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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hey there and welcome to AskGamblers. Perhaps the casino management is referring to this particular rule: Still, if you believe this is not the case, you may consider the idea of using AGCCS /AskGamblers Casino complaints Service/. More about how to use it here. Also, don't forget to read carefully all the AGCCS Guidelines and make sure to adhere to them. For more information how to use AGCCS, please visit our Knowledge Base. Using AskGamblers Casino Complaints Service Let us know in case you need further assistance.
  2. Nothing more to add to Mr PinniT's post above... Seems like a feature I would never use and that's it.
  3. Thanks for sharing all that interesting info, Mr PinniT. Truly appreciate your efforts and even planning to give the aforementioned game a decent try any time soon... Not that I hold much of a choice really since NetEnt is restricted for me anyway and BTG's Bonanza and DHV have been absolutely brutal.
  4. Hi again, Your complaint has been reviewed and processed by the AskGamblers Complaints Team. Rizk Casino - Blocked account when trying to withdraw $7,500 Please make sure to follow strictly all the relevant AGCCS Guidelines and Terms or let us know in case you need further assistance.
  5. Indeed, our beloved Mrs cocopop has been such an avid fan of the MG' Dark Knight... Oh my, those were such a magnificent days!
  6. ... Four more of the same crappy 'reviews' have been removed in the meantime...
  7. Usually our team will review and remove all these comments within 24 hours after being published, but since all of them were attending company meeting & team building in Malta there are some understandable delays in our daily operations. Thanks for reporting!
  8. Just a quick update... Out of 95 reviews posted so far on September 14th and 15th I left only 7 due to blatant violations of the AskGamblers Posting Guidelines. Will continue with the checking tomorrow and let me assure you there won't be any compromises.
  9. Well, thanks, but should disappoint ya... Just a regular, mid-age guy, that's all.
  10. Hi Fiekie and thanks for notifying me about this practice. Keep in mind that as long as a player review meets the AskGamblers Posting Guidelines, I don't see any valid reason to remove such review. Indeed, we have intentionally mentioned that reviews posted with the sole purpose of getting certain incentive/s shall not be tolerated for the obvious reasons. That is why I will personally review all recent Universal Slots Casino reviews and make sure to remove each comment which could be considered as an incentivized one and doesn't really bring any useful info to other players.
  11. Glad there is still someone reading all that pretty cool old forum content. Even more glad you appreciate my efforts here so high, thanks! As for how do I look, well, have always preferred to keep my personal life and work separate. Hope you understand.
  12. Congrats on your DOA win then! Re attaching screenshot in mobile version, please click on Full Version when replying and it will redirect you accordingly. Let me know in case you need further assistance.
  13. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. Please keep in mind that most of the AskGamblers Team is attending a company event in Malta and it might take longer than usual to review your complaint. As stated within the notification email you should have received upon submitting your complaint, it might take up to 96 hours to review your case. Hope you understand.
  14. Hi there Tessa and welcome to AskGamblers. First of all, sorry to hear about your issue with Rizk. Sincerely hope you'll manage to solve it with the help of AGCCS, our unique complaints service. Speaking of which, please keep in mind that most of the AskGamblers Team is attending a company event in Malta and it might take longer than usual to review your complaint.
  15. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. Have just edited your forum topic title a bit - Caps Lock only titles are definitely not okay.
  16. Haha, let me assure you it's the same here with my monthly gambling budget. But it doesn't stop me from being 99.99% convinced about the MG Progressive Jackpot mark..
  17. Nominations based on gambling luck... Hmm, that's a pretty interesting approach and must admit it makes perfect sense.
  18. Thanks for the additional clarification, your post and question make sense now... Obviously, you are asking about and considering the whole situation from the casino perspective view so let me share my two cents (have just googled the website displayed on your avatar ). While I totally understand your concerns giving the described circumstances, IMHO there is no way you could set automatically a sign of equality between "unusual betting pattern" and "fraudulent player actions" and thus proceed accordingly without proving somehow potential players collusion that might have done some harm to the brand you are representing. And how you could that considering the fact that we talk about RNG controlled casino game is beyond me to be completely honest... Keep in mind that the hypothetical scenario for a group of players trying to profit from roulette odds by placing single, big bets on the same number is doomed by default unless we talk about some incredible luck here which is hard to believe anyway. Still, a KYC procedure on the suspected accounts could easily shed some more light upon the case.
  19. Why I have the odd feeling we'll see the Microgaming Progressive Jackpot reaching the 20,000,000 mark for the first time ever... Someone fancy a bet?
  20. Well, any chance you could clarify what exactly you're trying to say? Welcome to AskGamblers though.
  21. Now that would be a sad day for the industry for sure because of the supposedly lack of 'fireworks' produced by them every couple of weeks... Like the one below... https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/news-action-and-statistics/news/2018/unfair-cash-withdrawal-restrictions-or-face-action.aspx
  22. Dear MrPinniT, I'm afraid Blitz Mode will be/should be unavailable for UK&ROI players due to some of the recent UKGC ''postulates & requirements'' referring to Responsible Gambling procedures 'improvements'. Mostly the one referring to the so called ''reality check'' triggered automatically after a certain session length.
  23. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. Unfortunately, all brands owed and operated by PaySafe are well known with slow support, especially when it comes to customers with basic ranks. Which doesn't mean at all of course that you should use words like "stole my money" to describe the issue as it's obviously not the case here. Based on my own experience as well as from what I have seen other forum members sharing here over the years, I would recommend you be more patient and give Paysafe support team a few more days to solve the issue. As far as I know there is a huge ongoing campaign referring to additional verification steps applied over hundreds of thousands Skrill/Neteller/Paysafe accounts due to some recent regulatory requirements and I guess the backlog is insane.
  24. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. The easiest and most convenient way is to use the Search feature and simply type the name of the operator you've been looking for. If it doesn't appear within the results then it means we still haven't reviewed and listed the casino in our Casino Database and you are welcome to use the Contact form and suggest it OR simply leave a post at the forum topic below: New Casinos - players' suggestions Let us know in case you need further assistance.
  25. With the third quarter approaching it could be BTG management struggling to improve their financial results and potential bonuses in advance. Just a weird suggestion from a wicked gambling mind of course...
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