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Everything posted by AnnaCasinoOfficial

  1. The hot/cold numbers provided usually mean, that the numbers have been coming up a lot lately (or not at all for the cold ones). It doesn't mean that there is a higher chance of any of these numbers coming up again (or a lower chance for that matter). It simply just indicate, that some numbers have shown up more than normally expected (given the odds) lately and some haven't. If the roulette is the classic version (one zero and 36 numbers) there is a 1 in 37 chance that any given number will come up on the next spin. If a number have been hit for instance 5 times over the last 50 spins, that is more than the odds dictate that it should. Hence, the number can be deemed as being "hot" at the moment. Over a large sample (let's say spins to exaggerate) each number will come up with a 2,703% (rounded up a bit) hit rate. And yes, even with such a large sample the best number might have a 2,704% hit rate and the lowest might have a 2,702% hit rate but it will be extremely close to the "natural odds". But if you look at things over only 50 or 100 spins, some numbers might hit 5 or even 10 times during this period. Way more than the odds dictate. If you talk to live casino dealers, almost all of them can tell crazy stories of a time where they witnessed the same number hitting 7 times in a row or where red came up 20 spins in a row or something like that. These "weird" anomalies are expected to happen from time to time. So in the case of the hot and cold numbers, what the casino does is show, that over the last X amount of spins, some numbers have been hit way more than they should odds wise (HOT), and some haven't (COLD). This separate people into two groups: One group will assume that the hot streak continues and bet the numbers again. Some people assume that "it must be the cold numbers turn to get some love" and bet the cold numbers. You can often see this effect at live casinos (where they have a screen showing the results of the last 15-20 spins). When the same colour hits many times in a row, players will often come running over from other tables to bet either the same colour or the opposite colour. However, at the end of the day, it doesn't change the odds of any given number coming up on the next spin.
  2. Hi Johnny, I am very sorry to hear that you have had a negative experience. If you write me a PM with the details I will be very happy to take a look at the issue you have had. If you have the communication from our support at hand, I would very much like to get this as well (or information on your username so that I can look it up)
  3. It definitely could be. We are in a period of rapid development in the way casino's get and handle information related to the playing activity and further improvements in this area could warrant a system like the one we are talking about here. I have learned long ago not to speculate where tech is going in this industry. But I will say, that it is only gonna get better. We have seen improvements over the last many years and there is more to come.
  4. I think pornhub has always been free (for the visitors). They have an obscene amount of visitors on a daily basis and they probably sell their advertising space on a CPM basis meaning that you pay a given fee per 1.000 showings of your ad. Given that I heard a while back that they are the largest of their kind in that industry, I do believe that they are making more money now than ever before and it is for sure millions every year. How much precisely I don't know but it is probably possible to find out. I don't think they are doing this to "get something back". I think they are peaking at the moment earnings wise and are simply looking for ways to expand their business within their industry and felt (like so many before) that gaming might be a good choice since gaming and nude women should go great together in theory. The problem is that if history have showed us anything, that is really not the case. Maybe at live casinos (Vegas does apply a certain amount of eye candy for players with success) but online it has usually been a flop. It will be interesting to see if they manage to succeed with this but I doubt it. As mentioned before, I think they will be successful in the sense that they will be making money on it. They are simply to huge traffic wise not to create some players and make some money. But I also believe they probably would have done better going with another angle within their field of expertise (maybe selling ***** toys, outfits or something like that).
  5. I understand your point but it is not that simple. The reason is that while rules are something the operator controls, your spins actually take place on the server of the gaming service provider. For instance, most GSP's don't even know if you are playing with bonus money or not. They simply get "told" by the casino how much you have available to play with and that is what you will have visible in the game. The GSP doesn't necessarily know the rules of the casino and hence, having the GSP block certain limits is not as easy as it might seem. But don't get me wrong - this is probably doable. It is just not as simple. Especially not if you have 10 different GSP's that all need to be set up to deal with the rules.
  6. Yes, I don't know precisely how much they make but we are definitely talking about a truckload of earnings from their regular marketing space. But most companies wants to grow and being the largest "free adult streaming service" probably doesn't leave much room for growth. Furthermore, I wouldn't fault them if they were a bit nervous about the development in their industry and would like to create other products on the side, that they can profit from. From that perspective, I can understand why they are branching out but I just don't think the gaming industry is necessary a good fit for them.
  7. This is one of the reasons why I pretty much always advice players not to be "bonus hunters" shifting from casino to casino to get new first time deposit bonuses. If you are play at one casino that you like, the good ones will notice this loyalty and reward you throu through their regular promotional programs. Furthermore, loyal players do not get mistaken for bonus hunters and/or bonus abusers, which often leads the casino to be nice to you like for instance in the situation you mention here.
  8. It has been tried ohhhh so many times. I specifically remember a poker room back in the days (I think it was called Swank Poker) that really pushed the boundaries to the next level. Poker players would earn the usual comp points while playing but they could be used in pretty extreme ways. Prostitution, ***** site subscriptions, strip club vouchers and god know what. The promotion that was the craziest was probably their "make your own ***** movie" promotion. Players could be the star of their own movie and I think they wanted to publish it on their website. I clearly remember the "you can wear a mask if you want to" bit... You know, just to keep things classy But while it is funny to laugh a bit about these projects, one should really be careful if considering this from a business point of view. Back in the days the gambling scene was still mostly dominated by the male audience (this has changed A LOT over the last 5-10 years) and a lot of people felt that the typical male activities would bundle great with a gambling product. Football........ Motorcycles....... Babes....... Gambling...... etc.. These things must be complimentary and coupling them together should create a lot of pull with the target audience, right? Well, no... While sports and gambling can be somewhat OK for casinos the gambling/girls angle has never really worked to my knowledge. I have seen at least 10 projects with this angle launching within my time in the industry. And basically all of them have closed down again. Even Playboy, which is probably the most mainstream brand in that industry, is not really living up to its potential in my opinion. It is my take that most other medias with that kind of following and brand would have fared better than Playboy has with a gambling product. I think PornHub is so massively big when it comes to webtraffic, that they will succeed no matter what. The question is if they would have done better focusing on something else as a side-business? I believe the answer is yes. Girls (as the centerpiece of the brand) and gambling just doesn't work that well together.
  9. As mentioned these rules are in place for a reason. Large bets leads to potential advantages to the player (RTP over 100%) and this leads to abuse groups hitting the casinos hard. I do however believe that casino's should be large when it comes to these things. If you are a new customer, most casinos will follow their rules very in a very strict manner (since a lot of abuse comes from the first dep bonus) but if you are an old client, lots of deposits (with and without bonuses attached) and we are talking about just a couple of spins, the casino should side with the player. I had a situation the other day where a player immediately wrote the live chat and told us, that she accidentally pressed the "max bet" button and asked if it was OK. Of course it was and she kept playing and got paid. So it is my philosophy that while these rules become increasingly tricky in order to safe guard the casinos, they should also adhere to a practice of fairness. Unfortunately, that practice if far from commonplace.
  10. Hi Per, We have looked over your case and agreed to grant you the bonus back. There is a few reasons why we have chosen to do this (that I won't write here since I don't want people to speculate in this) but let's just say that you were a bit "lucky" related to your history with us in terms of your play so that this was possible. As mentioned before we try to operate under an element of "fairness" so when a player history warrant it we will always honor the winnings of a player if the player suffered a problem related to our rules. Fortunately this was a possibility in your case. Please remember in the future to look into the bonus rules. For Anna Casino you are always safe under €5 (or currency equivalent) and. Also, if you ever encounter a problem like this again (on any casino) then remember to contact the casino before you continue playing. I know that this can be very annoying if you have a good session going on a hot slot and you can't get a hold of a support rep straight away. Held og lykke med spillet Kind regards, Mike
  11. Hi Per, I will take a look at your case. Please be adviced that it was indeed an overplaying in stakes that caused the situation. Let me explain from the ground up why we have the rules that we do. First of all, the max bet protection is unfortunately needed. The online casino industry is regularly hit by abusers trying to get an advantage. If you can play with stakes that are to high, you can gain an advantage over the casino (theoretical RTP over 100%) and this makes the max-bet rule a necessary evil. We have set up our system to automatically confiscate the bonus (and bonus winnings) if this rule is broken since it is simply impossible to manually go over all bonus money bets. I know the function is horrible and that regular players with no bad intentions are sometimes hit by it but we try to be extremely fair in our evaluation on whether or not to give the bonus money back. Basically, you can expect us to refund your bonus money, if we can see that a player is a regular player and not an abuser. That requires quite a bit however that I won't go into details about here. I spoke quickly to the supporter handling this case and was told that they initially had declined your request for a refund of the bonus. The reasoning behind this is, that you kept playing right after the bonus money went away. Let me explain why this is a problem since you are here hitting another very normal way of abusing bonuses. Casinos in general have a lot of players that come into the casino, deposit money with no bonus and play. If they win, they simply do a withdrawal (since they have no turnover requirement) and they are happy. If they lose, they write the support complaining that they didn't get their deposit bonus. If they are then granted the deposit bonus they manage to get an advantage (since they had a free shot at winning without turnover requirements and then afterwards get another shot with their bonus money). So, in order to get a bonus credited, if something went wrong while trying to get the bonus, a player must always do this BEFORE the playing starts. If that is done, we will credit the bonus manually with no questions asked (if the player is eligible for the bonus of course). Because you played with your remaining funds before the support came back to you, their standard response will always be that we can't re-credit the bonus. Even if they deem you to be a regular player that we would normally re-credit the bonus to. Now, all I have mentioned in this thread is our standard procedures but we work on an element of fairness. We want to be fair when these cases arise. I will take a look at the case and situation and get back to you. Kind regards, Mike
  12. Well, here is the low down in my opinion on the purposely vague concepts that is casino T&C's. First of all, 90% of all regular players don't read them. Believe it or not, most players are 100% oblivious to all rules in a casino besides maybe the turnover requirement when they accept a bonus. So, who actually reads the fine print? Abusers and skilled/seasoned players like the ones we have here on AskGamblers. From the casino's point of view, the skilled players will know what they are talking about (or be able to figure it out) so they are OK with being vague towards them. They probably don't LOVE giving their valued players information in this way but most of them will get the point anyway so they can live with it. But the "value" of being vague comes in relation to the bonus abusers. They will use every little dot or hole in the T&C to find a way around the rules and if you are very specific, it might leave a hole to be abused. In the interest of self-preservation, the casino simply doesn't have a really good reason not to be vague (or "broad" to use a better term). However, explaining the rules are something that every casino spend a lot of time doing (and should do happily) so I would recommend for people to simply ask if they are in doubt.
  13. There have really been an inflation in this way of abusing bonuses lately, hence the reason why the operator in question has made it clear in their rules. The model goes like this: 1) Accept a bonus Let's say you deposit €100 and get €100 in bonus. 2) Play a progression achievement slot, where you can "save up value" A really good example of this is "Tower Quest". In this slot you collect red and blue bottles that fill up as you go along. Once you have enough to release a bonus feature you can do that BUT you can also keep collecting bottles and "save up" more bonus features. So, you do this while playing with your bonus money and obviously you hope to win and collect as many bonus features as possible. 3) You lose your bonus You keep collecting features until you go bust and you make sure that you go 100% bust. This clears you of any turnover requirement since your bonus money is now lost. 4) You deposit and claim your value You then make another small deposit, release all the features you have saved up and go directly to your account and cash out the full amount since you now have no turnover requirement. Devils Delight and The Wishmaster have been classic examples and hence basically all casinos have these blocked for playing with bonus money but a lot of players have started to use this model more aggressively on other slots as well. However, if you are a regular player there is almost no chance that you will "accidentally" do this and hence you shouldn't be worried about falling into the trap of a casino confiscating your winnings. Only players with direct intention of abusing a bonus offer should worry.
  14. Withdraw to lock in a little profit ------> Bet BIIIIG witht the rest Only managed to create a mega win with the 2nd part of the strategy a few times but it is sooo exciting that I can't help it
  15. If you take a coin, flip it 10.000 times and look at the results, you will find periods where it hits the same result for a vast majority of the time. The same goes for any game of chance including slot machines. So, a period of good spins is considered hot and a period of bad spins is considered cold. However, some people speculate that you can "feel" when the slot is hot and cold from a series of spins and this leads them to leave slots that feel cold and continue on slots that feel hot. Since in random games, it doesn't matter when and how you spin this theory doesn't hurt your chances of winning but be aware that thinking in the above way is purely a trick of the mind. Out brains are hardwired to try and find connections and meaning in everything. Without this ability we wouldn't be able to make sense of much in this world. Unfortunately our brain does not have the ability to reason with and "shut down" this functionality when we observe things that are random and hence, we have a way of miraculously finding sense and system in things, even if there are none. Some interesting studies have been conducted on this. Not within the scope of gambling because here it doesn't really matter much but within other areas of our life this brain process can be a bad thing and because of this, scientists have found it interesting to study. Feel free to Google if you find the subject interesting but if you are only interested based on potentially gaining an edge on slot machines, then don't bother. Your RTP won't change based on you trying to read if a slot is hot or cold. They are random.
  16. What really protects you as a player in the casino world is the way it is build up. This is not really done on purpose but just the way the industry has developed. 99% of all casinos are build up in a way where they have several suppliers servicing their casino: - Gaming Software Providers (NET ENT, Microgaming etc.) - Operational providers (management systems to handle payments, player handling, partners etc.) There are much more than just those, but those are the most important and your security really lies in the seperation between the Gaming Software Provider and the Operator. NET ENT doesn't want to give casinos a chance to "manipulate winnings and loses". The games have an RTP and there are such a mindbending number of spins on NET ENT slots worldwide every month, that by the end of the month NET ENT (as a whole) will be extremely close to the "real RTP". My guess would be that if the avr. RTP of all NET ENT slots is 96.5% (example) then this number landing at just 96.2% or 96.8% would be considered a "huge variance from the norm". NET ENT has chosen to build up their games with this exact RTP becuase they have analyzed that this gives the best results (yes, it is a cruel world we live in). Coincidentally this also benefit the players since the optimum has been deemed to lie at quite a high level of payback to the player. But you can rest assured that if the optimum was at 85% then the GSP's would have placed the RTP there. So, since this is the optimum the GSPs don't want to deviate from that and obviously they don't want the scandal and risk of losing license that a big case of "adjusting winnings/loses" would create. Hence, they don't give anyone the option of messing with there games. When you play a game from a certain GSP you actually play on their server. The casino operator "tells" the GSP when the sessions starts, how much money you have in your wallet and that gets transferred to the game. Once you close the game the GSP tells the operator how much money you have left and that is transferred to your wallet with the operator (in a nutshell). What goes one while you play a game the operator have no technical way to interfere with or manipulate. Simply because it is not in the interest of the GSP (and probably also because it would be douchebaggery at a high level). So, an operator having a bad month have no technical way of "manipulating" the results to save the month during the last 5 days. Also, since GSPs don't care at all who wins or loses (they just want the RTP to come home) there is no incentive for them to regulate the winnings/loses of individual players. This build up of the industry is really good for the players. Technically you should only worry about a casino that has developed their own games and control them themselves (note in this regard that you still get the same security if a casino has custom games, as long as they are made and delivered by a 3rd party GSP). An important point here is also, that players have a tendency to lose a little or win a lot. Most player withdraw after winning maybe 5-20 times their deposit. This naturally also creates more sessions of loses than wins than for instance a player who always withdraw after doubling up.
  17. I probably can't convince you of this but what you are a living proof of is, that cames of chance like slot machines have a high variance. You have had an impressive hot streak and a long cold streak. Nothing else. We can't rig the games and we can't read your patterns. As mentioned, they are 100% fixed and I promise you that the software providers don't care that much about us that they would compromise their integrity, license and huge business by giving us operators this option. If I took all of the players in our casino and listed them after luck / bad luck then you would see, in one end, players that seem like they can win at will. 100 deposits or more and large withdrawals following 80-90% of their deposits. In the other end, players with maybe 500 deposits never a single withdrawal. If you take a coin, flip it 100 times and note the amount of times it hit heads or tail, you would probably get something close to 50 of each (maybe 60-40) and that would be what you would expect. But if you do this 1 million times and look through the results, some of these sessions will have amazing results. 95 heads and 5 tails (and the other way around) and stuff like that. It is natural, when a large number of sessions in a game of chance is being played, some of these sessions will end up showing results that seem almost impossible. The same is the case for casino games. There are so many players out there, that some of them is bound to hit either extremely well or extremely bad and some are bound to hit extremely well to begin with and then turn to extremely bad afterwards. But this is natural and not evidence of anything else than that the laws of statistics do indeed apply to casino games as well. /Mike
  18. (sorry for the late reply - missed this post ) Remember, we as casinos don't control these RTP's. A game delivered to us by a software provider has a fixed RTP - and it doesn't change and the game doesn't change no matter what casino you play at. It is exactly the same server/RNG you are playing at no matter if the casino is Anna Casino or another operator. So, even if I would like to take you up on your offer to switch to us for a raise in RTP; I unfortunately can't do it. The game RTP is fixed.
  19. The surge in mobile gaming comes from two places: 1) People using their tablets at home in the couch instead of a clumsy laptop. And since gaming is a recreational thing it fits well into the "tablet in the corner of the couch while something boring is on TV" concept 2) People commuting, sitting in the waiting room at the dentist or basically anywhere a laptop is not available and there is a lust for entertainment and excitement However, point B has some difficulties since people primarily want to use their phones when on the go and while it is definitely enjoyable to play on a phone, the screen is still a bit to small for optimal experience. But no matter how we look at it, the mobile experience is definitely here to stay and the reason why it is such a buzz in the industry is because of availability. Previously, a player had the option of playing maybe 5-10 hours a day (when a laptop/desktop is within proximity). With mobile/tablet compatibility this number goes to almost 24h a day. No matter if it is 10%, 20% or 40% of the customers that will ever use it, this expansion in availability is a much bigger thing for the industry than almost any other innovation that might come at this point in time. But sometimes the buzz from the industry will make players think that there is something extra awesome about the phone/tablet experience. Unfortunately that is not (yet) the case. For tablets it is roughly the same and it becomes a matter of general preference. For mobiles, you would have to be a bit wacky to play on that if your laptop is at the table next to you
  20. Note that a lot of high RTP slots require decision making from the player. A good example is Jackpot 6000 from NET ENT. The game is structured in a way where, when you win, you can wager double the money per spin or bank the winnings. Then you wager the double per spin your odds of getting the jackpot increases. With optimal play the game has a very high RTP (close to 99% as I remember) but since most players like banking some winnings from time to time the RTP goes lower with these actions. So just keep that in mind when you are looking for high RTP slots. They quite often have an element of pretty extreme variance connected to them, in case you want the very high RTP to be present. Also note, that because these games have such a high possible RTP, most casinos (if not all) will not allow you to wager bonus money on them since it leaves them open to abuse. Kind regards, Mike Anna Casino
  21. Hi Jockey, Obviously I will have a hard time convincing you that the games are fair if you truly believe otherwise but the fact of the matter is, that there is no point in creating a game that is not fair. What everyone seem to miss when talking about these things is that a casino doesn't maximize its earnings by taking players to the cleaners. The best players are the ones that play a lot, wins a fair amount of the time and over the course of the year (or several years) gets their true RTP back. Players that know that they have a fair chance of winning and have won before will trust the games and hence decide to play at casinos more instead of buying lottery tickets or whatever people otherwise use their gambling budget playing. You won't make a lot of money if the RTP is very low. If players always lose they will never come back. Over the course of time casino software developers have found out that the casino makes the most money if the RTP is where it is (around 95-97%). When you have already found the optimal return to player percentage then why mess with it? That makes no sense. Furthermore, why do it and risk getting caught and losing your million dollar business by having your gaming license removed. In a large casino the RTP for all players combined will be around the theoretical RTP every month. It might deviate 0.5% from month to month but not much more than that. So, with this in mind and with the fact that the best RTP for creating loyal customers have already been found, then why cheat? There is no motive. It would probably hurt your business to do so. I understand, as cocopop wrote, that a lot of players will feel like they are cheated, when they have long periods without withdrawals. But the fact is that most players withdraw when they win 5-10 times their deposit and hence you actually have to get quite lucky in order to reach those levels. Take a coin and create sessions where you bet heads or tails for €5 per spin with a €100 bankroll and you will see that you won't reach those 5-10 times your bankroll that often. Couple that with the fact that the casino needs to have a lot of bad spins to create "room" for those mega wins (wild lines on dead or alive and stuff like that) that is also paid to players from time to time and the fact that the casino game is a little less than a 50/50 chance and you have the reason why players can sometimes go a long time without withdrawals. Kind regards, Mike Anna Casino
  22. We hope you had fun with this little competitions We will talk to AskGamblers about doing more in the future.
  23. Hello again, So 20 freespins are now credited to Twin Spin for user katemak, good luck! -Eero
  24. Hey all! Very nice to see that this competition worked so well and everyone had fun with it Big thanks to Coco and Valdez and ofc all the members involved in guessing! Congrats for the winner as well! Free spins will be credited soon (will be announced here once done). This was just first competition, "warm up", of many more to come, so please stay active and have a look when we announce the next one : ) Have a nice day all! Eero
  25. You guys have to remember that the games are supplied by (most often) 3rd party software developers and it is their RnG that creates the result. At most casinos (unless they are very small) a huge cluster of spins is performed every minute and to be honest the sofware provider won't even know which player is playing the spins. For them it runs as "sessions". So when you log in to a game the casino supply the software developer with the information about your balance and then a session is created. Once you log out from the session the information about the balance is returned and put into you account at the casino. When you come again you are supplied with a new session but the software developer probably don't even know that it is you coming back for more action. It is just another session. So them remembering your patterns and rigging the game depending on your pattern is not possible from previous sessions. So, the option left is for the software developer to read the pattern for every session from start to finnish but in order to correctly do that you need a lot of computing power (the amount of sessions live at for instance NET ENT at any time is staggering) and it would also take a lot of time into each session before there is significant material available to read out a pattern. We have had these debates quite a few times and at the end of the day these things are not necessary for the casino. When they have a high volume their overall RTP fluctuates with like 0,5% from a bad month to a good month because there is so many spins performed that the statistical variance related to the "true RTP" becomes very small. If they wanted to make more money the RTP could simply be set 1% lower. Last, but not least, the big software providers would not risk their software license by tampering with the RNG. Look at Net Ents annual reports. They are making a lot of money and there is really no point for them in focusing on anything else but making games as fun and exciting as possible to attract the interest from the players. I know that losing streaks and winning streaks might make you think that something is wrong/odd. The same happens at a craps table in Vegas, where players often ask for a change in the dice because they think they might be cut wrong after a period of bad results. 99,99% of the time it is just that - bad results. A bad run of cards, a bad run of dice throws and a bad run of spins is part of the game. The same was as your extremely good run of spins that made you the massive results in a short time earlier is part of the game as well.
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