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Everything posted by blondie

  1. You know, few small withdrawals here and there and at the end the amount is big! But seriously, withdrawing is always better than losing so congratulations!
  2. I know it's easier to be said than done.. Especially when a dear friend greed comes in and says "let's reverse and win more!". Right now I have many goals and many ways to spend my winnings so maybe that's why I don't reverse. So I believe it's better to make some goals for your winnings, for something that you really, really want, and secondly, try to avoid places with reversing time or don't go online while your reversing time isn't over! But at the end, do what makes you happy
  3. Don't you have some goal where you want to spend your winnings? Save for a trip or something? I think setting some goals for your winnings can be a good motivator too.
  4. ..but even with your so called low bets it paid off really nicely! )
  5. Great winnings Afi! VaIDes will be really happy to see your DOA win!
  6. I played there today with 15 free spins.
  7. Oh I agree, this month I have made only 2 small withdrawals from Casumo..
  8. Reversign withdrawals has never been a problem of mine.. Over the time I've been gambling, I have reversed my withdrawals only few times. I also like to tell my partner about my winnings and then we usually plan where we're gonna spend them and I get so excited that I want the money faster to my ewallet. I am learning and trying not to be greedy and appreciate even the small winnings I get and I almost never reverse withdrwals because I try to learn from other people mistakes- in most cases you lose your winnings and that's something I wouldn't want to risk.
  9. Great Afi! I have a hateship loveship relationship with Casumo at the moment..haven't withdrawn from them a while.
  10. I personally don't trust this promotion. Last time when they had it, I did everything I needed on twitter and in my casino account, wrote to live chat many times (emails because noone was online) and never ever received an answer.
  11. I am sure I know which casino Kate was talking about And congratz kate on your free spins winning on facebook for Adrenaline campaign But you guys are amazing, those winnings were awesome! So jealous of you all! ))
  12. So far not so big winnings, from many free spins offers I mostly won 0.. Design is really nice but I am not so sure about payouts.
  13. Amazing job and bravo for your braveness, and the Wild Desire win is soo beautiful!
  14. Great winnings FAZIII1! I like few of EGT games, but only for the looks..The payouts aren't good and I never have luck with them.
  15. "Why they are lying??" Because they don't want to pay. As simple as that. I received that email too but didn't claim it as I haven't deposited there for some time.
  16. Yes it was! More than a month ago I reached almost the same win, but it was half the bet, so with 0.15€ I won 229€. Oh, the good times!
  17. This is an interesting topic I think my biggest withdrawal/deposit ratio was when I withdrew 380€ from 1€ deposit at Zodiac (took 2000% bonus). And I agree, if I reach a nice profit, even less than 10x deposit amount, I try to withdraw. Lately I have nothing to withdraw as I don't have any luck so Ihope that will change!
  18. Impressive hajnrih! It's been a little while since someone posted IR screenshots like yours. I have no luck with this game at all.
  19. Exactly! I never have enough guts to play with more than 1.80€ bets and even then I do it very rarely.. And of course I am good jealous!
  20. Absolutely agree with Coco, incredible winnings and the bet amount is not small at all! I kind of feel jealous and super happy too
  21. I'm so proud of all of you, amazing winnings guys! Unfortunately my last sessions have been very bad, can't even make a single screenshot. :/
  22. Hotstripe casino gives 50€ no deposit bonus for new players.
  23. I withdrew from them a couple times, first time there was a delay and I got money in 5days, but the rest times in max.3 days.
  24. This is very impressive! Probably the best winnings I have seen on those games so far, proud of you FAZIII1!
  25. Wow pretty impresive! I've never hit good winnings with Mr Cashback.
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