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Found 6 results

  1. Hallo Roulette-Fans, ich möchte euch heute unsere neue App "Roulette Dashboard" für Adroid Smartphones vorstellen. Ihr könnt diese im Google Play Store unter folgendem Link finden: Einfach nach "Roulette Dashboard" suchen. Mich würde Eure Meinung dazu interessieren, vielleicht habt Ihr ja auch noch ein paar Ideen oder Verbesserungsvorschläge. Weitere Informationen und ein paar Screenshots (siehe unten): Die Roulette Dashboard App erfasst alle deine Roulette-Zahlen und bietet Dir verschiedene Analysen an, damit Du deine Roulette-Fähigkeiten verbessern kannst. Unsere App ist Dein stetiger Begleiter im (Online-)Casino. Gib Deine Roulette-Zahlen ganz einfach wie bei einem Taschenrechner in das Roulette Dashboard ein. Analysiere z. B. die Häufigkeitsverteilung, zusammenhängende Segmente oder die direkten und gegenüberliegenden Nebenzahlen im Roulette-Kessel. Nutze das interaktive Tableau zum Ablesen der Trefferanzahl oder zum Bestimmen von ausbleibenden Zahlen. Klicke auf eine beliebige Chance des Amerikanischen oder Europäischen Roulettes und lass Dir die zugehörigen Charts anzeigen. Oder, orientiere Dein Spiel direkt an verfügbaren Systemen, wie z. B. dem Paroli- und Martingale-System. Hol Dir die App völlig kostenlos jetzt!
  2. I wanted to know which is the best online casino app to play in Google Play Store. I have found many but I'm not satisfied with any of them. Your reply will help others too. Thanks
  3. Hello community, My name is Yonatan and I am conducting a survey for my school project in our beloved industry of gambling. I would truly appreciate your help and insight as well as replies to my survey link provided below. Very short, two minute survey !! https://goo.gl/forms/7zF3fthWa5GV2bf82 Thank you so much!
  4. Hey everybody, I'm hoping there could be some other android folks lurking on Askgamblers as I am seriously keen to find out whether it's just me, or is this app almost entirely useless???? I have no menus, no options to make a deposit or withdrawal, no account settings ... it simply opens up with a short list of your most recent transactions and a button for "all transactions" which in my case is no different to the first page! Can this possibly be correct? Or could there be some phone specific issues or something...? I have an LG G3 right now but might take a look at the app on my mans Lenovo when he comes in tonight. Can anybody share their own experiences of this seemingly garbage piece of software?
  5. I have some very exciting news for you all! You can now download the official AskGamblers App from the App Store. This is a major milestone for AskGamblers and we are the first in the field to release an app like this. It means you can now take us with you wherever you are and you'll never need to miss a thing! You're probably wondering what exactly you can do on the app, let me see if I can answer some of those questions What can I do? You'll be able to keep up with everything going on in the industry, you can check the newest casinos we add, daily news which will include our 5 daily top stories along with the latest casino news. You'll be able to check out the newest games AND read game reviews We all know how important casino reviews are so now you'll be able to check these directly from the app And of course you'll still be able to keep up to date as you'll also have access to your live notifications just the same as you would if you were using your normal web browser You'll also have instant access to your latest bonuses and complaints. How do I get the app? Well this is easy! Just go to the App Store on your iPhone search for AskGamblers. There you'll be able to download it completely free of charge! Don't forget you can also write a review on the app too. We'd also love to hear your feedback here. Download it, have a play with it and then come back and tell me what you think. What devices can I download it on? The AskGamblers app requires iOS 8.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. So if you've got an iPhone and an iPad why not get it on both like I have! And it only takes 15.9mb of space so if like me your storage is always full you'll always have enough room for our app. You can read more about our app HERE Get the app. Then play.
  6. So, we're coming to the end of 2015, I was wondering if any of you used something to keep track of your budget this year? Maybe an app, or a spreadsheet or the old fashioned way of writing it all down? I haven't, only because my budget really isn't that high, this year has been my lowest budget ever in fact! If keeping a budget is something you'd like to do going into 2016 here's a little help from our writing team: 5 Apps to help you manage your gaming budget
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