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Everything posted by blondie

  1. That's so nice of you! I do feel like you all guys have my back in this fight which is all so lovely.
  2. Oh tell me about it! I had connection issues today.. however, I managed to win! All 3 rounds! My best friend was telling me that someone was writing a comment saying that they were rooting for me from Askgamblers! That's so nice! I'm so extremely overwhelmed!
  3. I know, I know but it is easier said than done Besides it's so out of my comfort zone. I just hope everything will go smoothly. BTW thank you Guru, it means so much to me!
  4. Oh Gosh! Today is the first day and I am so nervous! Fingers crossed for me guys!
  5. Well we played Drive and I almost got bonus feature..almost! And I was close to winning in one of the rounds. We'll see
  6. Haha that's true, so I will have to bring my A-game!
  7. Haha, that's well done! I was a sore loser yesterday at my tryout Didn't look my best either But fun absolutely!
  8. Hahah oh my goodness! I still can't believe it and it feels so surreal! I am excited and terrified at the same time! Thanks for support Afi! Best of luck to participants!
  9. Thank you guys! I am so happy to hear these positive comments Thanks for the love!
  10. I haven't tried this casino yet but wager free spins sound amazing. Sadly you didn't know that they were wager free.
  11. Congratulations coco! Stay healthy and sending best wishes your way!
  12. I guess that twinning reels still counts as a feature but I would say that Twin Spin is my favorite game without an actual bonus feature/free spins.
  13. Hi my dear askgamblers! Today I logged into my account and got my 4 year anniversary badge! It is so surreal, I can still remember the first days in the forum and how I looked up to all the gamblers here, and I still do. A lot has happened throughout these years but I can't deny one thing- Askgamblers has given me a lot- new online friends, fantastic contests, gambling community that doesn't judge and most of all I have learned a lot and this amazing forum has brought me many opportunities I would have never thought of. Starting from the very first post here I have learned a lot about myself as a player and as a person and I wouldn't change it. I'm sorry that I haven't been that much around lately, my life has been busy but I promise to come back more often. Thank you everyone who has been a part of my 4 year journey, I appreciate it a lot!
  14. And I am back to congratulate all the recent winners! Haven't been playing too much lately but I can definitely be happy for your wins guys!
  15. Well I am in Malta However, even though it is around 10 degrees here, due to the humidity and lack of fresh air, winters here are very cold + there's no actual heating system built in houses so it's quite rough
  16. Well I am always here.. work has made me very busy and tired + I feel tired because of the cold season.
  17. Little Big Lies is one of my favorite shows, watched it almost in one go- it was that great! By the way- how's everyone doing? Blondie's back again!
  18. Haha I've seen some odd merchant names but never jewelry That's something new.
  19. This win is astonishing- really nicely done! I tried Bonanza at Slotjoint casino in one of my sessions and I really liked it- but didn't manage to get free spins round.
  20. That is a really nice win, Guru! Congratulations What do you think about the game though? Is it worth a serious session? I had tried it a few times at Slotjoint casino but I haven't had anything over 100x bet.
  21. This is really a ridiculous term and very easy to breach because of that. Their bonus terms and wagering in general is very unfriendly for players.
  22. That's actually pretty nice game. I have played it a few times at Slotjoint but haven't had as good win as yours. Congratulations Guru
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