the queen of no deposits but also capable to 'take and receive a loan' from the mighty Neteller! Wow!
  24. Absolutely the same...So, it appears that I'm an old timer then!
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