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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Sorry to see all these nasty restrictions mate... Not a big consolation, but now you know what I was dealing with over the last 12 months due to the completely unjustified, unreasonable and destructive decisions that our local gambling commission took.. Thanks God there are still casinos where I am VIP and could afford using VPN and play as usual, otherwise I would be completely 'dry' in terms of best casino choices to play.
  2. Wish you luck with the tournament guys! And don't forget to keep us updated for your progress of course...
  3. Didn't have the time to play any casino game recently... I'm surprised to know NetEnt had a major interruption within their normal operations though... Would be awesome if you could shed some light about that.
  4. My only concern would be if it turns out to be ... Birds on a wire
  5. You could ask for 500 mils if you wish, however the key moment when it comes to business is whether there will be someone willing to give so much. In my humble opinion, this deal is about to become part of the industry history as the biggest ever acquisition of a casino affiliate website.
  6. Hehe, don't be so materialistic, Afi! Besides, I don't know about any other similar sites offering such generous contests, some of which lasting for years and where we paid tens of thousands... A little bird told me though that there's something cooking up in the AG kitchen... Something delicious, probably too delicious to refuse trying...
  7. Ohhh, such a terrific question! Obviously /check my avatar/, I am a huge dragon fan, but still have some doubts what would be better though... Have a dragon maybe, sounds pretty cool! I can already imagine it...
  8. Spot on! Was just about to write that there's no other game like Dead Or Alive when it comes to mentioning words like 'bonus' and 'generosity' and you have already did it. Hope you had some mega hits with DOA? Welcome to AskGamblers.
  9. Hmm... Perhaps you know about another affiliate site which has been acquired for a better prize?
  10. Hello to our dear Awena too. Let me assure you that no one here is about to go anywhere. Actually, we have just started and we are ready to conquer the world! Are you with us?
  11. Hi guys Time for the monthly summary, so here it is ... ************************************* Afi4wins - 24 reviews ************************************* hajnrih - 68 reviews /As I had the chance to mention it on some previous occasions, quantity does not necessarily means quality and your March reviews come to confirm these words. Make sure to add a lot more personal experience in any of your future game reviews. / ************************************* LilianInThaHouse - 7 reviews ************************************* prince Myshkin - 10 reviews ************************************* Raptordinos - 22 reviews /Please make sure to pay enough attention to the formatting of your reviews. Right now we are losing lots of time doing that for you./ ************************************* Zeus - 5 reviews ************************************* Thank you all for participating. Feel free to send me a PM in case you have any question concerning AG contests.
  12. Hi guys Time for the monthly summary, so here it is ... ************************************* Afi4wins - 34 reviews ************************************* blondie - 10 reviews ************************************* katemak - 5 review ************************************* LeoDubbed - 3 reviews ************************************* LilianInThaHouse - 13 reviews ************************************* MacdoniS - 7 reviews ************************************* Zeus - 15 reviews ************************************* Thank you all for participating. Feel free to send me a PM in case you have any question concerning AG contests.
  13. Hi guys Time for the monthly summary, so here it is ... ************************************* Afi4wins - 22 reviews ************************************* blondie - 12 reviews ************************************* katemak - 1 review ************************************* Zeus - 5 reviews ************************************* Thank you all for participating. Feel free to send me a PM in case you have any question concerning AG contests.
  14. 'Acquired' is the correct word in this case, but generally yes, we are now proud to be a part of Catena Media! More info about the deal could be found here. More info about Catena Media could be found here.
  15. Are you sure it's BovadO casino that you are having issues with? Welcome to AskGamblers though.
  16. Hello and welcome to AskGamblers. Well actually, most online casinos /not only the most reputable ones/ put their bonus terms in quite a prominent place on their website so that it's easier for players to find these and read carefully. I can see more and more new casinos doing pretty good job with stating their bonus terms in a transparent and honest way just like on the example below: Of course, there is still much to be desired in terms of setting software limitations so that one would not be able to violate specific bonus terms while playing with bonus money, but we all hope here that is about to happen in the near future.
  17. Just like Raptor suggested above you have many many other options available, all of them free and not bad at all in terms of functionality, features as well as compatibility with MS Office files, etc etc... My advice remain the same though, it's just about time to switch to Google Docs.
  18. Hehe, beware though... Being hypnotized by any casino game could be quite dangerous at the end of the day, both in terms of your bankroll and current credit card balance. Been there so many times, when you simply cannot stop pushing the Spin button...
  19. Congrats Biggy and blondie! Great hits indeed! Wish I could join the party in here, but I'm afraid our dear Lady Luck is angry at me from quite some time now... Have no idea why yet, but I send her an email and sincerely hope she will reply any time soon.
  20. This must be definitely ''the humblest'' ever 'list of gambling goals to achieve I have ever seen! Wish you luck with all of these anyways! ... And don't forget to come back and post the achieved goals as soon as you actually got them.
  21. Wish George R.R. Martin at least once keeping his promises and release 6th book "WInds of Winter" of the epic Song Of Fire And Ice before the 6th season of HBO Game Of Thrones, but.... But that will not happen unfortunately. As for your question, I'll let some other fellow forum member to answer. I'm obviously seriously biased when my all time favorite book is somehow involved here.
  22. These were all posted today, so they don't count for the March contest anyways. Sorry to disappoint my dear blondie, but these are the rules.
  23. I'll make an exception and accept your reviews this time, but only because they were all posted during March. Please make sure to post the links here before the end of the month from now on as there will be no more compromises. Thank you in advance.
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