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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hi there and welcome to AskGamblers. First of all, please, no need to double and triple post the same issue across different forum topics. As for your problem, the solution is simple. You must read ALL terms before joining and depositing in ANY online casino. If you had done that you would have known for the existence of this particular term: Take this unpleasant situation as a lesson learned, move on and never forger checking the terms from now on.
  2. Guess everyone's busy playing over the weekend... You might check the winner screenshot threads and find confirmation of my words.
  3. Yup, you've already been given quite an useful advice how to find online casinos accepting players from India, but just let me add it works only if you are browsing our website from that particular country and not using any VPN or proxy services. Welcome to AskGamblers though.
  4. WOW, that's some really stunning and breathtaking screenshots you got there! Would be awesome if you tell us more how you got to these. Congrats once again and keep them coming!
  5. Hehe, indeed, those lovely geishas could never be enough and I always want more and more of their... generosity. Nah, this time common sense prevailed over greed and 800 euro are now happily sitting in my e-wallet and already start kicking for a new deposit somewhere.
  6. This is what happens when a 20 euro deposit meet Lady Luck! So happy to meet you once again, my dear Lady Luck!
  7. There's really a lot written and posted about DOA around the forum, so I guess you'll feel at home here. Couple must read topics I guess: https://www.askgamblers.com/quick-search/forum?q=dead%20or%20alive As for the video this one is almost 10000 x bet. Sorry to disappoint, but there are players who won even bigger than you and caught it on video. https://bigwinpictures.com/videos/dead-or-alive-slot-video/52/1026
  8. Hello there and a very warm welcome to AskGamblers! You could not imagine how happy I am watching your video! Really! 1/ As an avid DOA fan myself for so many years, it's always a great feeling meeting yet another fellow gambler who's keen on this marvelous video slot. 2/ Been a bit worried DOA's insane winning potential was now gone with the introduction of the new HTML5 version. Couldn't be happier seeing your insane hit, which proves it's still here. Now, your question... I think I've seen a video for a DOA free spins feature above 10.000 x bet and will try to find and post it here for you. Again, congrats on your amazing win and you know what we are saying here.. Keep them coming mate!
  9. Your optimism deserves a heads up, really!
  10. I think Lilian deserves a big heads up for starting this topic and keeping us all updated with the latest 'evolution make-ups' of these obviously fake and fraudulent attempts hacking Neteller accounts.
  11. Excellent idea! Thanks to your suggestion I made a total re-arrangement of the forum sections order.
  12. Thanks for sharing the article and for revealing your soul as well. I guess 99.99% of the folks here have already been, are or soon will be in your shoes, admitting and starting to fight even the tiniest sign of problematic gambling. Once you did the first step with realizing, accepting and processing the truth then you are on the right path and I have no doubts you will have no future problems putting your gambling into control. Well ,most of the times of course. Respect for your courage and honesty though, hats off!
  13. But will let you create another account using same name.... I can see my last post in this forum topic dates back to 2015, but unfortunately nothing has changed for the time being...
  14. I'm afraid we are experiencing some issues with the app which I hope will be resolved asap. Will let you all know as soon as we got it up and running again.
  15. Thanks for clarifying Lilian, really appreciate your efforts in getting our forum community duly alerted about this obviously new type of fraud. Have just edited the topic title a bit, hope you don't mind.
  16. Hi guys Here comes the summary for the month of January... ***************************** Afi4wins - 2 reviews ***************************** HelmG - 4 reviews ***************************** hajnrih - 29 reviews ***************************** katemak - 2 reviews ***************************** LeoDubbed - 3 reviews ***************************** Zeus - 1 review ***************************** In case you need further assistance with any of our paid contest, please send me a PM and I'll make sure to assist asap. Thank you all for participating.
  17. Hi guys Here comes the summary for the month of January... ***************************** blondie - 6 reviews ***************************** hajnrih - 8 reviews ***************************** HelmG - 8 reviews ***************************** katemak - 3 reviews ***************************** LeoDubbed - 2 reviews ***************************** Zeus - 9 review ***************************** In case you need further assistance with any of our paid contest, please send me a PM and I'll make sure to assist asap. Thank you all for participating.
  18. Hi guys Here comes the summary for the month of January... ***************************** Afi4wins - 75 reviews ***************************** blondie - 4 reviews ***************************** hajnrih - 10 reviews ***************************** HelmG - 13 reviews ***************************** LilianInThaHouse - 5 reviews ***************************** MacdoniS - 16 reviews ***************************** Raptordinos - 34 review ***************************** raverbabe - 13 reviews ***************************** In case you need further assistance with any of our paid contest, please send me a PM and I'll make sure to assist asap. Thank you all for participating.
  19. What, what?! You are saying that someone is offering fake Skype support on behalf Neteller?
  20. Of course, can't stand all that fuss around Apple and their insanely aggressive marketing.
  21. Fantastic story mate and even more fantastic cashout! Good luck with the payment, hope you will not be given the runaround from the casino.
  22. Yes, like Afi mentioned, Geisha is a slot by Endorphina and you could try it out for free on our website. Geisha slot
  23. Wow, that's a breath taking win for sure! Amazing stuff, congrats mate! Curious to know more about the story behind it though.
  24. Wrong!!! ValDes or any other member of the AskGamblers Forum staff would never block anyone without a rock solid reason, such as systematic violation of the Forum Rules for example. And YOU know that very very well since your account has already been blocked on several different occasions for various violations. Let me also remind you that while you have been kicked out with the speed of sound from other gambling forums for your ludicrous statements and accusations, it was AskGamblers who gave you tribune and let you say what you want to say without censorship. It was again AskGamblers who did their best to help you with your issue with VideSlots when all others were laughing at you and called you names... Now I know we should have never done this, cause you do not deserve to be part of such a friendly, peaceful and cheerful community like ours.
  25. Hehe, indeed, but first got some great time with my beloved Geisha.
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