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Everything posted by raverbabe

  1. When the games start lagging that badly I follow that age old advice.. reboot the computer! Usually does the trick for me, though you could also try switching casinos as well see if that helps. NetEnt games are by far the most problematic in general for me though anyway.
  2. I haven't used paysafecard either but if there's no physical card to take a picture of there must be some kind of web based system you can screenshot for them? Do Paysafecard actually accept withdrawals? I thought it was a one way deposit method as its basically UKash now isn't it?
  3. I was just thinking it seems unlikely it's just the casino writing them considering they are from so many different countries, it would make perfect sense if the casino really is giving a bonus to players who review them... I don't think is an illegitimate tactic on the face of it but if I was the casino I wouldn't want to pay for like 1 sentence ... they are pretty worthless reviews whether they have high star ratings or not. Could be the casino using Hola! or some other VPN that lets you choose which country you want to browse from too. If the mods can pull a list of the IP's google should tell you if they belong to a company that offers that kind of service.
  4. Hi Jame! Welcome to AskGamblers, would be interested to learn where you like to play and which are your favourite games. I'm always on the lookout for new casinos to try !
  5. That isn't the specific error that should appear when your country is banned but that doesn't mean it's impossible that's why it's appearing.. if you normally play MG at that casino though it seems unlikely, although I know Canadian players woke up one morning and found NetEnt games unavailable at pretty much every casino so who knows? The simple answer is to switch to another casino but if you've already made your deposit and don't fancy putting any more in somewhere else it must be real annoying. Have you asked support at the casino itself whats going on?
  6. Spotted this today, bonus deposit method restrictions getting out of hand... This offer is valid for all deposit methods for customers from Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Malta, Iceland. Paysafecard and Ukash are not included in this promotion for customers from Hungary, Australia, Canada, Croatia, Greece, Portugal, Serbia, while Neteller is not available for players from United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. For the rest of the countries Neteller, Skrill or Skrill 1-Tap are excluded.Couldn't be clearer could it ?... Sounds like they are just banning anything as a knee jerk anytime they experience fraud to me without any consideration for how their existing player base and any potential new signups will feel. In order to redeem your First Deposit Bonus, you must wager 25 times the bonus and deposit amount (wagering requirements for customers from United Kingdom are 30 times deposit and bonus amount; Australia, Canada, Croatia, Greece, Portugal, Serbia and Romania x 40) And could that be any more scammy?.. Here in the UK we get ripped off with an extra 5x, but 40x the deposit plus bonus ?!? I pity my Canadian and Australian friends! As I think they deserved to be shamed, this is at Energy Casino.
  7. A strange thing is the forum remembers who I am even if I can see the Register / Login options at the top of the screen, so I think perhaps the site as a whole is keeping track of users but whichever part handles drawing the bar along the top has a bug in it somewhere. I've had a boyfriend who writes websites at work for a decade now so I'm depressingly familiar with this kind of stuff. He keeps trying to get me to go for a job doing it myself but I think it would make my head explode personally! Good luck getting it fixed though
  8. I don't usually bother with the browser casino at the 32red group, but if Dash are still using the old style one with a billion pages for the slots then yes, the new 32red interface is much better. Download beats both though I think!
  9. The weird login problem is happening again right now, the browser goes to www.askgamblers.com/inline-login And the screen shows a single line: {"userId":"5543617f7528f78051xxxxxx"} I removed the last bit just incase its enough to steal my login session... made that mistake before!
  10. Shame there aren't more Brits really! Though if there were I'd probably be even more weary of discussing this particular topic...
  11. Agreed, NetEnt games seem to be the worst for random errors.. especially the "Game is currently unavailable" one - I think NetEnt games must decide to boot you out much more easily than other game providers which wait for a response for a longer time or are possibly more fault tolerant.
  12. I'm getting a weird error today where I don't appear to be logged in on some pages, and if I click the login button I get something like this.. .inline-logon {username: "raverbabe", password: "...", error: "Incorrect Username or Password"} ... I'll paste the exact message next time I see it, but obviously my username and password are correct and even if they weren't the blank white page with just that line on it definitely doesn't seem to be the way the error should appear!
  13. There are a couple of players who post at other forums who have managed over 100 wildlines at the game prompting some to say they must have found a cheat or hack of some kind, but the players say they simply play the game at several casinos at once taking any bonus possible, and play for many hours every weekend. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose - they are risking more money for more chances of a win. I'm sure those players could be responsible for at least a couple of the restrictions that have popped up at casinos all over the web, but I don't think they did anything wrong myself. If there was a bug in the game that any of the casinos or NetEnt were aware of it would have been pulled a long time ago, of that I am certain.
  14. Absolutely, I don't blame the people that want to come here - they haven't been breaking any laws and if I were them I would probably have wanted to do the same. The trouble is, leaving the EU whilst being a drastic solution, is possibly the only way to fix a problem that has been building up over several years. Even that may not be enough considering EU migration only makes up around 50% of the UK's intake!
  15. Haha this thread is pure jokes I'll admit I have an unfair advantage (depending how you look at it...) this month as I was made redundant from my job last month but remembered that if I spent my time recording my experiences with the zillions of on-line casinos I played at over the past few years I might just manage to pay the rent despite being out of work ... I'm starting a new job with Jet2 soon though so I won't be flattening the leaderboards forever, as fun as it has been. I think I'll keep on hanging around the forums though !
  16. I agree that playing on-line poker can be a very time consuming process, I only have a permanent bankroll on Stars at the moment, I log on most days and fire up a screenful of tables, mostly Sit N Go's but a couple of Spin N Go's and maybe one or two MTT's at the weekend but as you say those can take many hours and I just don't have the time or concentration to play for that long every day. In general(on a winning day) I will make around $20-$50 from my hour or twos play then just come back the next day and do the same again, and if I am up by over $100 at the weekend I'll make a withdrawal. I just feel as if the odds are more in my favour compared to playing casino games and it's often my poker profits I will use to deposit at casinos so the two go hand in hand for me. I like to play the freerolls (like in the screenshot above) when I'm playing less seriously and maybe just want to have one or two tables open whilst I'm doing something else. It's typical that it was a points game and not a cash one that I thrashed so decisively last night though!
  17. Nice choices, plenty of my favourites in there. You don't seriously prefer Gonzo JUST because he does a little dance occasionally though.. right?!
  18. That's right coco, I might not have been as clear as I could though. Oops! Oh dear! Assuming you did speak to somebody on the phone Vinny are you sure it's Casumo you were playing at when you experienced these problems?
  19. For me the immigration issue is much less about the refugees, they make up a tiny proportion of our intake anyway, and much more about the economic migrants. Our schools and hospitals are full to bursting point, British families are struggling to get their own children into their choice of school, and the teachers are simply not equipped to cope with huge numbers of children coming into the system whose primary language isn't English. In the north where I live and where the Brexit vote was by far the strongest many towns and cities have an unemployment rate amongst white British more than double the national average. These people are not lazy, they simply can't afford to compete with the eastern Europeans living 10 to a house who will do the same jobs for less than minimum wage so they can send the money back home! I think I should stop right there... This could get out of hand!
  20. I agree, the base game can feel really quite low variance sometimes - it also has a tendency to rescue me with a five stars or five hats hit right as I'm about to run out of money, but these things are just luck! Increasing the wagering requirement because people find it to be a good game for cycling a balance just says once again at the casinos don't think the game is returning the correct percentage over the long term... And I doubt that can be true. Playing DoA at high stakes is a risky business, end of story, just like any other slot. So why is this one particular game viewed so differently by the casinos?
  21. If you saw a version of doa that had the scatters in the bonus round it had to be a pirate copy with dodgy reel sets - there's an excellent chance you wouldn't be getting a fair game at that casino.
  22. Haha I love this idea... A DoA tax!! I can't see netent messing with those super low variance paytables they seem to be in love with recently though
  23. I don't see a screenshot thread for those of us who play poker yet so I figured I would get the ball rolling. I decided to play in Betfred's freerolls tonight, sadly I crashed out of the £100 Guaranteed VIP and the 1000 VIP Points, but I managed to take down the 500 in style .. shame it's not really worth anything but hey, when your running this good it still feels great!
  24. Hi all, The final rule on the opening post states: "All writing based contests are meant for active AskGamblers Forum members, which means that the total number of your forum posts must be higher than the total number of your reviews." This is the first time this rule may potentially affect me as I have written many more reviews than in the past this month and currently have around 30 more reviews than I do posts, so my question is, how strictly is this rule enforced? Should I only submit half of my reviews at the end of the month and the other half next month when my forum posts have caught up? Or will that even make a difference considering the reviews are already live on the site....? What would happen if my post count was slightly too low? Would I not be eligible to receive any payment whatsoever, or would I receive a partial payment? Would the rest be paid out on a later month when the two numbers align themselves? I am making every effort to make a useful contribution to the site and fully expect to be treated fairly considering what I know of the mods around here, but of course I would like to adhere to the rules as best I possibly can.
  25. Oh god no!!! I absolutely voted out, like you have mentioned I feel it is outrageous that unelected bureaucrats are creating laws and forcing them onto every country in the bloc. For example the fact we are forbidden from applying a zero rate of VAT on womens sanitary products because of EU regulations is nothing short of a scandal. The government has openly stated their wish to zero rate these essential items but are unable to do so because of EU rules. David Cameron promised to renegotiate the terms of our membership prior to the referendum but the other european leaders made an absolute fool of him and he came home with his begging bowl empty. I think that anybody who does have a strong interest in politics will have decided right then that they had no choice but to vote OUT. In my opinion the "Remain" campaign blew it by concentrating their entire campaign on "Project Fear", every day they would have another article in the media insisting thousands of jobs would be lost, our currency would collapse, we would lose all of our influence and power on the world stage... people just didn't believe it.I don't blame you for dodging a debate on the subject - as I mentioned, me and my boyfriend have fallen out horribly about this issue more than once, and I have seen similar arguments between my close friends with both sides believing the other is bigoted, uneducated and/or uninformed for having the opinion they do. For that reason I'm reluctant to spell out my own primary reasons for voting out here but I will say I feel very strongly about it and would vote the same way again if another referendum were called tomorrow without questions. The suggestion in the media that the majority of us "OUT" voters now regret voting the way we did makes me laugh, if anything I think many more people would vote "OUT" now most of the threats the remain campaign were throwing around have failed to materialize.
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