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Everything posted by luckyloser

  1. Ive been playing way to much latley. Been losing all over the place. And now finally made a cashout yesterday but the casino leave the money pending and send me this mail: "We wanted to give you a bonus to help your winning streak continue - 20 free spins for Starburst on the house and a nice deposit bonus specially for you. Please contact support on live chat to make use of this offer - we are always happy to help you win big Don't forget, there is a 10,000,000 EUR jackpot waiting for you on the game Mega Moolah, with your luck you might be the one to take it. We look forward to hearing back from you soon. We wanted to give you a bonus to help your winning streak continue - 20 free spins for Starburst on the house and a nice deposit bonus specially for you. Please contact support on live chat to make use of this offer - we are always happy to help you win big Don't forget, there is a 10,000,000 EUR jackpot waiting for you on the game Mega Moolah, with your luck you might be the one to take it. We look forward to hearing back from you soon. " So they are basicly tryna tempt me to revers the cashout. Im so frustrated at the moment.... I have closed almost all accounts i have and the ones left are set limits. But still its hard to quitt all together. Really hope i get this cashout hassle free and then im going to atleast try to quitt.
  2. Been playing but not posting here in a while. Im starting to have some serious doubts as i have now lost over 100 deposits in a row and had only one cashout!!! I mean come on... How is this possible? Someone should hire a lawyer and sue net ent as im sure its some kind of funky buisness going on. The results i have been having playing net ent games the past months are incredible. I have had mostley 50-60% RTP on every deposit across all casinos... Havent had a wildline on doa since my last screenshot i posted here. I hardly get a bonus round anymore. Its gotten so bad now that i cannot belive its only bad luck. Im seriously beliving they have some kind of controll over my winning chances. It doessent matter what game i play. I can deposit 200 betting at 0.50-1 euro pr spin and go bust n 10 mintues.. Its been like this maybe my last 40 deposits!!!! Its like i want to cry its so bad lol.. I tried quitting but its impossible as these losses just pisses me of.. Gotten to the point where i almost smashed my macbook to pieces. Even with the worst luck in the world how can someone lose and lose and lose forever. Royal panda casino i had 30 deposits and now win. Euroslotts 25 or so deposits no win. and so on....
  3. Very first bonus round that triggered. Had some nice wins on Wishmaster beforehand then moved on to this. Seams when games pay it doessent matter what u play lol.
  4. So its come to this. I simply give up gambling. I cannot take it anymore, the endless losses, even when i win i have to lose a fortune before i win so its really not a win. I can never be in proffit fore a month or even a week anymore. Its gotten so bad that im getting paranoid if netent is "tagging" players. Rigged or not i have had an insane losing streak the last 6 months or so. After i got 5 scatters on 2,70 bet i have lost and lost at every casino i have played at. Even the few times i have won after that i have lost twice the amount to get the win. It does not seam to matter what game i play or what casino.. Ofcourse some casinos have been so bad its just incredible. Today i lost 1500 euros. Lost about 600 on a new casino called casinojefe. Couldent hit anything... And they gave me from deposits and leveling up total of 270 free spins on various games. I "won" a whopping 30 euros from 270 free spins!!!!! Its just stupid.. Also today i lost about 600 euros on DOA before i even got a bonus round.. Then i got 5 wilds on a line on the very last spin on 0.72. paid 500 bucks...Not even 1000x bet and i lost it back within an hour. This is how my gambling has been the last 6 months... I cannot win on anything and its not fun anymore. I have lost way more money than i can afford to lose and im quite depressed actually. And then when i finally hit a wildline ot pays crapp.... Makes me even more depressed. I must have spent 10s of thousands on dead or alive the past 4-5 months and gotten very little back. And eveyday i browse casinomeister and see the same person get wildline after wildine every day almost... It just makes me so angrey, how is it possible? Why cant i win? Maybe i sound stupid but this is what has happened to me. Why do i have such bad luck? Why? If its random then why am i this unlucky? Everybody else seams to win now and then but i always lose. And if i manage to cash out 1K or 2K i lose it all back the next day or next week without getting any wins, always! Its been times where i have lost all my money, its been times where i have contenplated suecide. Yes, i have actually tought about killing myself because i lose so much money and i feel like i got to work just to put all my money in slotmachines... And when its this bad i gotta stopp before i ruin my life completley. Im so tired of always losing, and i know fore a fact the games have changed the last couple of years or the last year. I used to win waaay more often than i have done the last year. And eveytime i win huge i go on a neverending losing streak. Enough is enough.. So ive decided to leave all this behind. Its been nice to get to know all of you and been fun having talks about slots and randomness. But myself i have come to the conclusion that it is some kind of "rigging" going on. I know allot of you might say its not but my results latley and the RTG incident also made me start thinking about what im actually putting my money on. Why should i trust net ent or microgaming if RTG can cheat so can they and they probably do it to. So good luck on your gambling or in life in general. Hope my luck in life turns fore the better, because it cannot get much worse than it is right now.
  5. FINALLY!!! Over 1000x bet on this slot... Bet 0.90 and my fourth 1000x bet win on a MG slot ever and i play them allot.... First time on this tough. Had 5 spins with wilds on 4 reels... To bad the dino diddent come and spit one on the last reel porlly would have been a 2-3 times bigger win.
  6. What amount of money that is concidered a big or huge win is subjective, and sometimes also relative to the amount a person deposits. Some people might see 10K as nothing. As others see winning 200-300 as a nice win. Myself i never cashout less than 1K. So fore someone to win and reverse and lose back 20K might not be a big deal, but to others thats a huge amount of money. But then again if i deposit 300 i wouldent cashout 1000. So for me its all depending on how much i deposited. I would say my average cashout is about 1500-2500. If i go abover 5K i never even concider reversing as thats allot of money to me. 36K euros as the OP won would be almost "life changing" to me atleast. That amount of money could pay of all my student loans and such.
  7. Me to, certain casino had my wd "pending" fore 2 weeks.. claiming they where switching payment prosessor. So i could not cash out via banktransfer.. But conveniently my win was avalible for me to play. End of the story was i reversed and lost 10 000 USD... This was about 3 years ago, and i have never since reversed big amounts, lesson learned to say the least. If i win big amounts like this and casino wont flush, i take a cooling of exclusion until they pay, or tell support this, then they usually pay straight away.
  8. Yeah well, if i won 1,6 million and was offered 1000 i would be in a fit of rage lol.. But yeah, under the cicumstases its difficult. But alteast 10K should be offered since the must trigger amount is 300K.
  9. I totally agree with nr 1, and i have also posted this in one of my earlier posts. Nr 2. I dont think the casino should compensate anyone, but RTG themselves. I know the amounts won where not the real "current" jackpot amounts, and what i was trying to explain was that RTG should pay the players the amount the jackpots that was triggered, where supposed to be at before the engineer changed the amount. Look at it this way, the jackpot will be payed out sometime soon anyhow.. If they pay it to these players or someone else should not matter to RTG as the jackpot amount is paid by the previous play on this slot. Then they just resett the jackpot to whatever amount they usually resett to after its triggered. I dont feel the casinos themselves are responsible and they should not be. Its RTG that are responisble and should pay. And if they pay the Jackpot amounts that where the "real" amounts they would not even lose any money doing so.
  10. They should pay out the amount the jackpots where at before the person "tested" the system. If the total amount of all jackpots where lets say 1 million they should then divide this amount on all the affected players from what jackpot the player triggered. Example: Player A triggers minor,Player B triggers major, Player C triggera Maxi and Grand. Then the players should be paid the amount the jackpot they triggered where before they "tested" and raised the amount. Then just resett the jackpot to the seed amount.. RTG wouldent even lose any money doing so, i cannot understand why they do not do it like this? The jackpot amount should be "saved" in an account and the money should be from previous bets. Atleast this is how it works with NetEnt and Mega Fortune. If several players triggered the same jacpot then just share the amount between them in equal shares.
  11. Its not that bad here I live right outside of Oslo, and its cool, but up north and stuff i think its kinda boring. Pretty nature but, not very urban lol
  12. Man, they really didd F up really bad lol.. Imagine the negative pr this is for RTG. It would be cheaper for them to pay all peopke involved a more realistic comp rather than have this floating around the internet.
  13. So have you ever been in Norway before?
  14. So that they are using a PRNG is a fact not something i claim. And this is how a PRNG works. So this raises a few questions with me. Do the game developers know the seed number? Is the seed number random? In fact they can calculate the optimal seed number for proffit.. Or they could calculate a seed that makes the game pay very weel the first days after launch or vice versa. This would IMO be cheeting. The only way these companies and casinos can claim its truly random is if they can prove that the seed number is totally randomly picked and is not calculated by them.
  15. Anyhow back on topic: We all know slots uses Psudorandom generators. So basicly they are not random as they will repeat when the RNG hits a simular seed number to whats been used before. It will basicly repeat a pattern. It works kinda like this(simplified) We seed the RNG with a number fore example the current time 2026 now multiply that by itself 2026*2026 = 4104676 then it ouputs the middle number of this as the result: 10467 then again it mutiplies 10467*10467 and then this formula repeats untill the RNG hits a number it has used before and then the sequence that first came after those numbers will repeat again. So when the RNG again comes to the number 10467 again or any other number it has previously picked it will repeat the sequence derived from this number and onwards. Hence its not random... In fact if you know the seed number you can actually calculate the results to come. So if a player knew the game mechanics and the RNG seed, they could actually always win.
  16. Haha, Veldig bra, hvor har du lært det? Its; Fy F A E N, but close lol.. F*** means F*** or S*** but its actually an old word for the Devil. F A E N sjøl = the devil himself is an old saying. Where didd you learn Norwegian? Wow, askgamblers auto censor apparently understands norwegian aswell
  17. Here; Ygg·dra·sil \ˈig-drə-ˌsil\ Kinda hard to explain because we scandinavians pronounce the Y sound very different from english. In Norwegian a Y is a vowel. It has one sound to it, just the Y. In English Y is a consenant its pronounced W-H-Y where the Y sound at the end sounds like an I sound. So its really difficult to explain how to pronounce it right. Here they get the YGG part right, the DRA sound almost, but the SIL part sounds wrong, because its an english speaker saying it and he has an accent.
  18. Yes, i also know that pysical slot machines we had here in Norway before(Now banned due to it casued allot of gambling addiction) worked liket this. I befriended a guy who owned a slot bar. He told me what machine to play everytime i came there and i won every time. After they where banned he told me that they could adjust the payouts for the maschine. They would cycle it, let it eat fore one week or two then pay out huge one day and so on. They even sett different machines to different settings within the same shop so that some games basicly had higher payouts(gave multiple jackpot pays to one player) even tough they where the same slots. If this was done here and in Malaysia aswell. And are even done in Vegas, then why shouldent it be done online? The way they tampered with the jackpot kinda proves my point. The game will still be somewhat random as you dont know before you play if you will win or lose. Even the casinos cannot know who will win and who loses. But they can "deny" huge payouts..
  19. Ive seen people ask this question allot about cardgames and roulette. Basicly i think what they are doubting is if its a RNG like slots or a virtual deck of cards. Im not sure how many decks they use in a blackjack game. But fore my example lets say 3 decks of cards thats 156 cards. Now do online blackjack operate under these circumstances? Is it picking the outcome from 156 cards? Or is it a slot like RNG with many more outcomes?
  20. Same as me and my last win.. just one more wild would have made it a 10 000x bet win instead of a 3000x + win. Also had about 6 or so spins to get the last wild.. Nice win but as you say we are never happy before we hit the absoulte best possible
  21. Its either very bad, or good lol. Latley its been very bad to me aswell. Its a game where i usuall do 100 spins or so and then judge its mood from there. But i have had allot of 600-1000x bet wins without 5 wilds on a line. And wildline 3 times on it. But it can go allot of spins between each bonus round. DOA has been extremley poor to me latley tough, its so awfull that its hard to belive its all random.. All bonus rounds pay 10-20x bet. Yesterday i had a crapp session in a casino. Played with a bonus and it started out good. Got a 1000x bet win on 300 shields. And then like someone flipped the switch on me my balance goes from 600 euros to 200 before i get any bonus rounds on any game(played 10 or so games) on 1 euro bets. Played DOA and had 3!!!! bonus rounds in a row without a wild!!!! this is a new record for me. Hard to belive in randomness when the games goes that cold. In that particular casino i had lost over 3K cashed out 2K, then lost back all the 2K. So im down almost 3K in this casino, and it seams i cannot win there at all,its so frustrating.
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