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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. To answer Icy's question regarding slow loading...I guess everyone is getting it too Icy, even me with my Lady in red. More than sufficient specs in her, yet I'm getting a slight lag before the images and messages come on...perhaps due to the immense data being uploaded for viewing, as compared to the previous version of AG.
  2. Sharon...Sharon...I think you did a quick reading on my Lady In Red article...and missed all the excitement! Or...you completely missed the very last word before the lol... I'm here at AG now with my beautiful Lady in red! She needs a little bit more of accustoming to suit my ways, but we're getting along just superbly for now. In fact, I'm also in need of some accustoming to her too...my eyes need to move MORE...left and right...right and left...because my Lady here is just like Kim Kardashian...she has a super wide bum and body!!! I was accustomed to Miley Cyrus standards before this...hahahahaha.
  3. Me...take home a Lad in Red??? Oh boy!!! Hahahahaha. I'll stick with Ladies, thanks! Real ladies...and flip-flop ladies too! For guys, it must be a 'she'. For gals, it must be a 'he'. How else can it be right? Never mind the in-betweens...they'd go for anything!!! LOL. So nobody is wrong...and everyone is right...about how they relate to their beloved laptops, notebooks, desktops and tabletops.
  4. Oh geeee Katy! Only for a minute huh? I thought I'd have you and everyone else tricked for several minutes at least...hahahaha. Oh-oh! Britney Spears got into me yet again..."Oops! I did it again..." hehehe. So sorry Katy dear, not my intention to 'disappear' without permission...but I thought no one would missed me! LOL.
  5. Ahhh...that's for sure matey! Just wondering now...how I should be writing about getting my hands on my Lady in Red...hahahaha.
  6. Make a living out of gambling wins? Naaah! I wouldn't recommend it! It's not everyday that a player can win at gambling...there'll definitely be losing days. At times, just 1 loss can be severe enough to wipe out a week's or even a month's winnings! Then it's all back to square one! Treat gambling as a hobby, one which you can afford to indulge in...or else...best to stay out! No point walking the tightrope day in and day out...when just 1 severe mistake or loss could make you fall down really really hard! All long-time gamblers know this...and have gone through it at one time or another...including myself...and I wouldn't want to go back to where I was ever again! So, always tread ahead step by step, carefully...because mistakes will happen...even to the very best players!
  7. Hehehehe...thank you sooo much matey...brother...whatever...
  8. Did anyone missed me lately? Nope? Oh geeee...never mind! Weeeell, I was kinda preoccupied with many things. Yeah...my on-going tourney is one...which is taking up lots and lots of my time...and money too...grrrrrrr...hehehehe. But I'm slogging on, prodding on...doing my best to remain at the pole position...but there's this one crazy driver who has popped out from way behind and suddenly crept up on my tail...too perilously close for my comfort...with the intention of overtaking me at one of the corners ahead I guess...but I've got Schumacher in me and I ain't letting him pass me! Come on baby...lets race! Hehehe. Is that what this topic is all about? Heck, no! That was merely an appetiser! Whaaat? You don't like it hah? Oh geeee...lets serve you the main meal then! It's call 'Lady in red'. Love it...or hate it...but read it!!! Hahahaha. The other day, I was out and about in my cosy little town where I live, mixing some errands and window shopping if you like. It was getting dark outside, so I got inside. I was just browsing along on my own, minding my own business, when my eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of something bright and colorful not too far away from where I was. A lady in red and black...a color combination quite lethal to me...and I couldn't keep my eyes off her! Oh boy! Was she cute! She had those 3 Ss (SSS)...Slim, Suave, Ssexy! Looking like a real lady...oh geeeees! So I walked up to...her?...nope...not her...to the shop's supervisor...hehehe...and threw some questions about that lady in red! No guts, no balls to walk up straight to her hah? Whaat? Are you nuts?! I don't even know her...yet! Hmmm...apparently, from what I was told by this supervisor friend of mine...this lady in red is a real hottie and a regular at the shop too! And before I knew it...he called for the lady to come over to us! OH MY GOD!!! Now this guy has GUTS!!! Yeah, balls too!!! Hahahaha. Anywaaaay...to cut a long story short...well, it's not that long anyway, but never mind...tomorrow...yes, tomorrow...will be a big big day for me...because...be-cause...I've got a DATE with the lady in red!!! Yippieee!!! Wooohooo!!! (where's my emoticons when I need them!?) A date with the lady in red...oh geees...that too sounds soooo goood! Hehehe. Yeah, right...my mind is going like crazy now! That lady in red just keep materialising in my head...over and over...just like what Kylie Minogue said it would..."I just can't get you out of my head..." oh geees...is this madness or what? Is this just my infatuation??? Is this just my hallucination??? Is this L-O-V-E ??? Oh boooy! Now who's more excited now...YOU or ME??? Hahahaha. And crazy or not...like it or not...tomorrow night...after that date...I'm gonna take the lady in red...h-o-m-e...with me...one way or another!!! LOL You can droooool all you want guys...you can close your gaping mouths ladies...but this lady in red is gonna be mine for life...yes...all MINE!!! Hehehe. And I just can't wait to get my hands on her tomorrow night...wooohooo...drooool...she's such a cute, slim, suave and sssexy laptop!!! lol
  9. When I login just now, I could have sworn I was logging in into a NetEnt Casino Website!!! And my first thought was to look for the game Dead Or Alive, as our Guru Valdes and a few diehard followers would do...but then I saw the keyword 'Complaints'...and I thought "heeey...wait a minute...casinos don't have a 'Complaints' drop-down menu button...so obviously Askgamblers isn't a NetEnt Casino! Hahahaha. LOL. (my emoticons are not working here mate! ) Just kidding folks! You know me...no joke no fun! Hehehe. So...what do I think of the new website? It's a similar question if someone asks me do I like those ultra-modern super-contemporary multi-platform casino websites...and the answer would be...hmmmm...errrrrr...thinking...errrr...by the way, do you like it? I do! Heck! I love it! It's a transformation akin to a normal local domestic supermarket turning into a new super hypermarket! (I guess women would relate to this transformation better than men would...because women just love hypermarkets! Hehehe) Heeey! I do admire and appreciate those gigantuan malls...they're simply marvelous inside out...like a Disneyland...and you can't see all of it in just 1 day! Same thing here with Askgamblers! You can't see everything you wanna see in just 1 day...so make sure you keep coming back day in and day out!!! Hahahaha.
  10. All the best with your withdrawal Bigdk! Hope there won't be glitches with the payment! Wish you could withdraw ALL the winnings right?!
  11. Happy Easter and well done on your win TRM! That's a real devilish win...666 + 6...hehehe
  12. Tell you what then...I'll tell you my answer tomorrow...if correct, you carry on giving the next riddle...hows that mate? I have another brilliant quiz idea in my mind right now and I'm going to PM you shortly for your opinion!
  13. Nice going there Bigdk! But don't get too excited now! That happened to my Monarchs account too. Had several hundreds of dollars in my balance after I left it untouched for a while. Played it for several days more to finish if off. The slots were paying well but I wasn't even thinking of making a win or a withdrawal at Monarchs, or at any Top Game Casino. I simply hate the looong loooong waiting period! Minimum waiting is 2 months...if you're lucky enough! So I just wanted to enjoy the games with whatever free bonuses they offered me...then that's it! All my other Top Game accounts have pending free chips to be taken too...but I'm just not interested right now! They can keep it! Hahahahaha.
  14. Thanks mate. I'll be happy posting my updates here too. Keep everything alive and kicking.
  15. No...not much white at all...mostly gray. Icy should be okay with that. Only the forum section burns his face! Hahahaha.
  16. Thank you ValDes matey! Strangely enough, what you say is true! Only at Omni am I able to achieve all these fantastic wins! Now I have another in the list too...Omni's sister...Fly Casino! Already broken its bank with my first withdrawal...don't know what else I can do over there! Lets wait and see! Hahahaha.
  17. Yep...just goes to show that AG members here are bustling with amazing hidden untapped characteristics! Icy was a vampire from Iceland...I think...hahahaha.
  18. Hahahaha...I know the answer mate...but I wont tell...cos I don't have a riddle to give next!
  19. Hi everyone! Just to update on this month's on-going tourney at Omni Casino. I'm giving everything I've got, aiming straight for that 1st placing in the lowest bet range...and made it! Won $50 cash prize for landing on a MARVEL spot at the 1st place position, and further $50 for each Leader Board update if I can maintain my top position till the end of the tourney, for a possible total of $300 extra! 1 Leader Board down...5 more to go... Afi
  20. Weeeeell, we'll just have to wait and see Icy! If we both don't like it, then you and me...we can go slapping ValDes's head...just like the 3 Stooges! Hahahaha. (no offence please, ValDes matey...just pure joking! )
  21. Hehehehe...thank you very much Icy mate! A rose for you too! Yeah, these 4 super gals would do just fine for my Q6 answer!!!
  22. Thank you my dear Katy! To be very honest, I'm no doctor but I loved the Dr Love role I was given. Things like..."okay ladies, let's hear your problems...our very own Dr Love is in for consultation!" Sounds good doesn't it? Hehehehe. Ohh...I love that Doctor Doctor song too...
  23. Thank you very much my dear mate! Guy or no guy....a rose for you! (don't get any funny ideas now...hahahaha)
  24. Somehow or rather English & UK seem to be a part of me...perhaps I was English before, eh Seat???!!! Hehehehe.
  25. Okay, Jelena dear...we were indeed basically talking the same thing...only the way we interpreted it differs slightly. So...'Nope!' gets crossed out!
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