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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hehe, thanks mate. By the way, sincerely hope you will soon join this thread with an insane, mega huge DOA hit yourself.
  2. Well, everyone is entitled his/her/their own opinion, right... And what you find as 'disgusting', others may feel and accept in a different way. Anyways, I just didn't like the picture you posted and decided to let you know about it. That's all. No offense, Katerina.
  3. And so? She's still a human being, isn't she? Anyways, sorry, forget it... It's just that I've been involved in some social programs when I was younger where we volunteered to help people living totally alone and abandoned and who were experiencing some mental issues... Most of the people I have dealt with were looking almost the same as the woman on that picture.. Maybe that's why I reacted this way.
  4. Despite the true rogue nature of both aforementioned casino groups, I am very proud with AskGamblers Complaints Service and the extraordinary results we managed to achieve with most of the complaints submitted against RevenueJet and Affactive over the years. I have no doubts that our complaints service is the absolute number one worldwide, however what makes it even more precious is that we are very efficient with cases against proven rogue brands and where everyone else is totally helpless... Just a quick check at our complaints database reveals that we managed to recover over quarter of a million unpaid, delayed or declined payments to RevenueJet and Affactive players!
  5. Poor woman... I don't find this picture funny at all. She is probably having some mental problems in addition to the problems with her weight.
  6. Thank you guys. To be honest, have absolutely no intentions to stop trying DOA for even better winning combinations... So, the hunt is on! Again! Wish you all luck with DOA!
  7. Maybe I should seriously start thinking of changing this topic title a bit... Something like Dead Or Alive - my YEAR has finally arrived! Couple of minutes ago... Shame the wild line came at the very last spin, but hey, not complaining AT ALL!
  8. Hahahah! Correction has just been made. However you never know mate... It could be your IT team one day, who knows...
  9. Well, yes, seems like we are having a minor issue with notifications while browsing forum. Hope your OUR IT team is about to fix it any time soon. The survey thread however was locked. Was hoping for a serious survey, but it turns out to be not that 'professional' than expected.
  10. It's quite easy actually... Just click on the notification symbol next to your account name at the upper right corner of the page /the bell symbol/ and the click on Setting. On top you will notice all casino you have subscribed to. More info and answers to all your questions regarding our new notification feature you could find here - Notifications & Subscriptions.
  11. Hahahahahah! Have just finished that 'survey' and listening to the ladies making tea. Maybe that's just a test gamblers nerves, or a well planned spam as Luciana suggested above. However, I have no intentions to give publicity to any ''survey'' or ''researcher'' how's not capable to do that in a proper way. Good buy @Charlie McKeith. And goodbye to this thread as well.
  12. What videos do you refer to? I don't see any video...
  13. Don't know for the others, but I could listen this poetic "blabber blabber blabber " for a long time. Glad you are back mate.
  14. Oh man, you gonna love this one, I bet on that! Just open any casino you wish and click on the Subscribe button here Choose what you would like to be notified about and there you go...
  15. I have already done that. Seems like a serious research to me...
  16. Thanks for your feedback mate. Yeah, that was the main reason why we did the new notifications feature. By the way, have you tried to Subscribe to particular casino brand yet?
  17. Ahmmm, not sure I am following you? This is how the survey looks - http://prntscr.com/7wjaa0
  18. Of course, no worries, I do appreciate all these great winnings despite the miss of hitting much bigger ones. Don't know if you noticed, but I have changed drastically my gambling habits during the last 6-7 months. Enjoying again some low-rolling and if it pays good then I could afford some mid rolling.
  19. Hehe, yeah, for an exotic trip destination... But for a gambling licensing authority... Mamma mia!
  20. Damn it! So close and yet so far far far away!
  21. There never was a valid link to that Curacao license stated at the bottom of their webpages... I won't be surprised if it turns out they never had such license in fact and that they operated from Panama or Costa Rica.... where anything is possible.
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